- 23 Sep, 2014 1 commit
Note that the features in this release are opt-in, and course and video behavior will remain the same unless a course explicitly opts in. Major pieces of functionality with this commit: Allows the listing of a user's enrollments, course videos, and updates. In order to make a course available for mobile use, course staff must explicitly set the Course Advanced Setting "Mobile Course Available" to true. Course staff will always see their own courses through the Mobile API regardless of this setting, but students will only be allowed to see a course through the Mobile API if this setting is set to "true". By default, a Course will *not* be available for mobile use. This is a Django app for video resource management. It is completely optional, and is intended to allow video and operations teams to create new encodings of videos (e.g. low res for mobile) and change CDNs without having to edit course data directly. Course teams can now use a "EdX Video ID" setting for Videos, which will leverage VAL. Video units that do not fill in an "EdX Video ID" will behave exactly as they always have. * The Mobile API is enabled with the ENABLE_MOBILE_REST_API feature flag. * VAL is enabled with the ENABLE_VIDEO_ABSTRACTION_LAYER_API feature flag. * VAL and the Mobile API both require ENABLE_OAUTH2_PROVIDER). * The Mobile API is a read-only API, but VAL requires database migrations. * Applications that make use of either the Mobile API or VAL must be registered with the OAuth2 provider app in Django Admin.
David Ormsbee committed
- 19 Sep, 2014 3 commits
Deployed as hotfix
John Eskew committed -
Adam Palay committed
add tests for static tabs
Adam Palay committed
- 18 Sep, 2014 3 commits
write failing tests for info page banner
Adam Palay committed -
Adam Palay committed
Adam Palay committed
- 17 Sep, 2014 12 commits
Revert the changes from PR 5152
Andy Armstrong committed -
Annotation Tools: Adding Try-Catch for anonyous_student_id issue in staging
Sarina Canelake committed -
Add edX OAuth2 provider with OpenID Connect support
Carlos Andrés Rocha committed -
- changed message and added i18n
lduarte1991 committed -
The changes in 5152 appear to have introduced a performance problem on stage, so we're going to revert them for now.
Andy Armstrong committed -
For microsites, since we don't have a footer override yet for django tem...
chrisndodge committed -
Carlos Andrés Rocha committed
Calling the client root was causing the module store to be modified, affecting test in other Django applications that rely on the default state of the module store.
Carlos Andrés Rocha committed -
Some tests test were using `CourseFactory` buy not deriving from `ModuleStoreTestCase`, introducing a course leaks that broke other unrelated tests.
Carlos Andrés Rocha committed -
For microsites, since we don't have a footer override yet for django templates, remove the footer all together
Chris Dodge committed -
This reverts commit 3f159ea5.
Ned Batchelder committed -
John Eskew committed
- 16 Sep, 2014 20 commits
Adam Palay committed
allow TAs to select the cohort of new posts.
Jim Abramson committed -
jsa committed -
Ex-74 Registration Code redemption
chrisndodge committed -
Pyfilesystem fix for AWS. pyfs has broken logic which did not work with AWS roles-based auth. This removes that logic.
Piotr Mitros committed -
Fixed bok choy flaky test for studio.
Jesse Zoldak committed -
EX-81 / Ex-84 changes
chrisndodge committed -
Update translations (autogenerated message)
Sarina Canelake committed -
Sarina Canelake committed
Piotr Mitros committed
asadiqbal08 committed
Update github for asset char
Don Mitchell committed -
Don Mitchell committed -
TE-468 JS test: Use the correct array for validating onSeek logs
Ben Patterson committed -
Waheed Ahmed committed -
fix the translation issues added a check if a user is already registered in a course. Changed the messages added course depth=0 and removed pep8 violations
Muhammad Shoaib committed -
only redirect to dashboard if user has course enrollments, otherwise rem...
chrisndodge committed -
Updated Files & Uploads template help
Mark Hoeber committed -
only redirect to dashboard if user has course enrollments, otherwise remain on the course catalog page (aka homepage or root) update lettuce test to match new expected behavior add Jason's feedback only apply new redirect logic for microsites switch to use a feature flag to determine whether to support redirect behavior
Chris Dodge committed -
To include size warning of 10 MB. Also updated styling on existing learn more links
Mark Hoeber committed
- 15 Sep, 2014 1 commit
Updating active_versions should not send old and new
Don Mitchell committed