1. 20 Aug, 2015 4 commits
    • api-v1: Initial API implementation & group relationships · 1e1c05c4
      * Initial API implementation
      * API_KEY header fix
      * Fixed indentation error
      * move api from common to lms
      * Course-Group Relationships
      * wip
      * add parsing of overview content blob
      * initial implementation
      * get course updates API method
      * get course static tabs API methods
      * add unit tests
      * fix some merge conflicts and remove some extra print statements picked up in rebase
      * better constrain some of the course url regexs to expect a triple for courseId
      * add ability to enroll users into courses
      * wip
      * add queryable group lists
      * add a GET endpoint to /api/groups/{groupid}/courses to get the list of courses associated with the group (program)
      * return the display names when listing all courses in a group (program)
      * create optimized course tree query API endpoint
      * make sure group profile data is properly serialized and deserialized. There appears to be a difference between how the Django test client handles things. Disabling unit test for now to unblock UI devs
      * null guard
      * fix broken unit test
      * add GET endpoint to group/user relationships
      * Added Security to session api as requested in #785
      * Storing passoword history of user and validation for user's email and username
      * Moved security tests to lms also
      * add two FEATURE flag overrides to enable the security features
      * remove unnecessary settings overrides (because they are 'feature flags')
      * Adding ratelimiting on login api
      * Migrated from Function-Based Views to Class-Based-Views
      * Create new Account/Login Audit Log
      * The API should provide for an audit log when a user creates a new account or logs into the system.
      * UserList.post() now creates UserProfile, UserPreference records
      * Group Profile fix
      * Filter group subgroups by group type
      * Application reorganization
      * Name is now required during group creation
      * Added null check for profile name
      * User must reset password functionality added
      * User must reset password dunctionality added
      * Added user password reset functionality
      * Add password reset api and implemented Password history
      * Remove unused imports, password reset message text
      Matt Drayer committed
    • xblock-external-ui: Add XBlock API call to render XBlock views · 0e5c81c0
      Included commits:
      * xblock-external-ui: Include CSRF token in the API answer
      * xblock-external-ui: Adds support for CORS headers (cross-domain request)
      * xblock-external-ui: Include full path when building local_url
      * xblock-external-ui: Fix TestHandleXBlockCallback & bok_choy, add tests
      * xblock-external-ui: Only return `instance` in `_invoke_xblock_handler()`
      * xblock-external-ui: Group resources by hash tag to avoid duplicate loads
      * xblock-external-ui: Alternate referer check for CORS requests
      * session-cookie-httponly: Allow to disable httponly on session cookies
      * remove errant log message
      * xblock-no-anonymous: Fail early if the XBlock view is called anonymously
      Xavier Antoviaque committed
  2. 07 Jul, 2015 2 commits
  3. 02 Jul, 2015 2 commits
  4. 22 Jun, 2015 2 commits
  5. 12 Jun, 2015 1 commit
  6. 11 Jun, 2015 1 commit
  7. 05 Jun, 2015 1 commit
  8. 04 Jun, 2015 1 commit
  9. 03 Jun, 2015 3 commits
  10. 02 Jun, 2015 2 commits
  11. 01 Jun, 2015 1 commit
    • New Feature: Certificates Web View · af7277cd
      - SOL-465: Initial implementation of certificates web view and signatories (names/titles)
      - SOL-718 Close button is working properly
      - SOL-801 Backbone Signatories Modeling
      - SOL-803 Underscore template: Editor (Add)
      - SOL-802 Signatories: Underscore template - Details
      - SOL-804 Signatories: Underscore template: Editor (Edit)
      - Add signatory delete Django view
      - SOL-805 Signatory editor (Delete)
      - Add Coffeescript router
      - SOL-716 Jasmine Tests
      - Added missing minified JS library
      - client side validation of signatory fields
      - SOL-390 signatories names
      - Remove obsolete extends Sass files
      - input maxlength limiting for signatory information
      - SOL-389: Course title override
      - SOL-466: Add capability to upload digitized signatures in Studio
      - ziafazal: fixed css for upload signature image
      - ziafazal: completed deletion of signature images
      - UX-1741: Add initial static rendering/styling for Open edX web certs
        * creating new global static dir
        * adding static version of edX UX pattern library assets
        * adding web certificates static assets
        * adding static (+abstracted) web certificates rendering
        * creating two tiers of rendering (base + distinguished)
        * providing sample assets for certificate rendering
        * supporting RTL layouts
        * adding certifcates assests to edX static asset pipeline
        * temporarily hiding the mozilla open badges share action
        * wiring print button to print view/page
        * fixup! addressing conflict artifact in valid cert template
        * fixup! adding missing %hd-subsection sass extend + components comment clean up
        * fixup! correcting pattern library .hd-4 font-weight value
      - SOL-468 Linked Student View for Web View Credential
      - SOL-467: Add capability to upload organization logos for certificates
      - SOL-391 / SOL-387: Signatory related info (assets) in certificates web view
      - kelketek: Fixes for static asset collection in certificate HTML view.
      - SOL-398 Web View: Public Access
      - mattdrayer: Post-merge branch stabilization
      - catong: Initial changes to Studio template and Help config file
      - ziafazal: Branch stabilizations
      - SOL-387: Display organization logo on LMS web view
      - talbs/mattdrayer: Branch Stabilizations
      - talbs: converting backpack action to use a button HTML element
      - talbs: revising placeholder assets + their rendering in cert view
      - mattdrayer: Username web view wireup
      - SOL-386 Certificate Mode Previews
      - SOL-905: Make organization logo and signatory signature uneditable
      - SOL-922: Improve test coverage
      - SOL-765: Add LinkedIn sharing
      - [marco] temporary styling adjustment to account for smaller linkedin share image / fake button
      - SOL-921: Address hardcoded template items
      - SOL-927: Deleting certificate should delete org logo image also
        * updated invalid template
        * removed hr
        * fix invalid certificate error
      - clrux: Add i18n to certificate templates and partials
      - mattdrayer: Pylint violations
      - SOL-920 Certificate Activation/Deactivation
      - mattdrayer: Added LMS support
      - SOL-932: Fix preview mode support in certificate view
      - SOL-934: Fixed bug reported and broken tests
      - SOL-935 removed the 'valid' word from web view title
      - talbs: RTL support updates/fixes
        * revising certificate type icon/name vertical alignment
        * removing unused older certificate template
        * revising styling for message/banner actions
        * abstracting accomplishment type to use course mode + adding in honor/verified-specific placeholders
      - mattdrayer: JSHint violations
      Matt Drayer committed
  12. 28 May, 2015 1 commit
    • ECOM-1339 Branding API footer · 6af5fc14
      Serve branded footer JSON/HTML/CSS/JS from an API endpoint
      in the branding app.  Refactor OpenEdX and EdX.org footer templates
      to use the Python version of the API, ensuring that the API
      values are consistent with the footer included in main.html.
      Detailed changes:
      * Added footer API end-point to the branding app.
      * Footer API allows the language to be set with querystring parameters.
      * Footer API allows showing/hiding of the OpenEdX logo using querystring parameters.
      * Deprecate ENABLE_FOOTER_V3 in favor of the branding API configuration flag.
      * Move no referrer script into main.html from the edx footer template.
      * Rename rwd_header_footer.js to rwd_header.js
      * Cache API responses.
      Awais Qureshi, Aamir Khan, Will Daly
      Will Daly committed
  13. 27 May, 2015 1 commit
  14. 15 May, 2015 1 commit
  15. 05 May, 2015 1 commit
  16. 30 Apr, 2015 1 commit
  17. 23 Apr, 2015 1 commit
  18. 17 Apr, 2015 4 commits
  19. 15 Apr, 2015 1 commit
  20. 13 Apr, 2015 1 commit
  21. 11 Apr, 2015 7 commits
    • MIT: CCX. Rename POC to CCX · 7f691e4a
      Final official name is Custom Courses for EdX (CCX), rename all code to remove previous name.
      Rename the FEATURE constant used to identify this feature
      Rename the middleware for the CCX change
      rename the constant used for storing the current poc id on the session.
      rename the _PocContext threading local
      rename the override provider in all places where it is referenced
      `PersonalOnlineCoursesOverrideProvider` -> `CustomCoursesForEdxOverrideProvider`
      generally rename symbols from overrides.py to replace `poc` with `ccx` where possible without changing model names or attributes
      rename more symbols from poc to ccx
      rename util functions from app utils module
      general symbol renaming poc -> ccx in views.py and related url changes
      Rename the coach role wherever it is used.
      reword poc_coach to ccx_coach
      UI rename
      replace POC with CCX globally
      template context variable renamed
      rename poc_ to ccx_ in urls and all related locations (views, js, scss etc)
      remove pocs migrations
      Final massive renaming, including models.  Re-built migration.
      cleaning up a few tailing references
      Fix reference typo in schedule template JS
      undo modifications made on the fly in test setup to ensure that our tests are properly isolated from the rest of the system tests.
      Fixes jazkarta/edx-platform#38
      Clean up some leftover strings and comments
      fixing more strings and comments in python files
      fix a naming error in the schedule tab that was causing problems in deleting courseware items.
      Fixes jazkarta/edx-platform#36
      updating tests and utility code to match changes in infrastructure from latest rebase
      cewing committed
    • MIT: CCX. Implement mechanism for switching POC and MOOC views · 98b663dc
      Ensure there is a consistent key for the session dict that will store the value of the poc_id if one is active.  If none is active, the mooc is assumed to be active.
      Add mooc_name, mooc_url and active to the dict for each poc membership.
      Update the navigation template to show link to mooc if poc is active, or to poc if not.
      Ensure the switch_active_pocs view is covered well with tests.
      cewing committed
    • MIT: CCX. Implement coach customization of grading policy for a CCX · eecefec8
      Story #35 As a coach I can see and edit the json for the grading policy.
      Story #34 Recalculate grading policy
      Repair the broken test for grading by providing an explicit POC context for the request to run in
      Chris Rossi committed
    • MIT: CCX. Implement coach interactions with student grades · 630d1ce0
      Story #4: Coaches sees grades.
      Story #9: Coach downloads grades.
      Chris Rossi committed
    • MIT: CCX. Implement Custom Courses for Edx. · a2cb7fd2
      This feature provides the ability to designate a "coach" who can create customized runs of an existing course, invite students to participate, and manage students through the run of the course.
      In this squashed commit we implement the initial scifi, add the 'POC Coach' course role, refine the scifi, add migrations for models, create POCs, enforce POC Coach role, provide panels for Coach Dashboard, set up rudimentary display of course outline, add and remove units, show/hide all units, and save schedule changes, set dates when adding units, edit dates on units already added and provide some tests.
      We also provide mechanisms for invitation and enrollment in a POC (to become CCX) and control the display of blocks to students in a POC.
      Chris Rossi committed
  22. 03 Apr, 2015 1 commit