1. 26 May, 2016 1 commit
  2. 24 May, 2016 2 commits
  3. 02 May, 2016 3 commits
  4. 28 Apr, 2016 1 commit
  5. 27 Apr, 2016 2 commits
  6. 21 Apr, 2016 1 commit
  7. 15 Apr, 2016 1 commit
    • Reconcile double reverts · 60fab86f
      Resolves conflicts between reverts of pattern library test pages and multi-site comprehensive theming, and the re-introduction of pattern library test pages. Fixes a pipeline rendering test which relied on other tests updating assets. The test now ensures that static assets are available before running.
      Andy Armstrong committed
  8. 12 Apr, 2016 1 commit
  9. 11 Apr, 2016 2 commits
  10. 08 Apr, 2016 2 commits
  11. 07 Apr, 2016 1 commit
  12. 05 Apr, 2016 1 commit
  13. 04 Apr, 2016 2 commits
  14. 28 Mar, 2016 1 commit
    • saleem-latif/WL-328: Multi-Site Comprehensive Theming · a796b563
      ziafazal: improvements need for multi-tenancy
      ziafazal: fixed broken tests
      ziafazal: no need to add setting in test.py
      ziafazal: added hostname validation
      ziafazal: changes after feedback from mattdrayer
      ziafazal: fixed branding and microsite broken tests
      ziafazal: make STATICFILES_DIRS to list
      ziafazal: added theme directory to mako lookup for tests
      ziafazal: added more protection in test_util
      saleem-latif: Enable SCSS Overrides for Comprehensive Theming
      saleem-latif: Incoporate feedback changes, Correct test failures, add tests and enable theming for django templates
      saleem-latif: Correct errors in python tests
      mattdrayer: Fix invalid release reference
      mattdrayer: Update django-wiki reference to latest release
      saleem-latif: Update Theme storages to work with Caching, Pipeline and collectstatic
      saleem-latif: Incorporate feedback changes
      mattdrayer: Pylint violation fix
      mattdrayer: Fix broken pavelib test
      Zia Fazal committed
  15. 25 Mar, 2016 1 commit
    • Fix issues with Underscore in the asset pipeline · 6dd09a89
      The previous approach for handling NPM assets was
      to symlink them into the static directory. This appeared
      to cause trouble with the asset pipeline where the files
      in question were not installed and then old versions were
      picked up instead.
      This change instead copies NPM libraries to a new
      static directory so that the pipeline can consume them
      as with any other file. This new directory is added to
      .gitignore so that the files don't get accidentally
      checked in.
      Andy Armstrong committed
  16. 16 Mar, 2016 1 commit
  17. 14 Mar, 2016 1 commit
    • ziafazal/WL-328: Multi-Site Comprehensive Theming · 954dae58
      ziafazal: improvements need for multi-tenancy
      ziafazal: fixed broken tests
      ziafazal: no need to add setting in test.py
      ziafazal: added hostname validation
      ziafazal: changes after feedback from mattdrayer
      ziafazal: fixed branding and microsite broken tests
      ziafazal: make STATICFILES_DIRS to list
      ziafazal: added theme directory to mako lookup for tests
      ziafazal: added more protection in test_util
      saleem-latif: Enable SCSS Overrides for Comprehensive Theming
      saleem-latif: Incoporate feedback changes, Correct test failures, add tests and enable theming for django templates
      saleem-latif: Correct errors in python tests
      mattdrayer: Fix invalid release reference
      mattdrayer: Update django-wiki reference to latest release
      Zia Fazal committed
  18. 08 Feb, 2016 1 commit
  19. 29 Jan, 2016 2 commits
  20. 03 Dec, 2015 1 commit
  21. 10 Nov, 2015 1 commit
  22. 17 Sep, 2015 2 commits
  23. 15 Sep, 2015 2 commits
  24. 28 Aug, 2015 1 commit
  25. 01 Jul, 2015 1 commit
  26. 23 Jun, 2015 1 commit
  27. 17 Jun, 2015 1 commit
  28. 10 Jun, 2015 1 commit
  29. 09 Jun, 2015 1 commit
  30. 01 Jun, 2015 1 commit
    • New Feature: Certificates Web View · af7277cd
      - SOL-465: Initial implementation of certificates web view and signatories (names/titles)
      - SOL-718 Close button is working properly
      - SOL-801 Backbone Signatories Modeling
      - SOL-803 Underscore template: Editor (Add)
      - SOL-802 Signatories: Underscore template - Details
      - SOL-804 Signatories: Underscore template: Editor (Edit)
      - Add signatory delete Django view
      - SOL-805 Signatory editor (Delete)
      - Add Coffeescript router
      - SOL-716 Jasmine Tests
      - Added missing minified JS library
      - client side validation of signatory fields
      - SOL-390 signatories names
      - Remove obsolete extends Sass files
      - input maxlength limiting for signatory information
      - SOL-389: Course title override
      - SOL-466: Add capability to upload digitized signatures in Studio
      - ziafazal: fixed css for upload signature image
      - ziafazal: completed deletion of signature images
      - UX-1741: Add initial static rendering/styling for Open edX web certs
        * creating new global static dir
        * adding static version of edX UX pattern library assets
        * adding web certificates static assets
        * adding static (+abstracted) web certificates rendering
        * creating two tiers of rendering (base + distinguished)
        * providing sample assets for certificate rendering
        * supporting RTL layouts
        * adding certifcates assests to edX static asset pipeline
        * temporarily hiding the mozilla open badges share action
        * wiring print button to print view/page
        * fixup! addressing conflict artifact in valid cert template
        * fixup! adding missing %hd-subsection sass extend + components comment clean up
        * fixup! correcting pattern library .hd-4 font-weight value
      - SOL-468 Linked Student View for Web View Credential
      - SOL-467: Add capability to upload organization logos for certificates
      - SOL-391 / SOL-387: Signatory related info (assets) in certificates web view
      - kelketek: Fixes for static asset collection in certificate HTML view.
      - SOL-398 Web View: Public Access
      - mattdrayer: Post-merge branch stabilization
      - catong: Initial changes to Studio template and Help config file
      - ziafazal: Branch stabilizations
      - SOL-387: Display organization logo on LMS web view
      - talbs/mattdrayer: Branch Stabilizations
      - talbs: converting backpack action to use a button HTML element
      - talbs: revising placeholder assets + their rendering in cert view
      - mattdrayer: Username web view wireup
      - SOL-386 Certificate Mode Previews
      - SOL-905: Make organization logo and signatory signature uneditable
      - SOL-922: Improve test coverage
      - SOL-765: Add LinkedIn sharing
      - [marco] temporary styling adjustment to account for smaller linkedin share image / fake button
      - SOL-921: Address hardcoded template items
      - SOL-927: Deleting certificate should delete org logo image also
        * updated invalid template
        * removed hr
        * fix invalid certificate error
      - clrux: Add i18n to certificate templates and partials
      - mattdrayer: Pylint violations
      - SOL-920 Certificate Activation/Deactivation
      - mattdrayer: Added LMS support
      - SOL-932: Fix preview mode support in certificate view
      - SOL-934: Fixed bug reported and broken tests
      - SOL-935 removed the 'valid' word from web view title
      - talbs: RTL support updates/fixes
        * revising certificate type icon/name vertical alignment
        * removing unused older certificate template
        * revising styling for message/banner actions
        * abstracting accomplishment type to use course mode + adding in honor/verified-specific placeholders
      - mattdrayer: JSHint violations
      Matt Drayer committed