1. 11 Apr, 2015 2 commits
    • MIT: CCX. Rename POC to CCX · 7f691e4a
      Final official name is Custom Courses for EdX (CCX), rename all code to remove previous name.
      Rename the FEATURE constant used to identify this feature
      Rename the middleware for the CCX change
      rename the constant used for storing the current poc id on the session.
      rename the _PocContext threading local
      rename the override provider in all places where it is referenced
      `PersonalOnlineCoursesOverrideProvider` -> `CustomCoursesForEdxOverrideProvider`
      generally rename symbols from overrides.py to replace `poc` with `ccx` where possible without changing model names or attributes
      rename more symbols from poc to ccx
      rename util functions from app utils module
      general symbol renaming poc -> ccx in views.py and related url changes
      Rename the coach role wherever it is used.
      reword poc_coach to ccx_coach
      UI rename
      replace POC with CCX globally
      template context variable renamed
      rename poc_ to ccx_ in urls and all related locations (views, js, scss etc)
      remove pocs migrations
      Final massive renaming, including models.  Re-built migration.
      cleaning up a few tailing references
      Fix reference typo in schedule template JS
      undo modifications made on the fly in test setup to ensure that our tests are properly isolated from the rest of the system tests.
      Fixes jazkarta/edx-platform#38
      Clean up some leftover strings and comments
      fixing more strings and comments in python files
      fix a naming error in the schedule tab that was causing problems in deleting courseware items.
      Fixes jazkarta/edx-platform#36
      updating tests and utility code to match changes in infrastructure from latest rebase
      cewing committed
    • MIT: CCX. Implement Custom Courses for Edx. · a2cb7fd2
      This feature provides the ability to designate a "coach" who can create customized runs of an existing course, invite students to participate, and manage students through the run of the course.
      In this squashed commit we implement the initial scifi, add the 'POC Coach' course role, refine the scifi, add migrations for models, create POCs, enforce POC Coach role, provide panels for Coach Dashboard, set up rudimentary display of course outline, add and remove units, show/hide all units, and save schedule changes, set dates when adding units, edit dates on units already added and provide some tests.
      We also provide mechanisms for invitation and enrollment in a POC (to become CCX) and control the display of blocks to students in a POC.
      Chris Rossi committed
  2. 23 Jan, 2014 1 commit
  3. 14 Jan, 2014 1 commit
    • Introduction of the Microsite feature which allows for limited multi-tenant… · a3211a74
      Introduction of the Microsite feature which allows for limited multi-tenant branding on a subdomain basis, e.g. foo.edx.org and bar.edx.org
      fix errorenous logic when running a microsite that could reside in a hosting environment with a marketing site in front of it
      pep8/pylint fixes
      address PR feedback, remove underscore from test hostname
      more pep8/pylint cleanup. Skip test_microsites test, it works on localdev, not on Jenkins. Need to talk with QA team
      manually add Ned's single-to-double quote fix
      change aws.py runtimes so that the microsite_dir that is read from configuration is changed to a python path
      Chris Dodge committed
  4. 12 Sep, 2013 1 commit
  5. 26 Jun, 2013 1 commit