- 28 Feb, 2014 1 commit
Metrics tab shows student data: -Count of students opened a subsection -Grade distribution per problem for each section/subsection of the course. Implemented for both the old and beta dashboard Controlled by a feature flag 'CLASS_DASHBOARD' Data is aggregated across all students Aggregate data computed from courseware_studentmodule
Kristin Stephens committed
- 27 Feb, 2014 1 commit
Frances Botsford committed
- 26 Feb, 2014 2 commits
Students no longer see a tooltip nor any button affordance (i.e. cursor and color change on hover/focus) on the pinning feature. For moderators, the tooltip is now correct when a thread is pinned, the button is accessible for keyboard-only users and screen readers, and an error dialog now appears if an error occurs in attempting to pin/unpin. JIRA: FOR-192
Greg Price committed -
Greg Price committed
- 20 Feb, 2014 1 commit
jsa committed
- 14 Feb, 2014 5 commits
Brian Talbot committed
Brian Talbot committed
Brian Talbot committed
Brian Talbot committed
Brian Talbot committed
- 13 Feb, 2014 1 commit
Giulio Gratta committed
- 11 Feb, 2014 1 commit
Frances Botsford committed
- 10 Feb, 2014 1 commit
Dave St.Germain committed
- 05 Feb, 2014 3 commits
Removed inappropriate section tags. Because screen readers announce each section, they should not be used unless they are actually defining meaningful sections.
Dave St.Germain committed -
Dave St.Germain committed -
Brian Talbot committed
- 04 Feb, 2014 2 commits
Dave St.Germain committed
If neither start nor advertised_start has been changed from default don't show the course start date. This allows us to accept course registrations for courses whose start date is yet TBD.
Jason Bau committed
- 31 Jan, 2014 8 commits
Users will first be shown the first 25 responses of a viewed thread and then have the option of loading 100 more at a time until all responses have been loaded. This mitigates the performance impact of very large threads by avoiding the need to render and transfer over the network all content of a large thread at once. It will also allow students with slower browsers to interact with large threads even if they cannot load all of the responses.
Greg Price committed -
- Clarify checkbox description wording - Wrap checkbox and envelope icon in div to make it stand out - Added styling for wrapper div - Wrap label element around div to allow clicking the envelope to activate the checkbox - Indented HTML and fixed if wrapping issue
Giulio Gratta committed -
Frances Botsford committed
Frances Botsford committed
Frances Botsford committed
Frances Botsford committed
Frances Botsford committed
Frances Botsford committed
- 30 Jan, 2014 2 commits
- Added note to instructors on Forum Admin page of Instructor Dashboard. - Made Role Info divs permanently displayed, but under the user list.
Giulio Gratta committed -
Brian Talbot committed
- 28 Jan, 2014 1 commit
jsa committed
- 16 Jan, 2014 1 commit
This includes removing the "PREVIEW" label for the preview pane from CSS and adding it to the generated DOM.
Greg Price committed
- 14 Jan, 2014 1 commit
Greg Price committed
- 13 Jan, 2014 1 commit
* adds in Sass placeholder to mirror older/inherited button styling used in LMS * uses light theming Sass variables for button styling * adds specific selector for certificate download button
Brian Talbot committed
- 10 Jan, 2014 2 commits
David Baumgold committed
Usman Khalid committed
- 07 Jan, 2014 1 commit
Bertrand Marron committed
- 03 Jan, 2014 1 commit
* provides new .scss file for developers to add temporary/in-progress Sass for further refactor/polish * cleans up note/import order in all application scss files
Brian Talbot committed
- 17 Dec, 2013 1 commit
* uses Google Web Fonts reference rather than local files * removes unused local font files * adds in semi-bold weight support
Brian Talbot committed
- 09 Dec, 2013 1 commit
This button has been broken for at least a year, so the code has suffered from bit rot and should be reimplmemented if the feature is necessary in the short term (which is unlikely since it has been broken for so long).
Greg Price committed
- 02 Dec, 2013 1 commit
polesye committed
- 26 Nov, 2013 1 commit
Jay Zoldak committed