1. 26 Jun, 2015 1 commit
  2. 22 Jun, 2015 1 commit
  3. 17 Jun, 2015 1 commit
    • Extended Feedback and Hints for Problems · 77f30696
      Extends the common capa response types (string, numeric, multiple
      choice, checkbox, dropdown) with feedback and hint
      capabilities. "Feedback" refers to feedback shown to the student when
      they check the problem, looking at their specific answer. "Hints"
      refers to a Hint button in LMS which the student can click at any time
      to see hints for that problem. The implementation extends the markdown
      syntax to include feedback and hints. There are new Feedback-and-Hint
      specific templates in Studio when the author clicks to add a new
      Nick Parlante committed
  4. 15 Jun, 2015 1 commit
  5. 01 Jun, 2015 2 commits
    • New Feature: Certificates Web View · af7277cd
      - SOL-465: Initial implementation of certificates web view and signatories (names/titles)
      - SOL-718 Close button is working properly
      - SOL-801 Backbone Signatories Modeling
      - SOL-803 Underscore template: Editor (Add)
      - SOL-802 Signatories: Underscore template - Details
      - SOL-804 Signatories: Underscore template: Editor (Edit)
      - Add signatory delete Django view
      - SOL-805 Signatory editor (Delete)
      - Add Coffeescript router
      - SOL-716 Jasmine Tests
      - Added missing minified JS library
      - client side validation of signatory fields
      - SOL-390 signatories names
      - Remove obsolete extends Sass files
      - input maxlength limiting for signatory information
      - SOL-389: Course title override
      - SOL-466: Add capability to upload digitized signatures in Studio
      - ziafazal: fixed css for upload signature image
      - ziafazal: completed deletion of signature images
      - UX-1741: Add initial static rendering/styling for Open edX web certs
        * creating new global static dir
        * adding static version of edX UX pattern library assets
        * adding web certificates static assets
        * adding static (+abstracted) web certificates rendering
        * creating two tiers of rendering (base + distinguished)
        * providing sample assets for certificate rendering
        * supporting RTL layouts
        * adding certifcates assests to edX static asset pipeline
        * temporarily hiding the mozilla open badges share action
        * wiring print button to print view/page
        * fixup! addressing conflict artifact in valid cert template
        * fixup! adding missing %hd-subsection sass extend + components comment clean up
        * fixup! correcting pattern library .hd-4 font-weight value
      - SOL-468 Linked Student View for Web View Credential
      - SOL-467: Add capability to upload organization logos for certificates
      - SOL-391 / SOL-387: Signatory related info (assets) in certificates web view
      - kelketek: Fixes for static asset collection in certificate HTML view.
      - SOL-398 Web View: Public Access
      - mattdrayer: Post-merge branch stabilization
      - catong: Initial changes to Studio template and Help config file
      - ziafazal: Branch stabilizations
      - SOL-387: Display organization logo on LMS web view
      - talbs/mattdrayer: Branch Stabilizations
      - talbs: converting backpack action to use a button HTML element
      - talbs: revising placeholder assets + their rendering in cert view
      - mattdrayer: Username web view wireup
      - SOL-386 Certificate Mode Previews
      - SOL-905: Make organization logo and signatory signature uneditable
      - SOL-922: Improve test coverage
      - SOL-765: Add LinkedIn sharing
      - [marco] temporary styling adjustment to account for smaller linkedin share image / fake button
      - SOL-921: Address hardcoded template items
      - SOL-927: Deleting certificate should delete org logo image also
        * updated invalid template
        * removed hr
        * fix invalid certificate error
      - clrux: Add i18n to certificate templates and partials
      - mattdrayer: Pylint violations
      - SOL-920 Certificate Activation/Deactivation
      - mattdrayer: Added LMS support
      - SOL-932: Fix preview mode support in certificate view
      - SOL-934: Fixed bug reported and broken tests
      - SOL-935 removed the 'valid' word from web view title
      - talbs: RTL support updates/fixes
        * revising certificate type icon/name vertical alignment
        * removing unused older certificate template
        * revising styling for message/banner actions
        * abstracting accomplishment type to use course mode + adding in honor/verified-specific placeholders
      - mattdrayer: JSHint violations
      Matt Drayer committed
    • Course Discovery - Language Filtering · 176b1c89
      Filter by Language:
      Designation for course language(s) in Studio
      allows for filtering of courses based on their language in the sidebar
      Reuses active filter view UI/IA from find courses page on edx.org
      view for clearing individual or all filters, as with edx.org filtering
      Davorin Sego committed
  6. 18 May, 2015 5 commits
  7. 06 May, 2015 1 commit
  8. 18 Apr, 2015 1 commit
  9. 16 Apr, 2015 1 commit
    • Better i18n (cont.) · b7c6b4ad
      1. Fix sentence breaks inside `photo_reverification.html` and `midcourse_photo_reverification.html`.
      2. Combine three setences inside `choose.html`.
      3. Adding some punctuation marks to reduce duplicated strings with only different Punctuation marks in translation.
      4. Move the colons inside the strings to be translated. This may be not necessary for now, but I think this may help translation by removing potential word meaning conflict.
      5. Sorry for
      louyihua committed
  10. 13 Apr, 2015 1 commit
    • i18n fix in studio · 7a45d6e4
      1. Fix the broken `gettext()` call in `courde_detail.js`
      2. Change the string to avoid Transifex misunderstand the pattern '% o' in `checklist.underscore`.
      3. Embed the `{filename}` part inside the string in `transcripts-choose.underscore` to provide better i18n flexibililty.
      4. Remove all the call of `gettext()` and `${_()}` inside the `mock` directory to aovid mis-extraction by pybabel. (It seems that the `mock` directory is soly used in test? So the strings in this directory need not to be extracted and translated?)
      5. The unicode char `\u2014` will trigger a bug inside pybabel which makes the extracted string untranslatable, so remove this char.
      louyihua committed
  11. 07 Apr, 2015 1 commit
    • Better i18n extraction and translation · adc6929b
      1. Extract the full sentence rather than parital of a sentence, so that languages with different word orders than English can benifit from this.
      2. Using ngettext instead of gettext with 'xxx(s)', as Transifex treats `()` as special characters so that it enforces the translated string must have the same number of `()` pairs. Such enforcement makes translations difficult, as not every language can use forms like 'xxx(s)' to represent both singular & plural within a single word.
      louyihua committed
  12. 05 Apr, 2015 1 commit
    • Fix i18n breaking in some js and underscore files · 2d47f803
      1. Spliting strings inside the call to `gettext()` in javascript breaks the string extraction process, so the string should kept in one line.
      2. Using escape string inside a string in `gettext()` may cause the extractor to misunderstand the escape string, so that it will escape this escape string.
      louyihua committed
  13. 31 Mar, 2015 1 commit
  14. 24 Mar, 2015 1 commit
  15. 18 Mar, 2015 1 commit
  16. 10 Mar, 2015 1 commit
    • Entrance Exam authoring and messaging updates · 5a7ac441
      Multi-commit history:
      - hide drag functionality for entrance exam section.
      - hide entrance exam subsection elements e.g. delete, drag, name etc.
      - show unit/verticals expanded in case of entrance exam
      - modify code in order to allow user to update entrance exam score from UI.
      - write down unit tests.
      - write down Jasmine tests.
      - add bok-choy test
      - updated bok-choy test
      - internationalize string
      - repositioned sequential block creatori
      - SOL-221 (entrance exam message)
      - SOL-199 LMS Part (show entrance exam content) and hide the course navigation bar.
      - redirect the view in case of entrance exam.
      - update code structure as per suggestions
      - write down unit tests
      - fix pep8
      - instead of hiding the exam requirement message, now also showing the exam the completion message (success state).
      - write down unit test to show exam completion message.
      - Update code as per review suggestions
      - update doc string
      - addressed review suggestions
      - change sequential message text
      - css adjustments
      - added new css class for entrance exam score in studio
      - added Jasmine test for remaning coverage
      - sequential message should appear under the context of entrance exam subsection.
      - updated text in CMS and LMS as per suggestions.
      - added unit text to insure sequential message should not be present in other chapters rather then entrance exam.
      - skip setter if empty prerequisite course list
      - exclude logic from xblock_info.js that is specifically related to entrance exam.
      - added js tests and updated code as per suggestions
      - added tests
      - addressed several PR issues
      - Several small fixes (style, refactoring)
      - Fixed score update issue
      - added some more unit tests.
      - code suggested changes.
      - addressed PR feedback
      asadiqbal committed
  17. 20 Feb, 2015 1 commit
  18. 29 Jan, 2015 1 commit
  19. 26 Jan, 2015 1 commit
  20. 16 Jan, 2015 2 commits
  21. 15 Jan, 2015 11 commits
  22. 14 Jan, 2015 1 commit
  23. 13 Jan, 2015 1 commit
  24. 12 Jan, 2015 1 commit