- 25 Nov, 2015 9 commits
Kevin Falcone committed
Add instructions to github.txt
Ned Batchelder committed -
Disable the pip version check message for uninstalls
Jesse Zoldak committed -
Jesse Zoldak committed
SOL-1390: Cert Exceptions: View and Edit Exception list
Zia Fazal committed -
Rewrote Credit API
Clinton Blackburn committed -
LMS: adjusting Wiki alert styles
clrux committed -
Saleem Latif committed
- API built atop Django REST Framework - Added support for OAuth 2.0 and session authentication - Added permissions around eligibility data ECOM-2609
Clinton Blackburn committed
- 24 Nov, 2015 27 commits
Ned Batchelder committed
Update LMS footer links.
Peter Fogg committed -
Chris Rodriguez committed
Refund Policy on Prof Ed Receipts
Ahsan Ulhaq committed -
DOC: Studio Help -- update config.ini file with new paths to B&R Guide
Carol Tong committed -
Carol Tong committed
remove unneeded aria-describedby and aria-hidden attrs on studio modal
Christine Lytwynec committed -
Added new Course Catalog API https://openedx.atlassian.net/browse/MA-1625
Cliff Dyer committed -
Update translations (autogenerated message)
Sarina Canelake committed -
Michael Frey committed
Christine Lytwynec committed
Overridden start and due dates of problems to control due date of a unit from ccx schedule
Peter Pinch committed -
Use the latest ORA and submissions API
Andy Armstrong committed -
Cdodge/fix zero seat invoices
chrisndodge committed -
Sarina Canelake committed
Add the Microsoft Office Mix XBlock
Sarina Canelake committed -
fix quality error
Chris Dodge committed -
Merge pull request #10658 from edx/ahsan/ECOM-2897-Update-help-text-for-Name-field-in-edx-registration Update help text for Name field in edx registration
Ahsan Ulhaq committed -
GitHub has a capital H
David Baumgold committed -
Ned Batchelder committed
Use 0.1.4 of i18n-tools so Django 1.8 will work. PLAT-919
Sarina Canelake committed -
Amir Qayyum Khan committed
Ahsan Ulhaq committed -
Add in the attempt_code field to the proctoring report
chrisndodge committed -
Ahsan Ulhaq committed -
Andy Armstrong committed
Ned Batchelder committed
- 23 Nov, 2015 4 commits
Fix pylint C7630 (literal used as attribute) violations
Ned Batchelder committed -
Upgrade to latest 2.x version of pymongo.
Feanil Patel committed -
There's no need to use a string literal in setattr, delattr, or the two-argument form of getattr.
Ned Batchelder committed -
David Baumgold committed