- 05 Jan, 2017 1 commit
Ned Batchelder committed
- 27 Dec, 2016 4 commits
clean flaky test
Gregory Martin committed -
Gregory Martin committed
Improve screen reader support on logistration pages
Anthony Mangano committed -
Anthony Mangano committed
- 23 Dec, 2016 2 commits
Use DRF extensions 1.2.2 to fix test suite bug
Ned Batchelder committed -
See http://nedbatchelder.com/blog/201612/finding_test_coupling.html for the complete saga.
Ned Batchelder committed
- 22 Dec, 2016 11 commits
Checks access using the CCX course key instead of the base course key
Jillian Vogel committed -
OSPR-1527: robrap/credo hide bookmarks feature in lti mode
Robert Raposa committed -
TNL-5770 (non-)flaky test
Brian Jacobel committed -
Dmitry Viskov committed
Adding support for UTM Tracking to apply to free purhases
mikedikan committed -
TNL-6203 Fix Duplicate button in Studio if user language is changed.
Attiya Ishaque committed -
attiyaishaque committed
Video upload restrictions
Mushtaq Ali committed -
ECOM-6450 Updating commerce api endpoint to capture user UTM cookies and resend them in the server request to the ecommerce IDA. Currently, the non-free purchases are tracked because the user makes the request directly on ecommerce and user cookie contains UTM data, but for free purchases, the UTM cookie isn't sent in the background server request to the ecommerce IDA.
Mike Dikan committed -
Brian Jacobel committed
Flaky inline discussions test marked with @flaky
Brian Jacobel committed
- 21 Dec, 2016 22 commits
instead of using the base course key (which does not contain the CCX info). This removes the need for special checking of CCXKey/CCXLocator types, and just treats them like normal CourseKeys. This fix allows users with a Staff role on a CCX course to view CCX courses in Insights.
Jillian Vogel committed -
Save content library selected blocks during transform phase.
Cliff Dyer committed -
Brian Jacobel committed
Fix quality issues
Calen Pennington committed -
Merge Release back into master
Calen Pennington committed -
Fix release merge conflict
Calen Pennington committed -
transform phase TNL-6198
Nimisha Asthagiri committed -
change variable name
Gregory Martin committed -
Calen Pennington committed
Release candidate
Calen Pennington committed -
Calen Pennington committed
Revert Marketing URL changes
Calen Pennington committed -
This reverts commit bde0f7b2, reversing changes made to 71693c3a.
Calen Pennington committed -
This reverts commit dec4034b, reversing changes made to ef55cc4f.
Calen Pennington committed -
This reverts commit f7a0c1d9, reversing changes made to dec4034b.
Calen Pennington committed -
Test retrieving subsection grade after losing access to block in subsection
sanfordstudent committed -
Nimisha Asthagiri committed
MA-3052: avoid catalog integration for individual course when cached
Calen Pennington committed -
wajeeha-khalid committed
Gregory Martin committed
context manager for course id in context
sanfordstudent committed -
TNL-5487 – Fix InvalidKeyError on render xblock
AsadAzam committed