1. 13 Jul, 2016 1 commit
  2. 17 Feb, 2016 1 commit
  3. 14 Jan, 2016 7 commits
  4. 13 Jan, 2016 1 commit
  5. 07 Jan, 2016 2 commits
    • Shrink images using trimage · dbffd5d6
       common/static/css/vendor/slickgrid/images/help.png  | Bin 345 -> 334 bytes
       .../static/css/vendor/slickgrid/images/stripes.png  | Bin 1125 -> 88 bytes
       .../images/ui-bg_flat_0_aaaaaa_40x100.png           | Bin 180 -> 86 bytes
       .../images/ui-bg_flat_75_ffffff_40x100.png          | Bin 178 -> 86 bytes
       .../images/ui-bg_glass_65_ffffff_1x400.png          | Bin 105 -> 97 bytes
       .../images/ui-bg_highlight-soft_75_cccccc_1x100.png | Bin 101 -> 86 bytes
       .../smoothness/images/ui-icons_222222_256x240.png   | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       .../smoothness/images/ui-icons_2e83ff_256x240.png   | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       .../smoothness/images/ui-icons_454545_256x240.png   | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       .../smoothness/images/ui-icons_888888_256x240.png   | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       .../smoothness/images/ui-icons_cd0a0a_256x240.png   | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       .../ui-bg_diagonals-thick_18_b81900_40x40.png       | Bin 260 -> 136 bytes
       .../ui-bg_diagonals-thick_20_666666_40x40.png       | Bin 251 -> 136 bytes
       .../images/ui-bg_flat_10_000000_40x100.png          | Bin 178 -> 86 bytes
       .../images/ui-bg_glass_65_ffffff_1x400.png          | Bin 105 -> 97 bytes
       .../images/ui-bg_gloss-wave_35_f6a828_500x100.png   | Bin 3762 -> 1756 bytes
       .../ui-lightness/images/ui-icons_222222_256x240.png | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       .../ui-lightness/images/ui-icons_228ef1_256x240.png | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       .../ui-lightness/images/ui-icons_ef8c08_256x240.png | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       .../ui-lightness/images/ui-icons_ffd27a_256x240.png | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       .../ui-lightness/images/ui-icons_ffffff_256x240.png | Bin 4369 -> 3714 bytes
       common/static/images/arrow-left.png                 | Bin 1062 -> 256 bytes
       common/static/images/arrow-right.png                | Bin 1079 -> 264 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX2E0-3D-balls.png  | Bin 32790 -> 30318 bytes
       common/static/images/capa/vsepr/AX2E1-3D-balls.png  | Bin 61843 -> 57213 bytes
       25 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
      Calen Pennington committed
    • Shrink images using trimage · 9265dc00
       cms/static/images/bg-micro-stripes.png              | Bin 117 -> 102 bytes
       cms/static/images/choice-example.png                | Bin 2751 -> 1544 bytes
       cms/static/images/drag-handles.png                  | Bin 954 -> 103 bytes
       cms/static/images/explanation-example.png           | Bin 4772 -> 4671 bytes
       cms/static/images/header-example.png                | Bin 6639 -> 385 bytes
       cms/static/images/hiw-feature1.png                  | Bin 67031 -> 66798 bytes
       cms/static/images/hiw-feature2.png                  | Bin 17027 -> 16408 bytes
       cms/static/images/hiw-feature3.png                  | Bin 15092 -> 14775 bytes
       cms/static/images/large-video-icon.png              | Bin 234 -> 128 bytes
       cms/static/images/multi-example.png                 | Bin 2875 -> 1519 bytes
       cms/static/images/number-example.png                | Bin 1430 -> 515 bytes
       cms/static/images/preview-lms-staticpages.png       | Bin 61450 -> 53417 bytes
       cms/static/images/problem-editor-icons.png          | Bin 2307 -> 2304 bytes
       cms/static/images/search-icon.png                   | Bin 1196 -> 423 bytes
       cms/static/images/select-example.png                | Bin 1961 -> 1006 bytes
       cms/static/images/string-example.png                | Bin 1458 -> 574 bytes
       cms/static/images/studio-logo.png                   | Bin 4243 -> 885 bytes
       cms/static/images/thumb-hiw-feature1.png            | Bin 16516 -> 16311 bytes
       cms/static/images/thumb-hiw-feature2.png            | Bin 12956 -> 12821 bytes
       cms/static/images/thumb-hiw-feature3.png            | Bin 16616 -> 16395 bytes
       common/static/css/vendor/ova/video-js.fw.png        | Bin 78899 -> 74914 bytes
       .../css/vendor/pdfjs/images/loading-small.png       | Bin 7402 -> 613 bytes
       .../css/vendor/pdfjs/images/loading-small@2x.png    | Bin 16131 -> 1324 bytes
       .../secondaryToolbarButton-documentProperties.png   | Bin 403 -> 402 bytes
       .../css/vendor/slickgrid/images/drag-handle.png     | Bin 1130 -> 94 bytes
       25 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
      Calen Pennington committed
  6. 16 Jun, 2015 1 commit
    • Fix modal css to be hidden immediately · 8d56fe3b
      Before the leanModal content css was applied after the js class
      was added to the body element. This causes leanModals to
      display for a split second before being hidden. This fix removes
      the need for the explicit css rule for static pages preview.
      Kevin Luo committed
  7. 09 Mar, 2015 1 commit
  8. 03 Feb, 2015 1 commit
  9. 14 Jan, 2015 1 commit
  10. 06 Jan, 2015 1 commit
  11. 15 Oct, 2014 1 commit
  12. 06 Aug, 2014 1 commit
  13. 05 Aug, 2014 1 commit
  14. 31 Jul, 2014 2 commits
  15. 02 Jun, 2014 1 commit
  16. 23 May, 2014 2 commits
  17. 14 Apr, 2014 1 commit
  18. 08 Apr, 2014 1 commit
  19. 20 Mar, 2014 1 commit
  20. 12 Mar, 2014 1 commit
  21. 11 Feb, 2014 1 commit
  22. 27 Jan, 2014 2 commits
    • Updating Annotator CSS · d214cb87
      The change in the css keeps fonts as they were and does not change them
      purely based on annotating a section.
      lduarte1991 committed
    • annotation tools · 7e2652b5
      First set of fixes from the pull request
      This does not include some of the testing files. The textannotation and
      videoannotation test files are not ready. waiting for an answer on the
      Deleted token line in api.py and added test for token generator
      Added notes_spec.coffee
      remove spec file
      fixed minor error with the test
      fixes some quality errors
      fixed unit test
      fixed unit test
      added advanced module
      Added notes_spec.coffee
      remove spec file
      Quality and  Testing Coverage
      1. in test_textannotation.py I already check for line 75 as it states
      in the diff in line 43, same with test_videoanntotation
      2. Like you said, exceptions cannot be checked for
      firebase_token_generator.py. The version of python that is active on
      the edx server is 2.7 or higher, but the code is there for correctness.
      Error checking works the same way.
      3. I added a test for student/views/.py within tests and deleted the
      unused secret assignment.
      4. test_token_generator.py is now its own file
      Added Secret Token data input
      fixed token generator
      Annotation Tools in Place
      The purpose of this pull request is to install two major modules: (1) a
      module to annotate text and (2) a module to annotate video. In either
      case an instructor can declare them in advanced settings under
      advanced_modules and input content (HTML in text, mp4 or YouTube videos
      for video). Students will be able to highlight portions and add their
      comments as well as reply to each other. There needs to be a storage
      server set up per course as well as a secret token to talk with said
      1. Added test to check for the creation of a token in tests.py (along
      with the rest of the tests for student/view.py)
      2. Removed items in cms pertaining to annotation as this will only be
      possible in the lms
      3. Added more comments to firebase_token_generator.py, the test files,
      4. Added some internationalization stuff to textannotation.html and
      videoannotation.html. I need some help with doing it in javascript, but
      the html is covered.
      incorporated lib for traslate
      fixed quality errors
      fixed my notes with catch token
      Text and Video Annotation Modules - First Iteration
      The following code-change is the first iteration of the modules for
      text and video annotation.
      Installing Modules:
      1. Under “Advanced Settings”, add “textannotation” and
      “videoannotation” to the list of advanced_modules.
      2. Add link to an external storage for annotations under
      3. Add the secret token for talking with said storage under
      Using Modules
      1. When creating  new unit, you can find Text and Video annotation
      modules under “Advanced” component
      2. Make sure you have either Text or Video in one unit, but not both.
      3. Annotations are only allowed on Live/Public version and not Studio.
      Added missing templates and fixed more of the quality errors
      Fixed annotator not existing issue in cmd and tried to find the get_html() from the annotation module class to the descriptor
      Added a space after # in comments
      Fixed issue with an empty Module and token links
      Added licenses and fixed vis naming scheme and location.
      daniel cebrian committed
  23. 27 Dec, 2013 1 commit
  24. 27 Oct, 2013 2 commits
  25. 16 Oct, 2013 1 commit
  26. 02 Aug, 2013 1 commit
  27. 20 May, 2013 3 commits