- 11 Apr, 2015 17 commits
Improve testing of views and utils Test api methods added to models.
cewing committed -
Remove over-cautious assertion and allow calling errors to be calling errors fix problems in auto_enroll method ensure that the active poc is wiped out if the user has no poc membership
cewing committed -
Add date widget for setting start and due dates for the course sections, plus simple server side validation for avoiding db corruption from bad dates Add immediate feedback for date validation errors
Carlos de la Guardia committed -
Based loosely on course enrollment model Ensure that registered users are 'active' when they are enrolled in a POC Respect the 'auto enroll' and 'email students' checkboxes in the UI Add an auto_enroll flag to the PocFutureMembership model so we can automatically enroll non-users when they have registered and activated their account. Build a future enrollment using the auto_enroll value from the request so we can ensure that non-existent users can be auto-enrolled Ensure that any user added by way of the one-at-a-time UI is automatically auto-enrolled Update tests with email sending to use the flag from the request Provide api on the PocMembership object to auto-enroll a newly active member in this poc. This method will delete the passed PocFutureMembership object and will automatically enroll the user in the POC named in that future membership as well as the MOOC from which it was created Conditionally activate poc memberships that are pending when a new registree first activates their account.
cewing committed -
Use client's session to set POC for test, now that we have the capability to do that. Use a middleware to set the current POC one time per request, and avoid having to look up the stack for the current request in 'get_current_poc'. Fetch all overrides for a block at one time. Speed up the lineage computation by doing some caching. Unused import. Get field overrides once per user per block. Streamline configuration. Fix poc config tuples
Chris Rossi committed -
Remove unused assertion. Login is required so this will never be used. No point in having it here.
cewing committed -
Ensure there is a consistent key for the session dict that will store the value of the poc_id if one is active. If none is active, the mooc is assumed to be active. Add mooc_name, mooc_url and active to the dict for each poc membership. Update the navigation template to show link to mooc if poc is active, or to poc if not. Ensure the switch_active_pocs view is covered well with tests.
cewing committed -
Add a utility function to get template data for the POCs to which a user is actively registered Add tests for the new utility
cewing committed -
Story #35 As a coach I can see and edit the json for the grading policy. Story #34 Recalculate grading policy Repair the broken test for grading by providing an explicit POC context for the request to run in
Chris Rossi committed -
Chris Rossi committed
Chris Rossi committed
Chris Rossi committed
cewing committed
Story #4: Coaches sees grades. Story #9: Coach downloads grades.
Chris Rossi committed -
cewing committed
Implelement test coverage for utility code supporting enrollments in CCXs bugfix: prevent UnboundNameError if user does not exist in database.
cewing committed -
This feature provides the ability to designate a "coach" who can create customized runs of an existing course, invite students to participate, and manage students through the run of the course. In this squashed commit we implement the initial scifi, add the 'POC Coach' course role, refine the scifi, add migrations for models, create POCs, enforce POC Coach role, provide panels for Coach Dashboard, set up rudimentary display of course outline, add and remove units, show/hide all units, and save schedule changes, set dates when adding units, edit dates on units already added and provide some tests. We also provide mechanisms for invitation and enrollment in a POC (to become CCX) and control the display of blocks to students in a POC.
Chris Rossi committed
- 06 Apr, 2015 11 commits
individual students, and a reimplementation of the individual due date feature. This work introduces an architecture, used with the 'authored_data' portion of LmsFieldData, which allows arbitrary field overrides to be made for fields that are part of the course content or settings (Mongo data). The basic architecture is extensible by means of writing and configuring arbitrary field override providers. One concrete implementation of a field override provider is provided which allows for overrides to be for individual students. This provider is then used as a basis for reimplementing the individual due date extensions feature as a proof of concept for the design. One can imagine writing override providers that provide overrides based on a student's membership in a cohort or other similar idea. This work is being done, in fact, to pave the way for the Personal Online Courses feature being developed by MIT, which will use an override provider very much long those lines.
Chris Rossi committed -
Make e-mail activation optional
Piotr Mitros committed -
Piotr Mitros committed
Fix i18n breaking in some js and underscore files
Sarina Canelake committed -
Add i18n_fastgenerate
Sarina Canelake committed -
use different queue for smaller emails (TNL-1591)
Adam committed -
Redirect Enrollment API to Platform API doc
Mark Hoeber committed -
Update translations (autogenerated message)
Sarina Canelake committed -
Sarina Canelake committed
Adam Palay committed
Add mentoring v2 and its bump dependency xblock-utils for Harvard
Braden MacDonald committed
- 05 Apr, 2015 2 commits
1. Spliting strings inside the call to `gettext()` in javascript breaks the string extraction process, so the string should kept in one line. 2. Using escape string inside a string in `gettext()` may cause the extractor to misunderstand the escape string, so that it will escape this escape string.
louyihua committed -
So the time-consuming i18n_extract step can be skipped for situations that only the translated strings are modified while the source strings are still the same.
louyihua committed
- 03 Apr, 2015 10 commits
Braden MacDonald committed
Merge release back into master (hotfix-2015-04-03)
Will Daly committed -
Hotfix: Add proxy to allow IE9 to make xdomain requests
Will Daly committed -
Move debug toolbar to end of devstack middleware
Greg Price committed -
Update SKU field help text and verbose name
Renzo Lucioni committed -
The django debug toolbar circumvents other middleware with process_view functions, so it needs to go at the end of our MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES setting. https://django-debug-toolbar.readthedocs.org/en/1.3/tips.html#middleware-isn-t-working-correctly
Greg Price committed -
Fix duplication of Randomized Content Blocks
Kelketek committed -
Update XBlock Hash
Kelketek committed -
PLAT-520 Fix Asset store import of null values.
Nimisha Asthagiri committed -
Kelketek committed