- 08 Oct, 2015 1 commit
Saleem Latif committed
- 07 Oct, 2015 1 commit
Merge pull request #10015 from edx/afeef/bugfix/tnl-3258-fix-confirm-navigation-popup-unmodified-group-configurations TNL-3258 Reset group configuration model when a child content group i…
Afeef Janjua committed
- 06 Oct, 2015 15 commits
Edward Zarecor committed -
Add Video File Size Warning to Upload Template
Mark Hoeber committed -
Mark Hoeber committed
wajeeha-khalid committed
Hotfix/2015 10 06b
Edward Zarecor committed -
Add self to AUTHORS
Robert Raposa committed -
asadiqbal08/SOL-1255: Remove all character limits in signatory fields
Matt Drayer committed -
MA-1341 User Account: returned updated value from Patch
wajeeha-khalid committed -
updated docstring
wajeeha-khalid committed -
asadiqbal committed
Robert Raposa committed
Calen Pennington committed
Calen Pennington committed
Peter Fogg committed
add new column 'copy_id_photo_from' for 'SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification' model to track initial verification with 'photo_id_key'
zubair-arbi committed
- 05 Oct, 2015 17 commits
Mark flaky tests (TNL-3514 and TNL-3515).
Peter Fogg committed -
Merging changes for hotfix/2015-10-05
Clinton Blackburn committed -
Revert "Upgrade django-pipeline and staticfiles"
Brian Beggs committed -
Add IP to all python Segment tracking calls
Bill DeRusha committed -
Peter Fogg committed
Resolved conflicts from hotfix-2015-10-05
Clinton Blackburn committed -
Brian Beggs committed
Include a message in the teams.ImmutableMembershipFieldException
Ned Batchelder committed -
Hotfix for 2015-10-05
Clinton Blackburn committed -
Clinton Blackburn committed -
SOL-1262 Update Studio Button Copy
Matt Drayer committed -
- Added support for Unicode characters when creating the signature - Using <textarea> for form data to support newline characters - Generating form with jQuery instead of relying on existing DOM element - Removed duplicated credit request code - Corrected spaing on dashboard - Enabled functionality by default Dashboard cleanup -- Cleaned styles -- Added wrapper class to use for hiding the actions -- Cleaned JS toggling of error container -- Corrected dashboard and receipt text ECOM-2172
Clinton Blackburn committed -
MAYN-129: additional payment details were not shown
Matt Drayer committed -
MAYN-141: WL Favicon not displaying correctly
Matt Drayer committed -
MAYN-131: Update Unsupported Browser message
Matt Drayer committed -
Chris Dodge committed
asadiqbal committed
- 02 Oct, 2015 6 commits
Also add a __repr__ to CourseTeam so that it could be useful too.
Ned Batchelder committed -
Doc Label fix for Intersphinx
Mark Hoeber committed -
Flag test as flaky. See TNL-3492.
Ben Patterson committed -
TNL-3489. Flag test as flaky.
Ben Patterson committed -
Fixed select_related fields for course embargos and the mobile user api. TNL-3452
Brian Beggs committed -
Mark Hoeber committed