- 20 Sep, 2013 8 commits
Adam Palay committed
Adam Palay committed
Adam Palay committed
add accessibility message if mathjax is detected
Adam committed -
Disabled video autoplay for students
jmclaus committed -
jmclaus committed
jmclaus committed
jmclaus committed
- 19 Sep, 2013 22 commits
If the current course doesn't have a verified course mode
Diana Huang committed -
Don't try to purchase the same order twice
Diana Huang committed -
Add unicode handling to the signing and verifying logic
Diana Huang committed -
kick the user out of the verify registration flow.
Diana Huang committed -
LMS: Hide Browser Recommendation Message from Assistive Tech Users
Brian Talbot committed -
LMS: semantically hides the ie-centric browser warning/FF/Chrome suggestion message to avoid confusing/misleading assistive tech-based users.
Brian Talbot committed -
use ie conditional html tags to detect for compatible ie versions
Adam Palay committed -
Features/fmo/lms i18n strings
Adam committed -
Felipe Montoya committed
Felipe Montoya committed
Felipe Montoya committed
Felipe Montoya committed
Felipe Montoya committed
fixing quotations as per request
Julia Hansbrough committed -
Julia Hansbrough committed
use .get when checking combined notifications to handle missing keys
Jason Bau committed -
Julia Hansbrough committed
Diana Huang committed
Jason Bau committed
Disable temporarily failed js unit tests.
polesye committed -
polesye committed
- 18 Sep, 2013 10 commits
Updated Vagrant file with requirements for tests
Will Daly committed -
Changed prereq installation in rake test and rake fasttest
Will Daly committed -
Zoldak/quiet fast acceptance
Jay Zoldak committed -
Adding support for ICE track changes to calibration UI improvements
caesar2164 committed -
Giulio Gratta committed
Jay Zoldak committed
Jay Zoldak committed
Add ability to run against generic selenium grid
Jay Zoldak committed -
Will Daly committed
Rename xblock_field_data to xmodule_field_data
Calen Pennington committed