- 21 Jun, 2012 15 commits
ichuang committed
- Added hints + hintmethod - hintgroup compatible with loncapa spec - also does hintfn for custom hints (can do answer history) - GenericResponse -> LoncapaResponse - moved response type tags into responsetype classes - capa_problem should use __future__ division - hints stored in CorrectMap, copied to 'feedback' in SimpleInput for display
ichuang committed -
- added correctmap.py with CorrectMap class - messages subsumed into CorrectMap - response get_score called with old CorrectMap so hints based on history are possible
ichuang committed -
- each response can now render its own xhtml - cleaned up LoncapaProblem.extract_html
ichuang committed -
ichuang committed
- responsetype used to be instantiated multiple times(!) in capa_problem now it is instantiated once, and stored in self.responders - responsetypes.GenericResponse restructured; each superclass show now provide setup_response (and not __init__), and may provide get_max_score(); general __init__ provided to clean up superclasses.
ichuang committed -
ichuang committed
Calen Pennington committed
Calen Pennington committed
Calen Pennington committed
Matthew Mongeau committed
Matthew Mongeau committed
Matthew Mongeau committed
Matthew Mongeau committed
Matthew Mongeau committed
- 20 Jun, 2012 3 commits
Matthew Mongeau committed
Galen Frechette committed
Galen Frechette committed
- 14 Jun, 2012 10 commits
Matthew Mongeau committed
Matthew Mongeau committed
Matthew Mongeau committed
Matthew Mongeau committed
Matthew Mongeau committed
Matthew Mongeau committed
Matthew Mongeau committed
Matthew Mongeau committed
Matthew Mongeau committed
Matthew Mongeau committed
- 13 Jun, 2012 1 commit
Matthew Mongeau committed
- 11 Jun, 2012 6 commits
Fix histogram and sequence navigation bug looks good, works in my tests. thanks.
ichuang committed -
This will leave out the student that never attempt the question and fixes the error with histogram rendering.
Prem Sichanugrist committed -
There might be a chance that an error got thrown after 'contentChanged' event was fired and stop the `toggleArrow()` method to be called. This will make sure that the navigation will still be working even some element in the content is failed.
Prem Sichanugrist committed -
PROJECT_ROOT is needed for coffeescript paths
David Ormsbee committed -
Matthew Mongeau committed
Create dev env
Calen Pennington committed
- 09 Jun, 2012 1 commit
Refactor and test Dynamath Code (tested, works; one more changeset coming, to add msg back into textinput_dynamath)
ichuang committed
- 08 Jun, 2012 4 commits
added a posix compliant check to make sure you are using bash to run the script, added option to use --system-site-packages for virtualenv, updated the ending instructions on how to start the server
John Jarvis committed -
John Jarvis committed
John Jarvis committed
Prem Sichanugrist committed