- 18 Sep, 2017 1 commit
Andy Armstrong committed
- 03 Aug, 2016 1 commit
Chris Rodriguez committed
- 19 Jul, 2016 1 commit
Simon Chen committed
- 12 Jul, 2016 1 commit
Chris Rodriguez committed
- 24 Jun, 2016 1 commit
Chris Rodriguez committed
- 14 Jun, 2016 1 commit
Chris Rodriguez committed
- 02 Jun, 2016 1 commit
Andy Armstrong committed
- 07 Apr, 2016 1 commit
Chris Rodriguez committed
- 17 Feb, 2016 1 commit
Chris Rodriguez committed
- 14 Sep, 2015 1 commit
David Baumgold committed
- 16 Jun, 2015 1 commit
Before the leanModal content css was applied after the js class was added to the body element. This causes leanModals to display for a split second before being hidden. This fix removes the need for the explicit css rule for static pages preview.
Kevin Luo committed
- 06 Jan, 2015 1 commit
* updating vendor files * updating class syntax (to new FA-based classes) for all UI elements * correcting broken tests
Chris committed
- 05 Jan, 2015 1 commit
SASS compilation variable conventions update, focusing on basic colors, baseline variable usage for padding and margins, ui-depth extends, along with other small fixes. The intent with this is to not have any user-facing impact, and instead move us closer toward having files that use our newer sass conventions.
Marco Morales committed
- 30 Oct, 2014 1 commit
* removing unused font-family-centric Sass variables * removing unused graphic images and Sass references * clean up of style removal fallout
Brian Talbot committed
- 17 Oct, 2014 3 commits
Frances Botsford committed
Frances Botsford committed
Frances Botsford committed
- 21 Aug, 2014 4 commits
Ben McMorran committed
Brian Talbot committed
Brian Talbot committed
Studio: adding course re-run-centric static template rendering * initial HTML for dashboard states * initial HTML for new course re-run view/form * initial HTML placeholder for outline alert UI Conflicts: cms/templates/index.html Studio: adding styling for course re-run-centric views * adding new view/page mast-wizard type * refactoring create course/element form styling * adding course re-run view specific styling * adding courses processing styling (w/ alerts and status) Course rerun server-side updates: support display_name and DuplicateCourseError. Studio: further design revisions and tweaks from feedback * removing new window attribute from re-run control * removing links from processing courses * revising look/feel of dismiss action on dashboard + alert * correcting font-weight of dashboard processing title * adding extra space to course rerun action on dashboard * re-wording secondary cancel action on rerun view Conflicts: cms/templates/index.html Added interation on unsucceeded courses in dashboard Studio: removing 'rel=external' property from course re-run actions Studio: removing hover styles for processing courses Fixed value bug in split and set course listing to display run moved task.py for rerun
Mathew Peterson committed
- 13 Aug, 2014 2 commits
Brian Talbot committed
* moving font-size to use @include font-size() mixin * re-organizing vendor reset styling into _vendor.scss override rather than _reset.scss * initial rule re-organization and minor line-height tweaks
Brian Talbot committed
- 12 Aug, 2014 1 commit
Brian Talbot committed
- 07 Aug, 2014 2 commits
cleanup of unit, container, and xblock sass; added modules and layout sass; publishing states and actions on new unit
Frances Botsford committed -
Andy Armstrong committed
- 29 May, 2014 1 commit
Andy Armstrong committed
- 02 May, 2014 1 commit
Frances Botsford committed
- 16 Apr, 2014 1 commit
Studio: revising .fake-link utility class to use Sass placeholder and syncing commenting style LMS: updating Sass ui-disabled placholder syntax and creating utility is-disabled class Studio: adding in basic action Sass placeholder for use in enabling/disabling UI Studio: applying action Sass placeholder to publish/create-draft Unit view actions STUD-1497
Brian Talbot committed
- 09 Apr, 2014 1 commit
Andy Armstrong committed
- 05 Mar, 2014 1 commit
cahrens committed
- 14 Feb, 2014 2 commits
styling for recursive xblock rendering structure to be used in the container page, pulling from general xblock styles in a separate file.
marco committed -
updated container header styling and exposed sidebar back to its location. includes some javascript to render tooltips on overflowed text headers
marcotuts committed
- 22 Jan, 2014 1 commit
cahrens committed
- 01 Nov, 2013 1 commit
Brian Talbot committed
- 24 Oct, 2013 3 commits
Brian Talbot committed
Brian Talbot committed
* add HTML for links * hide links when they are not focused * when focused, show link (as recommended) * move accessibility tools to common LMS-1311
Diana Huang committed
- 07 Oct, 2013 1 commit
Also includes RequireJS changes. Fixes bugs: STUD-755, STUD-152, STUD-700, STUD-699
cahrens committed
- 18 Sep, 2013 1 commit
Brian Talbot committed