1. 07 Sep, 2017 1 commit
  2. 02 May, 2016 1 commit
  3. 25 Apr, 2016 1 commit
  4. 07 Feb, 2014 1 commit
    • Add the ability to view templates in a browser in development mode · 651d1afb
      This adds a simple mechanism to view any template file directly in a browser. The intention is that we can use this to build up reference HTML files which illustrate common UX patterns. We can then view the resulting pages without having to have a working implementation.
      In development mode, the URL is /template followed by the path to the template file. For example, you can view the 404 page at:
      You can also supply string parameters to the template by specifying them as query parameters in the URL.
      e.g.  /template/my_template?name=Foo
      Andy Armstrong committed
  5. 01 Aug, 2013 1 commit
  6. 31 Jul, 2013 1 commit
    • Create urls/views/templates for dev-only views · 64ad5567
      Our designers find it helpful to be able to stub out simple views that aren't ready
      to be seen for production yet, and check them into version control so that other
      people can see them and provide feedback. This commit introduces a few new files
      and directories for this purpose, as well as a sample view that will only be seen
      in dev mode, and never in production.
      David Baumgold committed