- 05 Nov, 2015 25 commits
Nimisha Asthagiri committed
Nimisha Asthagiri committed
Nimisha Asthagiri committed
Nimisha Asthagiri committed
Nimisha Asthagiri committed
Nimisha Asthagiri committed
Clytwynec/add paver test a11y
Christine Lytwynec committed -
adds an accessible label to the search input and the search button
Mark Sadecki committed -
Christine Lytwynec committed
Updated Zendesk error handling
Clinton Blackburn committed -
Fix date summary blocks for courses without an end date.
Peter Fogg committed -
MA-1044 DiscussionTopic - Added bulk operations
Nimisha Asthagiri committed -
Remove legacy MITX_FEATURES reference
David Baumgold committed -
Properly logging exceptions so we have the complete stacktrace. ECOM-2792
Clinton Blackburn committed -
SOL-1377: allow certifcate exception to be added for multiple courses
Matt Drayer committed -
Added checkout error page.
tasawernawaz committed -
Upgrade draggabilly.js to fix Firefox iframe bug
Andy Armstrong committed -
added unit test to test certs exception same user different courses scenario
Zia Fazal committed -
Allow bok-choy default_store to be controlled by env vars.
Ben Patterson committed -
Andy Armstrong committed -
Refactor for multiprocessing.
Ben Patterson committed -
I also took this opportunity to do some small cleanups of the date summary code, specifically converting some attributes to properties in order to remove a Pylint directive disabling warnings about missing docstrings.
Peter Fogg committed -
wajeeha-khalid committed
(WIP) Proctoring: fix sass and use updated edx-proctoring version
chrisndodge committed -
Tasawer committed
- 04 Nov, 2015 15 commits
Mark Sadecki committed
SOL-1346:convert string to bytestring before passing it to urllib.quote_plus
Matt Drayer committed -
Fixes invalid/improper microdata and attribute values in the header logo
Mark Sadecki committed -
Fix stale RTD links in CONTRIBUTING.rst OPEN-1047
Sarina Canelake committed -
TNL-2646: Escape json in Studio
Robert Raposa committed -
Course pacing template changes.
Peter Fogg committed -
Make escaping for json simpler and more consistent in Mako templates - add escape_json_dumps to escape and json.dumps - add escape_js_str to escape javascript string - refactor Studio to use escape_json_dumps in Mako templates TNL-2646: Escape json.dumps
Robert Raposa committed -
Removing this particular call to json.dumps was done by removing the complete method subsection_handler which is no longer used. The template edit_subsection.html had already been removed. TNL-2646 Escape json
Robert Raposa committed -
Sarina Canelake committed
Release 4 November 2015 to master
Eric Fischer committed -
Fix underscore extraction error
Sarina Canelake committed -
Update `cert_info` docstring with correct return type.
Peter Fogg committed -
Disabled auto enroll in ccx coach's enrollment tab
Peter Pinch committed -
Fixing cert_status None bug
Eric Fischer committed -
Ben Patterson committed