- 29 Oct, 2015 13 commits
In the event of a pylint failure, we need to cat the log. This will also ensure that the remaining scripts in the job can run.
Ben Patterson committed -
Add Douglas Hall to AUTHORS
Douglas Hall committed -
basic programs api setup and dashboard integration
Zubair Afzal committed -
Disable Fast Preview for version 2.5.
Christina Roberts committed -
time.coffee no longer exists
Christina Roberts committed -
Except for the Discussion Tab. TNL-3693, TNL-3365
cahrens committed -
Changes to handler URL generation
David Ormsbee committed -
Remove circuit djangoapp from LMS
Sarina Canelake committed -
zubair-arbi committed -
Fix pep8 & pylint warnings.
Muzaffar yousaf committed -
muzaffaryousaf committed -
muzaffaryousaf committed -
Enable self-paced courses.
Peter Fogg committed
- 28 Oct, 2015 27 commits
Also adds improved styling for course pacing settings, and unit tests around query counts for self-paced courses. ECOM-2650
Peter Fogg committed -
Peter Fogg committed
Delete swfobject.js and analytics.js.
Christina Roberts committed -
TNL-3697/DOC-2372 Modify "Manage Users" template to indicate that course team members are not automatically enrolled in courses
Carol Tong committed -
Douglas Hall committed
cahrens committed
Peter Fogg committed
Currently unstyled. ECOM-2462
Peter Fogg committed -
Peter Fogg committed
Peter Fogg committed -
Peter Fogg committed -
Peter Fogg committed
Peter Fogg committed
Peter Fogg committed
Calen Pennington committed
Calen Pennington committed
Add a django-rest-framework APIView that supports reading/writing the current value of a configuration model
Calen Pennington committed -
Add make_course_usage_key method to modulestore
Nimisha Asthagiri committed -
Updated receipt page to use order endpoint
Clinton Blackburn committed -
Upgrade flaky for multiprocessing nose support.
Ben Patterson committed -
The receipt page now retrieves data for orders instead of baskets. Going forward baskets will be deleted after an order has been placed, so there should be no permanent references to baskets. Orders will continue to be persisted permanently. ECOM-2653
Clinton Blackburn committed -
Fix for PLAT-881: Disable CallStackManger from StudentModule
Brian Beggs committed -
Flaky's latest release includes support for multiprocessing in nose. Upgrading in order to further the end-goal of providing multiprocessing capability in our bok-choy test suite.
Ben Patterson committed -
tasawernawaz committed -
* The LMS now also monkey-patches xmodule.x_module.descriptor_global_handler_url and xmodule.x_module.descriptor_global_local_resource_url so that we can get LMS XBlock URLs from the DescriptorSystem. That functionality is needed in the block transforms collect() phase for certain XModules like Video. For instance, say we want to generate the transcripts URLs. The collect phase is run asynchronously, without a user context. * The URL handler monkey-patching is now done in the startup.py files for LMS and Studio. Studio used to do this in the import of cms/djangoapps/contentstore/views/item.py. This was mostly just because it seemed like a sane and consistent place to put it. * LmsHandlerUrls was removed, its handler_url and local_resource_url methods were moved to be top level functions. The only reason that class existed seems to be to give a place to store course_id state, and that can now be derived from the block location. * To avoid the Module -> Descriptor ProxyAttribute magic that we do (which explodes with an UndefinedContext error because there is no user involved), when examining the block's handler method in handler_url, I made a few changes: ** Check the .__class__ to see if the handler was defined, instead of the block itself. ** The above required me to relax the check for _is_xblock_handler on the function, since that will no longer be defined. 90% of this goes away when we kill XModules and do the refactoring we've wanted to do for a while.
David Ormsbee committed -
Update newrelic plugin version.
Feanil Patel committed -
Tasawer committed