- 02 May, 2016 1 commit
AlasdairSwan committed
- 25 Apr, 2016 1 commit
AlasdairSwan committed
- 26 Aug, 2015 1 commit
muhammad-ammar committed
- 14 Aug, 2015 1 commit
* removing templates/styling * removing test logic and URLs
Brian Talbot committed
- 09 Jul, 2015 1 commit
Chris Rodriguez committed
- 25 Mar, 2015 1 commit
- reversing the positions of the sidebar and course listing - html for new social icons (not currently wired up) - new actions dropdown for unenrollment and email settings - partial reorganization of dashboard.scss styles - text fix for unenrollment - added missing endif, p/hgroup closures - reverted la.course-item - removed extra operator - fixed broken bok choy test
Marco Morales committed
- 05 Jan, 2015 1 commit
SASS compilation variable conventions update, focusing on basic colors, baseline variable usage for padding and margins, ui-depth extends, along with other small fixes. The intent with this is to not have any user-facing impact, and instead move us closer toward having files that use our newer sass conventions.
Marco Morales committed
- 30 Oct, 2014 1 commit
Add the ability for course staff to specify a Survey and make it required so that a student must fill it out before starting the course
Chris Dodge committed
- 14 Oct, 2014 1 commit
Co-Authored-By: Brian Talbot <btalbot@edx.org> TNL-549
jsa committed
- 05 Sep, 2014 1 commit
Brian Talbot committed
- 04 Sep, 2014 2 commits
Giulio Gratta committed
Giulio Gratta committed
- 11 Feb, 2014 1 commit
Frances Botsford committed
- 03 Jan, 2014 1 commit
* provides new .scss file for developers to add temporary/in-progress Sass for further refactor/polish * cleans up note/import order in all application scss files
Brian Talbot committed
- 24 Oct, 2013 1 commit
- Doubled up :hover and :focus styling to improve a11y - Increase contrast of certain UI elements for improved a11y - Added some image alt text for a11y - Changed video caption styling to blue and made them underline on hover and added a skip link before video for screenreaders. Fixes Bugs: - LMS-1336
Giulio Gratta committed
- 16 Oct, 2013 2 commits
Brian Talbot committed
Brian Talbot committed
- 17 Sep, 2013 1 commit
LMS/Accounts: Converts many class-based Sass archetype-focused @extends to use Sass placeholder syntax
Brian Talbot committed
- 13 Sep, 2013 1 commit
Brian Talbot committed
- 05 Sep, 2013 2 commits
Brian Talbot committed
Brian Talbot committed
- 04 Sep, 2013 3 commits
edx.org: revises course register button background for all cases (verified, riught column, and bottom of page)
Brian Talbot committed -
Brian Talbot committed
edx.org: adds background to register button's html body element for visual blending in course detail view
Brian Talbot committed
- 19 Aug, 2013 1 commit
Brian Talbot committed
- 16 Aug, 2013 1 commit
Frances Botsford committed
- 29 Jul, 2013 3 commits
Brian Talbot committed
Brian Talbot committed
Brian Talbot committed
- 24 Jul, 2013 3 commits
Brian Talbot committed
Brian Talbot committed
Brian Talbot committed
- 05 Jun, 2013 1 commit
Giulio Gratta committed
- 17 May, 2013 1 commit
Greg Price committed
- 16 May, 2013 1 commit
If a user is already registered for a course but the course has not started yet, display a grey button that says "you are registered" and goes nowhere instead of the blue "access courseware" button, which goes to the LMS course about page (which 404s).
Greg Price committed
- 10 May, 2013 3 commits
Brian Talbot committed
edx.org - reduces padding on course listing register buttons (all states) and resets box-sizing to border box to make a proper box model for element
Brian Talbot committed -
Greg Price committed
- 07 May, 2013 2 commits
Brian Talbot committed
edx.org - resolved (in a dirty way) iframed buttons picking up style in IE and added in coming soon style treatment
Brian Talbot committed