- 23 Feb, 2015 5 commits
Pass 'lazy' parameter down properly into low-level definition caching. Adjust mongo call numbers in tests and add missing bulk_op wrapper. Avoids the loading of all definitions in a large course when only specific, filtered definitions are needed to be loaded for an endpoint.
John Eskew committed -
Flakiness fix for cohort group selection TNL-1479
Jesse Zoldak committed -
Ben Patterson committed
CSS Background Image used for important link
ahsan-ul-haq committed -
Awais786/ecom 1046 add cert btn
Awais Qureshi committed
- 20 Feb, 2015 35 commits
ECOM-1046 minor change in code. rename file name.
Awais committed -
Skip intermittently failing test TE-572
Jesse Zoldak committed -
Fix Pylint violations (easy)
Sarina Canelake committed -
Refactor registration endpoint and return field-specific detail in errors
Greg Price committed -
Stop hitting the database when no courses are blocked.
Will Daly committed -
skip intemittently failing test TE-745
Jesse Zoldak committed -
Will Daly committed
Skip intermittently failing test_course_publish_signal_firing PLAT-449
Jesse Zoldak committed -
Disable flakily failing JS tests TNL-559
Jesse Zoldak committed -
Jesse Zoldak committed
Jesse Zoldak committed
Jesse Zoldak committed
skip paver bokchoy_coverage in jenkins
Christine Lytwynec committed -
[TNL-439]: Fix flaky jasmine tests.
Anton Stupak committed -
Christine Lytwynec committed
Also, make registration API CSRF exempt
Greg Price committed -
This also changes the registration API contract to use the course_id parameter for analytics instead of an extra analytics parameter.
Greg Price committed -
Greg Price committed
Greg Price committed
These tests cover validation of parameters and saving of data to UserProfile objects.
Greg Price committed -
polesye committed
Jesse Zoldak committed
adds and alt attribute to the loading/spinner graphic
Mark Sadecki committed -
Ahsan Ulhaq committed
Ahsan Ulhaq committed
Ahsan Ulhaq committed
CSS background image was used for the home icon at upper right corner so when user enter high contrast mode or disable bakground image it disapear so moved it to DOM element TNL-1382
Ahsan Ulhaq committed -
TNL 713: Added accessibility plugin.
Anton Stupak committed -
TNL-454: Fix flaky bok-choy tests.
Anton Stupak committed -
Content Groups Usage and Delete functionality.
Muzaffar yousaf committed -
muzaffaryousaf committed -
stv committed
Per @sarina: > `build_problem` is called in `_make_problem`, which other tests call > in this class. A failure here will arise in other tests. This test is > unnecessary.
stv committed -
stv committed
stv committed