- 19 Jun, 2015 1 commit
The payment buttons now match the style of the verified upgrade buttons. XCOM-422
Clinton Blackburn committed
- 18 Jun, 2015 17 commits
Extended hint features
Sarina Canelake committed -
Make a11y test inherit from a base class
Christine Lytwynec committed -
Update bok-choy cached db with the latest migrations
Jesse Zoldak committed -
Christine Lytwynec committed
SOL-939 Jasmine Tests
Matt Drayer committed -
mattdrayer/SOL-639: Update edx-milestones Github reference
Matt Drayer committed -
Add professional enrollments to the instructor dashboard.
Will Daly committed -
Matt Drayer committed
update edx-search hash to include faceted search
chrisndodge committed -
Improve cohort test
Ben Patterson committed -
TNL-1893 Add teams topic card
Ben McMorran committed -
TNL-2291 Discussion forums permission caching
Ben McMorran committed -
Ben McMorran committed
asadiqbal committed
SOL-994 fix js loading if search features disabled
dino-cikatic committed -
Add rendered_body to discussion API endpoints
Greg Price committed -
The rendering in this commit does not prevent MathJax content from being rendered as the discussion JavaScript code does.
Greg Price committed
- 17 Jun, 2015 22 commits
Add comment voting to discussion API
Greg Price committed -
Extends the common capa response types (string, numeric, multiple choice, checkbox, dropdown) with feedback and hint capabilities. "Feedback" refers to feedback shown to the student when they check the problem, looking at their specific answer. "Hints" refers to a Hint button in LMS which the student can click at any time to see hints for that problem. The implementation extends the markdown syntax to include feedback and hints. There are new Feedback-and-Hint specific templates in Studio when the author clicks to add a new problem.
Nick Parlante committed -
Remove SQLite version dependent error string check
Kevin Luo committed -
Caches all permissions per user per course. Adds caching functionality to has_permission and replaces all instances of cached_has_permission with has_permission.
David Ormsbee committed -
Jesse Zoldak committed
WIP: Limit application of CCX overrides to enabled courses and providers
Calen Pennington committed -
compile sass in quiet mode unless debug=True
Christine Lytwynec committed -
Revert "Update bok-choy version and move to base.txt"
Jesse Zoldak committed -
Calen Pennington committed
Calen Pennington committed
Carlos de la Guardia committed
Christine Lytwynec committed
Jesse Zoldak committed
Fix forum response display issue with long labels on action buttons
Chris committed -
Lower pylint threshold to 7100
Jesse Zoldak committed -
Will Daly committed
Add text_search parameter to discussion API
Greg Price committed -
Jesse Zoldak committed
Richard Moch committed
Richard Moch committed
Richard Moch committed
Richard Moch committed