1. 03 Nov, 2017 1 commit
  2. 01 Sep, 2017 1 commit
  3. 22 Jun, 2017 1 commit
  4. 21 Apr, 2017 1 commit
  5. 06 Apr, 2017 1 commit
  6. 03 Mar, 2017 1 commit
  7. 10 Feb, 2017 1 commit
  8. 01 Aug, 2016 1 commit
  9. 02 Jun, 2016 1 commit
  10. 30 May, 2016 1 commit
  11. 20 Apr, 2016 1 commit
  12. 19 Apr, 2016 1 commit
  13. 18 Apr, 2016 1 commit
  14. 14 Jan, 2016 4 commits
  15. 13 Jan, 2016 1 commit
  16. 07 Jan, 2016 4 commits
    • Shrink images using trimage · bd7e4dd3
       lms/static/images/wmd-buttons-transparent.png       | Bin 9698 -> 7046 bytes
       lms/static/images/wmd-buttons.png                   | Bin 7465 -> 5970 bytes
       .../credit_notifications/edx-logo-header.png        | Bin 1894 -> 1225 bytes
       .../ebe754f90bc88acf8ec6a1d27b87f743_120.jpg        | Bin 3168 -> 2752 bytes
       .../ebe754f90bc88acf8ec6a1d27b87f743_30.jpg         | Bin 957 -> 648 bytes
       .../ebe754f90bc88acf8ec6a1d27b87f743_50.jpg         | Bin 1362 -> 1048 bytes
       .../ebe754f90bc88acf8ec6a1d27b87f743_500.jpg        | Bin 15852 -> 13940 bytes
       .../f0d065035a5c4d32df318fbc54138765_120.jpg        | Bin 3168 -> 2752 bytes
       .../f0d065035a5c4d32df318fbc54138765_30.jpg         | Bin 957 -> 648 bytes
       .../f0d065035a5c4d32df318fbc54138765_50.jpg         | Bin 1362 -> 1048 bytes
       .../f0d065035a5c4d32df318fbc54138765_500.jpg        | Bin 15852 -> 13940 bytes
       themes/edge.edx.org/lms/static/images/logo.png      | Bin 7465 -> 4574 bytes
       themes/edx.org/cms/static/images/studio-logo.png    | Bin 4782 -> 4779 bytes
       themes/edx.org/lms/static/images/logo-large.png     | Bin 4581 -> 3367 bytes
       themes/edx.org/lms/static/images/logo.png           | Bin 1244 -> 1184 bytes
       .../lms/static/images/profiles/default_120.png      | Bin 6398 -> 3252 bytes
       .../lms/static/images/profiles/default_30.png       | Bin 993 -> 522 bytes
       .../lms/static/images/profiles/default_50.png       | Bin 2068 -> 1035 bytes
       .../lms/static/images/profiles/default_500.png      | Bin 91560 -> 0 bytes
       themes/red-theme/lms/static/images/logo.png         | Bin 909 -> 559 bytes
       20 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
      Calen Pennington committed
    • Shrink images using trimage · 0dfb9870
       lms/static/images/linkedin_add_to_profile.png    | Bin 139290 -> 1320 bytes
       lms/static/images/logo-large.png                 | Bin 20342 -> 8447 bytes
       lms/static/images/logo.png                       | Bin 4243 -> 885 bytes
       lms/static/images/opencourseware.png             | Bin 13203 -> 11395 bytes
       lms/static/images/openedx-logo-tag-dark.png      | Bin 2539 -> 1624 bytes
       lms/static/images/openedx-logo-tag-light.png     | Bin 2702 -> 1776 bytes
       lms/static/images/openedx-logo-tag.png           | Bin 2596 -> 1607 bytes
       lms/static/images/pencils.jpg                    | Bin 30064 -> 25607 bytes
       lms/static/images/play.png                       | Bin 2966 -> 1729 bytes
       lms/static/images/problem-editor-icons.png       | Bin 2307 -> 2304 bytes
       lms/static/images/profiles/default_120.png       | Bin 2690 -> 1133 bytes
       lms/static/images/profiles/default_30.png        | Bin 576 -> 274 bytes
       lms/static/images/profiles/default_50.png        | Bin 1023 -> 449 bytes
       lms/static/images/profiles/default_500.png       | Bin 17594 -> 5671 bytes
       lms/static/images/search-icon.png                | Bin 1195 -> 423 bytes
       lms/static/images/show-hide-discussion-icon.png  | Bin 1610 -> 771 bytes
       lms/static/images/small-header-home-icon.png     | Bin 1128 -> 276 bytes
       lms/static/images/social/google-plus-sharing.png | Bin 1161 -> 1046 bytes
       lms/static/images/textbook/textbook-left.png     | Bin 783 -> 705 bytes
       lms/static/images/textbook/textbook-right.png    | Bin 822 -> 690 bytes
       lms/static/images/ui-icons_222222_256x240.png    | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       lms/static/images/vcert-ribbon-s.png             | Bin 4843 -> 3147 bytes
       lms/static/images/verified-ribbon.png            | Bin 1791 -> 751 bytes
       lms/static/images/white-error-icon.png           | Bin 1107 -> 344 bytes
       lms/static/images/wiki-icons.png                 | Bin 2410 -> 1464 bytes
       25 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
      Calen Pennington committed
    • Shrink images using trimage · d3da2585
       .../images/bulk_email/GooglePlusIcon_gray.png       | Bin 680 -> 678 bytes
       lms/static/images/bulk_email/LinkedInIcon.png       | Bin 751 -> 417 bytes
       lms/static/images/bulk_email/MeetupIcon.png         | Bin 1283 -> 679 bytes
       lms/static/images/bulk_email/MeetupIcon_gray.png    | Bin 685 -> 678 bytes
       lms/static/images/bulk_email/TwitterIcon.png        | Bin 998 -> 517 bytes
       lms/static/images/bulk_email/TwitterIcon_gray.png   | Bin 518 -> 515 bytes
       lms/static/images/bulk_email/VKontakteIcon.png      | Bin 2480 -> 1272 bytes
       lms/static/images/bulk_email/VKontakteIcon_gray.png | Bin 3099 -> 3092 bytes
       lms/static/images/bulk_email/YoutubeIcon.png        | Bin 1964 -> 1856 bytes
       lms/static/images/bulk_email/YoutubeIcon_gray.png   | Bin 1961 -> 1878 bytes
       lms/static/images/bulk_email/edXHeaderImage.jpg     | Bin 25814 -> 24906 bytes
       lms/static/images/bullet-closed.png                 | Bin 230 -> 191 bytes
       lms/static/images/bullet-open.png                   | Bin 219 -> 188 bytes
       lms/static/images/default-badges/honor.png          | Bin 20814 -> 13316 bytes
       lms/static/images/default-badges/professional.png   | Bin 21855 -> 14603 bytes
       lms/static/images/default-badges/verified.png       | Bin 21855 -> 14603 bytes
       lms/static/images/edx-theme/edx-logo-77x36.png      | Bin 5139 -> 3674 bytes
       lms/static/images/green-pointer.png                 | Bin 3474 -> 887 bytes
       lms/static/images/homepage-hero-video-thumb.jpg     | Bin 4537 -> 4517 bytes
       lms/static/images/honor-ribbon.png                  | Bin 5956 -> 4251 bytes
       lms/static/images/icon-sm-professional.png          | Bin 2892 -> 1883 bytes
       lms/static/images/icon-sm-verified.png              | Bin 3247 -> 776 bytes
       lms/static/images/icon-sm-xseries-white.png         | Bin 706 -> 475 bytes
       lms/static/images/large-white-error-icon.png        | Bin 1800 -> 951 bytes
       lms/static/images/link-icon.png                     | Bin 326 -> 296 bytes
       25 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
      Calen Pennington committed
    • Shrink images using trimage · 9daaa35d
       common/test/data/xml_dag/static/just_a_test.jpg    | Bin 547 -> 517 bytes
       .../test_microsite/images/background-image.jpg     | Bin 160660 -> 160625 bytes
       .../test_microsite/images/header-logo.png          | Bin 1215 -> 1212 bytes
       docs/en_us/architecture/locator_ubiquity.jpg       | Bin 51876 -> 47455 bytes
       docs/en_us/architecture/presplit.jpg               | Bin 43129 -> 38944 bytes
       docs/en_us/architecture/studio mapping.jpg         | Bin 48247 -> 43786 bytes
       .../enrollment_api/source/_static/homepage-bg.jpg  | Bin 160660 -> 160625 bytes
       docs/en_us/internal/test_pyramid.png               | Bin 24698 -> 17598 bytes
       .../platform_api/source/_static/homepage-bg.jpg    | Bin 160660 -> 160625 bytes
       .../shared/images/Announcement_subscriptions.png   | Bin 43413 -> 15474 bytes
       lms/static/certificates/images/backpack-logo.png   | Bin 2107 -> 1112 bytes
       lms/static/certificates/images/backpack-ui.png     | Bin 76558 -> 54810 bytes
       lms/static/certificates/images/bg-verified.png     | Bin 25152 -> 5169 bytes
       lms/static/certificates/images/demo-sig1.png       | Bin 3852 -> 2099 bytes
       lms/static/certificates/images/demo-sig2.png       | Bin 3695 -> 1990 bytes
       lms/static/certificates/images/demo-sig3.png       | Bin 7315 -> 3721 bytes
       .../certificates/images/demo-user-profile.png      | Bin 61749 -> 40719 bytes
       lms/static/certificates/images/ico-honor.png       | Bin 59443 -> 35743 bytes
       .../certificates/images/ico-mozillaopenbadges.png  | Bin 3638 -> 1870 bytes
       lms/static/certificates/images/ico-verified.png    | Bin 59571 -> 35713 bytes
       lms/static/images/app/google_play_badge_45.png     | Bin 8913 -> 4548 bytes
       lms/static/images/bg-footer-divider.jpg            | Bin 416 -> 390 bytes
       lms/static/images/bg-texture.png                   | Bin 10028 -> 2092 bytes
       lms/static/images/bulk_email/FacebookIcon.png      | Bin 550 -> 333 bytes
       lms/static/images/bulk_email/GooglePlusIcon.png    | Bin 1286 -> 679 bytes
       25 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
      Calen Pennington committed
  17. 11 Dec, 2015 1 commit
  18. 10 Dec, 2015 1 commit
  19. 04 Dec, 2015 1 commit
  20. 03 Dec, 2015 1 commit
  21. 30 Oct, 2015 1 commit
  22. 21 Oct, 2015 1 commit
  23. 30 Sep, 2015 2 commits
    • Remove the edx.org comprehensive theme · aa8ecca5
      There's a lot of useful things in PR #8271 that provide a framework
      for the comprehensive theming system. If we need to remove the edx.org
      theme from the codebase, we can leave most of PR #8271 in, to make it
      easier to build on top of and get this feature back in.
      David Baumgold committed
    • Remove the edx.org comprehensive theme · 116ca291
      There's a lot of useful things in PR #8271 that provide a framework
      for the comprehensive theming system. If we need to remove the edx.org
      theme from the codebase, we can leave most of PR #8271 in, to make it
      easier to build on top of and get this feature back in.
      David Baumgold committed
  24. 17 Sep, 2015 1 commit
  25. 11 Aug, 2015 1 commit
  26. 06 Jul, 2015 1 commit
    • Default "Course About" image · 84f7aef9
      Templates that display the image now check if courses specifies an image, if they don't the default image is displayed
      Path set in both common.py and aws.py to allow for easy overriding in one place.
      Addresses SOL-926
      Some code provided by Davorin Sego
      Giulio Gratta committed
  27. 16 Jun, 2015 1 commit
  28. 02 Jun, 2015 1 commit
  29. 17 Apr, 2015 1 commit
  30. 16 Apr, 2015 1 commit
  31. 23 Feb, 2015 1 commit
  32. 13 Jan, 2015 1 commit
  33. 09 Jan, 2015 1 commit