- 10 Sep, 2015 1 commit
Peter Fogg committed
- 09 Sep, 2015 27 commits
Respond to AJAX errors in Teams UI.
Peter Fogg committed -
Peter Fogg committed -
only show proctoring download button when the course has proctoring e…
chrisndodge committed -
chrisndodge committed -
Release 2015-09-09
Clinton Blackburn committed -
reduce logging severity from exception to error
chrisndodge committed -
Chris Dodge committed
Release 2015-09-09
Clinton Blackburn committed -
Fix correct answer position in dropdown problem template.
Sarina Canelake committed -
Fix Pylint warning for monkey_patch tests
Sarina Canelake committed -
Remove unicode quotes in courseware html attrs
Christine Lytwynec committed -
Sarina Canelake committed
Sarina Canelake committed
added the accessibility element for timer count down
Muhammad Shoaib committed -
Upgrading django-sekizai
Muzaffar yousaf committed -
muzaffaryousaf committed -
Upgrading django-ses
Muzaffar yousaf committed -
jpaille committed
The correct answer is now correctly displayed after `show answer` is pressed.
jpaille committed -
muzaffaryousaf committed -
Upgrade mock-django in platform & released version for edx-search.
Muzaffar yousaf committed -
Merge pull request #9447 from edx/ahsan/ECOM-2118-Credit-Eligible-Assessments-Appear-in-Incorrect-Order Credit-Eligible Assessments Appearing in Incorrect Order
Ahsan Ulhaq committed -
muzaffaryousaf committed -
muzaffaryousaf committed
Upgrading django-simple-history to 1.6.3
Muzaffar yousaf committed -
Add ENABLE_SEARCH_TEAMS flag to tests
Bill DeRusha committed -
Update lettuce to work with Django 1.4 - 1.8
Brian Beggs committed
- 08 Sep, 2015 12 commits
Bill DeRusha committed
Add search specific feature flag in front of search features
Bill DeRusha committed -
Bill DeRusha committed
Don't package or optimize assets on devstack
Andy Armstrong committed -
Use the oauth provider utils to ship a generated key/secret
Kevin Falcone committed -
Add role="presentation" to .course-wrapper to prevent table
Christine Lytwynec committed -
Brian Beggs committed
Christine Lytwynec committed
Add events for tracking when teams are edited.
Diana Huang committed -
Remove django-robots from docs/shared/requirements.txt
Brian Beggs committed -
Remove django-kombu
Brian Beggs committed -
Remove django-masquerade
Brian Beggs committed