1. 30 May, 2016 1 commit
  2. 14 Jan, 2016 6 commits
  3. 13 Jan, 2016 1 commit
  4. 07 Jan, 2016 3 commits
    • Shrink images using trimage · ed12c61d
       .../static/images/capa/vsepr/T-shaped-3D-balls.png | Bin 57074 -> 53926 bytes
       .../images/capa/vsepr/Tetrahedral-3D-balls.png     | Bin 53631 -> 48796 bytes
       .../static/images/capa/vsepr/Trigonal-3D-balls.png | Bin 56071 -> 51879 bytes
       .../capa/vsepr/Trigonal-bipyramidal-3D-balls.png   | Bin 47683 -> 43395 bytes
       .../images/capa/vsepr/Trigonal-planar-stick.png    | Bin 89521 -> 69265 bytes
       common/static/images/hd.png                        | Bin 364 -> 355 bytes
       common/static/images/high_pass_filter.png          | Bin 48150 -> 26132 bytes
       common/static/images/ico-tinymce-code.png          | Bin 337 -> 228 bytes
       common/static/images/ml_grading_icon.png           | Bin 405 -> 379 bytes
       common/static/images/partially-correct-icon.png    | Bin 1141 -> 1047 bytes
       common/static/images/peer_grading_icon.png         | Bin 610 -> 472 bytes
       common/static/images/placeholder-faculty.png       | Bin 9137 -> 9130 bytes
       common/static/images/placeholder-image.png         | Bin 2312412 -> 1930682 bytes
       .../static/images/sequence-nav/list-finished.png   | Bin 1063 -> 139 bytes
       .../static/images/sequence-nav/list-unfinished.png | Bin 1070 -> 142 bytes
       .../static/images/sequence-nav/list-unstarted.png  | Bin 1067 -> 142 bytes
       common/static/images/sequence-nav/next-icon.png    | Bin 1079 -> 264 bytes
       .../static/images/sequence-nav/previous-icon.png   | Bin 1062 -> 256 bytes
       common/static/images/voltage_divider.png           | Bin 27331 -> 13855 bytes
       common/static/js/capa/genex/images/circles.png     | Bin 1492 -> 974 bytes
       common/static/js/capa/genex/images/circles_ie6.png | Bin 432 -> 358 bytes
       common/static/js/capa/genex/images/corner.png      | Bin 1140 -> 709 bytes
       common/static/js/capa/genex/images/corner_ie6.png  | Bin 412 -> 328 bytes
       common/static/js/capa/genex/images/hborder.png     | Bin 1995 -> 1205 bytes
       common/static/js/capa/genex/images/hborder_ie6.png | Bin 706 -> 607 bytes
       25 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
      Calen Pennington committed
    • Shrink images using trimage · 1a97c72f
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX2E2-3D-balls.png  | Bin 80754 -> 74749 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX2E3-3D-balls.png  | Bin 79137 -> 73373 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX3E0-3D-balls.png  | Bin 65304 -> 58931 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX3E1-3D-balls.png  | Bin 63627 -> 57952 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX3E2-3D-balls.png  | Bin 67530 -> 63447 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX4E0-3D-balls.png  | Bin 52642 -> 47395 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX4E1-3D-balls.png  | Bin 76179 -> 70045 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX4E2-3D-balls.png  | Bin 87475 -> 80027 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX5E1-3D-balls.png  | Bin 72517 -> 65354 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX5E2-3D-balls.png  | Bin 81700 -> 74925 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX6E0-3D-balls.png  | Bin 58834 -> 52799 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX6E1-3D-balls.png  | Bin 65374 -> 60540 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX7E0-3D-balls.png  | Bin 57532 -> 52260 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX8E0-3D-balls.png  | Bin 72760 -> 66708 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX9E0-3D-balls.png  | Bin 70859 -> 64089 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/Bent-3D-balls.png   | Bin 62092 -> 56501 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/Linear-3D-balls.png | Bin 44902 -> 42863 bytes
       .../images/capa/vsepr/Octahedral-3D-balls.png       | Bin 62223 -> 56735 bytes
       .../capa/vsepr/Pentagonal-bipyramidal-3D-balls.png  | Bin 61456 -> 55610 bytes
       .../capa/vsepr/Pentagonal-planar-3D-balls.png       | Bin 72626 -> 65949 bytes
       .../capa/vsepr/Pentagonal-pyramidal-3D-balls.png    | Bin 71485 -> 64805 bytes
       .../static/images/capa/vsepr/Pyramidal-3D-balls.png | Bin 63322 -> 58066 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/Seesaw-3D-balls.png | Bin 66832 -> 61761 bytes
       .../capa/vsepr/Square-antiprismatic-3D-balls.png    | Bin 88977 -> 80249 bytes
       .../images/capa/vsepr/Square-planar-3D-balls.png    | Bin 71351 -> 65996 bytes
       25 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
      Calen Pennington committed
    • Shrink images using trimage · dbffd5d6
       common/static/css/vendor/slickgrid/images/help.png  | Bin 345 -> 334 bytes
       .../static/css/vendor/slickgrid/images/stripes.png  | Bin 1125 -> 88 bytes
       .../images/ui-bg_flat_0_aaaaaa_40x100.png           | Bin 180 -> 86 bytes
       .../images/ui-bg_flat_75_ffffff_40x100.png          | Bin 178 -> 86 bytes
       .../images/ui-bg_glass_65_ffffff_1x400.png          | Bin 105 -> 97 bytes
       .../images/ui-bg_highlight-soft_75_cccccc_1x100.png | Bin 101 -> 86 bytes
       .../smoothness/images/ui-icons_222222_256x240.png   | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       .../smoothness/images/ui-icons_2e83ff_256x240.png   | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       .../smoothness/images/ui-icons_454545_256x240.png   | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       .../smoothness/images/ui-icons_888888_256x240.png   | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       .../smoothness/images/ui-icons_cd0a0a_256x240.png   | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       .../ui-bg_diagonals-thick_18_b81900_40x40.png       | Bin 260 -> 136 bytes
       .../ui-bg_diagonals-thick_20_666666_40x40.png       | Bin 251 -> 136 bytes
       .../images/ui-bg_flat_10_000000_40x100.png          | Bin 178 -> 86 bytes
       .../images/ui-bg_glass_65_ffffff_1x400.png          | Bin 105 -> 97 bytes
       .../images/ui-bg_gloss-wave_35_f6a828_500x100.png   | Bin 3762 -> 1756 bytes
       .../ui-lightness/images/ui-icons_222222_256x240.png | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       .../ui-lightness/images/ui-icons_228ef1_256x240.png | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       .../ui-lightness/images/ui-icons_ef8c08_256x240.png | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       .../ui-lightness/images/ui-icons_ffd27a_256x240.png | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       .../ui-lightness/images/ui-icons_ffffff_256x240.png | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       common/static/images/arrow-left.png                 | Bin 1062 -> 256 bytes
       common/static/images/arrow-right.png                | Bin 1079 -> 264 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX2E0-3D-balls.png  | Bin 32790 -> 30318 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX2E1-3D-balls.png  | Bin 61843 -> 57213 bytes
       25 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
      Calen Pennington committed
  5. 11 Dec, 2015 1 commit
  6. 12 Nov, 2015 1 commit
  7. 22 Sep, 2015 1 commit
  8. 01 Sep, 2015 1 commit
  9. 20 Aug, 2015 1 commit
    • OSPR-535 Partial Credit · 7624c633
      Squashed commit of the following:
      commit 0f7c2af5f7b8caed575dd253a45299293b2729d7
      Author: Colin-Fredericks <colin.fredericks@gmail.com>
      Date:   Tue Jun 30 12:04:43 2015 -0400
          Forgot icon
      commit b48970392741130f774709c54eb6e5ab0089812c
      Author: Colin-Fredericks <colin.fredericks@gmail.com>
      Date:   Tue Jun 30 11:49:57 2015 -0400
          OSPR-535 Partial Credit
          Squashed commit of the following:
          commit 6dd34f58f994e32d0d54bf1d67bffd04e0f8ef08
          Author: Colin-Fredericks <cof945@dhcp-140-247-184-176.fas.harvard.edu>
          Date:   Tue Jun 30 11:44:01 2015 -0400
              Fixing accidental overwrite.
          commit 1ff8fc4b0e83b90356e8e8dce1022f49bfd162cf
          Author: Colin-Fredericks <cof945@dhcp-140-247-184-176.fas.harvard.edu>
          Date:   Tue Jun 30 11:18:36 2015 -0400
              OSPR-535 Partial Credit
              Revised after first pull discussion.
      Fixing scss typos
      Fixing check/x display problem
      Empty set is not []
      Shuffling empty answer code to grade properly.
      I don't think I ever wrote this in the first place...
      Adding tests for MC and Checkbox
      including proper partial-credit marking and scoring
      Numerical and OptionResponse tests
      Also a few improvements to NumericalResponse problem type and
      CustomResponse tests and more numerical tests
      Increasing coverage and fixing typos
      Exception added for pylint false positive
      Hopefully fixing coverage issue
      Retabulating line continuation
      Bok Choy test for partial credit
      Copypasta fix
      Adding tooltip for partial credit
      Improving and expanding comments
      Minor fixes
      Colin-Fredericks committed
  10. 19 Aug, 2015 1 commit
  11. 17 Aug, 2015 1 commit
  12. 10 Aug, 2015 1 commit
    • OSPR-535 Partial Credit · c940814c
      Squashed commit of the following:
      commit 0f7c2af5f7b8caed575dd253a45299293b2729d7
      Author: Colin-Fredericks <colin.fredericks@gmail.com>
      Date:   Tue Jun 30 12:04:43 2015 -0400
          Forgot icon
      commit b48970392741130f774709c54eb6e5ab0089812c
      Author: Colin-Fredericks <colin.fredericks@gmail.com>
      Date:   Tue Jun 30 11:49:57 2015 -0400
          OSPR-535 Partial Credit
          Squashed commit of the following:
          commit 6dd34f58f994e32d0d54bf1d67bffd04e0f8ef08
          Author: Colin-Fredericks <cof945@dhcp-140-247-184-176.fas.harvard.edu>
          Date:   Tue Jun 30 11:44:01 2015 -0400
              Fixing accidental overwrite.
          commit 1ff8fc4b0e83b90356e8e8dce1022f49bfd162cf
          Author: Colin-Fredericks <cof945@dhcp-140-247-184-176.fas.harvard.edu>
          Date:   Tue Jun 30 11:18:36 2015 -0400
              OSPR-535 Partial Credit
              Revised after first pull discussion.
      Fixing scss typos
      Fixing check/x display problem
      Empty set is not []
      Shuffling empty answer code to grade properly.
      I don't think I ever wrote this in the first place...
      Adding tests for MC and Checkbox
      including proper partial-credit marking and scoring
      Numerical and OptionResponse tests
      Also a few improvements to NumericalResponse problem type and
      CustomResponse tests and more numerical tests
      Increasing coverage and fixing typos
      Exception added for pylint false positive
      Hopefully fixing coverage issue
      Retabulating line continuation
      Bok Choy test for partial credit
      Copypasta fix
      Adding tooltip for partial credit
      Improving and expanding comments
      Minor fixes
      Colin-Fredericks committed
  13. 06 Mar, 2015 1 commit
  14. 08 Jan, 2015 1 commit
  15. 10 Dec, 2014 6 commits
  16. 07 Nov, 2014 2 commits
  17. 30 Oct, 2014 1 commit
  18. 02 Apr, 2014 1 commit
    • Upgrade to TinyMCE 4.0.16. · fe847720
      Detailed commit messages:
      deleted old tinymce
      new tinymce
      js changes to support new tinymce
      scss changes for alignments
      Include all the controls on the toolbar that we previously had.
      Changes to support Bulk e-mail usage.
      adding new studio skin for TinyMCE4
      Get handling of static image links working again.
      Delete old Studio skin.
      Version 1.3 of CodeMirror plugin.
      Modify paths for location of CodeMirror files.
      Fire events when CodeMirror Editor is open and closed.
      Needed to switch static links back and forth.
      Remove CodeMirror tabbed editor.
      fixed tinymce visual editor css
      Change how we detect that an image has been inserted.
      made the codemirror look more studio-like
      reordered the tinymce buttons
      Update unit tests.
      Update acceptance test for image plugin.
      Make sure to strip out temporary caret.
      It can get left behind in style blocks.
      Test for style block being maintained.
      Allow TinyMCE to create p's, else formatting doesn't work.
      Add tests for toolbar buttons and converting links.
      Add test for code format toolbar button.
      Remove unnecessary code.
      Remove unused testing templates and unused tabs.
      Update tinymce paths.
      Fire an event with the link plugin closes so we can rewrite links.
      Updates from code review.
      Change the name of the button to "Edit HTML".
      Changed menu name for consistency, but we don't show it.
      Changed name of "code" toolbar button to "Code block".
      Switch from tabbed Visual/HTML Editor for HTML modules to showing the code editor as a plugin within TinyMCE (triggered from toolbar). STUD-1422
      Fire events before and after the image dialog is shown.
      We use this to rewrite links.
      Change the event handling for image plugin.
      Fixes FireFox bug, and allows us to correct the image path when we show the plugin (as opposed ot only correcting path when we close the plugin).
      Code review feedback.
      Fire events before and after the link dialog is shown.
      This allows us to convert the static links.
      Remove unnecessary helper method.
      keeping the component editor inside the component window
      Use compressed CodeMirror file.
      replaced code icon in TinyMCE editor; simplified UI on TMCE toolbar
      Change code editor icon to say HTML.
      Move code style block button.
      Update tests for minor UI changes.
      Code editor button no longer shows an icon, and code style toolbar button location has moved.
      Fix typos.
      Abdallah committed
  19. 26 Mar, 2014 1 commit
  20. 24 Mar, 2014 1 commit
  21. 12 Feb, 2014 1 commit
  22. 01 May, 2013 1 commit
  23. 30 Apr, 2013 3 commits
  24. 29 Apr, 2013 2 commits