- 19 Sep, 2014 1 commit
Diana Huang committed
- 18 Sep, 2014 20 commits
Python zip file importable from an asset
Ned Batchelder committed -
Lots of plumbing to allow an asset named python_lib.zip to be imported by jailed Python code. This function can find the "python_lib.zip" asset, and is passed down through ModuleSystem and LoncapaSystem so that capa problems have access to the zipfile.
Ned Batchelder committed -
Correct name of video option
srpearce committed -
Sylvia Pearce committed
Upgrade scipy, lxml, boto, edx-ora2
David Baumgold committed -
Disable flaky javascript tests TE-485
Ben Patterson committed -
Ben Patterson committed
David Baumgold committed
John Eskew committed
Fixed full screen functionality for image module in HTMLModule.
Waheed Ahmed committed -
Draft of 9-18 release notes
srpearce committed -
Sylvia Pearce committed
Upgrade edx-jsme to the latest version.
Sarina Canelake committed -
Move <HR> inside of template conditional
Sarina Canelake committed -
Waheed Ahmed committed -
Sarina Canelake committed
Country and City fields in auth_userprofile
Alison Hodges committed -
ECOM-128 adds a country dropdown to student registration
Alison Hodges committed -
Added instructor persmission checking to _has_access_error_desc() in courseware.access
Usman Khalid committed -
Otherwise, if `settings.ENABLE_INSTRUCTOR_ANALYTICS` is set to `False`, two horizontal rules are rendered consecutively. The <HR> has also been indented to align with surrounding tags.
stv committed
- 17 Sep, 2014 19 commits
This fixes a minor layout bug in edx-jsme 1.0. See: https://github.com/jazkarta/edx-jsme/issues/1 For convenience, the entire diff from the last release is included here: diff --git a/CHANGES.rst b/CHANGES.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..32e0284 --- /dev/null +++ b/CHANGES.rst @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +=================== +edX-JSME Change Log +=================== + +1.0.1 (2014-09-17) +------------------ + +- Fix alignment issue with the correct/incorrect markers. (#1) + +1.0 (2014-07-28) +---------------- + +- Initial release. diff --git a/edx_jsme/templates/jsmeinput.html b/edx_jsme/templates/jsmeinput.html index 861b43f..5ceaf3d 100644 --- a/edx_jsme/templates/jsmeinput.html +++ b/edx_jsme/templates/jsmeinput.html @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ waitfor="" value="${value|h}"/> + <br/> <p id="answer_${id}" class="answer"></p> <p class="status">
Chris Rossi committed -
Revert the changes from PR 5152
Andy Armstrong committed -
Annotation Tools: Adding Try-Catch for anonyous_student_id issue in staging
Sarina Canelake committed -
Add edX OAuth2 provider with OpenID Connect support
Carlos Andrés Rocha committed -
- changed message and added i18n
lduarte1991 committed -
Fixed problems with psychometrics (Opaque Keys)
Sarina Canelake committed -
Update paver bok_choy (test) commands to reflect new default vars.
Ben Patterson committed -
The changes in 5152 appear to have introduced a performance problem on stage, so we're going to revert them for now.
Andy Armstrong committed -
For microsites, since we don't have a footer override yet for django tem...
chrisndodge committed -
Disable sending activation email also when doing external_auth and setting BYPASS_ACTIVATION_EMAIL_FOR_EXTAUTH=True
Sarina Canelake committed -
Carlos Andrés Rocha committed
- Update key comparisons for Opaque Keys - Search for 'problem_check' instead of 'save_problem_check' when filtering TrackingLogs.
Brandon DeRosier committed -
Calling the client root was causing the module store to be modified, affecting test in other Django applications that rely on the default state of the module store.
Carlos Andrés Rocha committed -
Some tests test were using `CourseFactory` buy not deriving from `ModuleStoreTestCase`, introducing a course leaks that broke other unrelated tests.
Carlos Andrés Rocha committed -
Ben Patterson committed
For microsites, since we don't have a footer override yet for django templates, remove the footer all together
Chris Dodge committed -
David Baumgold committed
wait for notification on adding video component
zubair-arbi committed -
enable auto-capturing of hars in bok-choy tests
clytwynec committed