- 18 Sep, 2014 6 commits
Move <HR> inside of template conditional
Sarina Canelake committed -
Sarina Canelake committed
Country and City fields in auth_userprofile
Alison Hodges committed -
ECOM-128 adds a country dropdown to student registration
Alison Hodges committed -
Added instructor persmission checking to _has_access_error_desc() in courseware.access
Usman Khalid committed -
Otherwise, if `settings.ENABLE_INSTRUCTOR_ANALYTICS` is set to `False`, two horizontal rules are rendered consecutively. The <HR> has also been indented to align with surrounding tags.
stv committed
- 17 Sep, 2014 11 commits
Fixed problems with psychometrics (Opaque Keys)
Sarina Canelake committed -
Update paver bok_choy (test) commands to reflect new default vars.
Ben Patterson committed -
Disable sending activation email also when doing external_auth and setting BYPASS_ACTIVATION_EMAIL_FOR_EXTAUTH=True
Sarina Canelake committed -
- Update key comparisons for Opaque Keys - Search for 'problem_check' instead of 'save_problem_check' when filtering TrackingLogs.
Brandon DeRosier committed -
Ben Patterson committed
wait for notification on adding video component
zubair-arbi committed -
enable auto-capturing of hars in bok-choy tests
clytwynec committed -
Revert "username and email request for lti module"
Ned Batchelder committed -
Do not generate CSS source maps in production
Tim Babych committed -
Disable sending activation email also when doing external_auth and setting BYPASS_ACTIVATION_EMAIL_FOR_EXTAUTH=True
marcore committed -
Add tests for paver bok_choy commands
Ben Patterson committed
- 16 Sep, 2014 23 commits
This reverts commit 3f159ea5.
Ned Batchelder committed -
Ben Patterson committed
Use new bok_choy file paths in paver examples.
Ben Patterson committed -
BLD-1230: Video Link Obfuscation
jmclaus committed -
allow TAs to select the cohort of new posts.
Jim Abramson committed -
jsa committed -
polesye committed
Ex-74 Registration Code redemption
chrisndodge committed -
Pyfilesystem fix for AWS. pyfs has broken logic which did not work with AWS roles-based auth. This removes that logic.
Piotr Mitros committed -
Fixed bok choy flaky test for studio.
Jesse Zoldak committed -
EX-81 / Ex-84 changes
chrisndodge committed -
Update translations (autogenerated message)
Sarina Canelake committed -
Sarina Canelake committed
Piotr Mitros committed
asadiqbal08 committed
Update github for asset char
Don Mitchell committed -
Don Mitchell committed -
Tim Babych committed
zubair-arbi committed -
TE-468 JS test: Use the correct array for validating onSeek logs
Ben Patterson committed -
Waheed Ahmed committed -
fix the translation issues added a check if a user is already registered in a course. Changed the messages added course depth=0 and removed pep8 violations
Muhammad Shoaib committed -
only redirect to dashboard if user has course enrollments, otherwise rem...
chrisndodge committed