- 12 Dec, 2016 9 commits
Flaky video translations test fix.
Ben Patterson committed -
PLAT1122 - Upgrade Django to 1.8.17
Brian Mesick committed -
Ben Patterson committed
[ENT-61] Changes to accommodate consent logic on Enterprise app
Jesse Shapiro committed -
removes redundant alt attribute value
Mark Sadecki committed -
Sadly, I introduce a time.sleep here. The hovering over the elements is particularly brittle, and there is no obvious signal for when the page is done rendering. I'm putting a sleep in here so we can more-quickly support Firefox 45.
Ben Patterson committed -
Jesse Shapiro committed
Add method attribute to make sure login, registration, password_reset…
Edward Zarecor committed -
Mark Sadecki committed
- 11 Dec, 2016 2 commits
Fix TNL-5453
Ben Patterson committed -
Add method attribute to make sure login, registration, password_reset, and financial_assistance forms are always submitted via POST. SEC-223
Anthony Mangano committed
- 09 Dec, 2016 6 commits
Go back to comparing timestamps in has_database_updated_with_new_score
Eric Fischer committed -
Also fixes issue where ORA grades were never updated, by including them in this check. TNL-5994 TNL-5995
Eric Fischer committed -
Eric Fischer committed
Update sidebar text re Activate permissions
Carol Tong committed -
Carol Tong committed
Changes required for the Enterprise app enrollment feature.
Sven Marnach committed
- 08 Dec, 2016 17 commits
Support the display of downloadable PDF course certs
Simon Chen committed -
Allows course team to directly activate / disable web certificates
Marco Morales committed -
Simon Chen committed
Don't skip migration test
Ben Patterson committed -
Mark Sadecki committed
Ben Patterson committed
Ben Patterson committed
Grade Report rename "Not Accessible" to "Not Available".
Nimisha Asthagiri committed -
ENT-11 Adding link to enterprise page in the footer
Brittney Exline committed -
Update translations (autogenerated message)
Ned Batchelder committed -
Ned Batchelder committed
Brittney Exline committed
Sven Marnach committed
grading events
sanfordstudent committed -
Nimisha Asthagiri committed
bmedx committed
Fix edx-val version upgrade string
Mushtaq Ali committed
- 07 Dec, 2016 6 commits
Added enterprise link, moved media kit down to second line, and adjusted styling to avoid wrapping when possible.
Brittney Exline committed -
for TNL-5045
Sanford Student committed -
bmedx committed
Update xblock-poll to v1.2.3
Tim Krones committed -
WL Enrollees on edX.org email list
Ahsan Ulhaq committed -
Ahsan Ulhaq committed