- 25 Feb, 2016 1 commit
Use yaml.safe_load, since we have no need for the greater power of .load
Ned Batchelder committed
- 24 Feb, 2016 17 commits
Michael Frey committed -
Fix build failures in the docs/en_us/platform_api guide.
Peter Desjardins committed -
Ned Batchelder committed
Only allow ecommerce checkout if user is also activated
Michael Frey committed -
Update translations (autogenerated message)
Ned Batchelder committed -
add student email in credit service
Douglas Hall committed -
Use latest version of drag and drop xblock
Braden MacDonald committed -
sanfordstudent committed -
Ned Batchelder committed
mathjax preview should be inline by default
Adam Palay committed -
Adam Palay committed
Michael Frey committed
Release 2016-02-24
Michael Katz committed -
Modified permission classes for CCX REST APIs
Brian Beggs committed -
Modified how the per object permissions are enforced in the CCX REST APIs
Giovanni Di Milia committed -
User automatically registered to course.
Awais Jibran committed -
Release Candidate rc/2016-02-23
Michael Katz committed
- 23 Feb, 2016 22 commits
Adjusted the list of mock modules for the platform API documentation build. This prevents build failures when Sphinx cannot import modules. Addresses https://openedx.atlassian.net/browse/DOC-2638.
Peter Desjardins committed -
A better way to manage the Python packages to uninstall.
Ned Batchelder committed -
Do not send initial verification photo_id if new photo_id provided
Bill DeRusha committed -
Sanford Student committed
Don't delete the whole db cache dir
Kevin Falcone committed -
add timeout to lettuce test to reduce flakiness
Adam committed -
Ned Batchelder committed
Bill DeRusha committed
Bill DeRusha committed -
Braden MacDonald committed
Adam Palay committed
Revert "Inform openassessment to clear submission"
Eric Fischer committed -
Only allow ecommerce checkout if user is also activated
Michael Frey committed -
Michael Frey committed
Eric Fischer committed
Flag test as flaky. See TNL-4151.
Ben Patterson committed -
Sequence navigation tooltip mechanism updated
Christine Lytwynec committed -
Your Name committed
Ensure test waits for the library list to populate before continuing.
Ben Patterson committed -
Ben Patterson committed
Don't blow away the role cache when updating.
Toby Lawrence committed -
missing change the url path to the sass variable
Ned Batchelder committed