- 16 Nov, 2015 7 commits
Correct the remove icon.
Christina Roberts committed -
cahrens committed
Enforced maximum amount of students for CCX
Sarina Canelake committed -
CCX overrides course max_student_enrollments_allowed and set it to 200 during CCX creation
Giovanni Di Milia committed -
Christine Lytwynec committed -
Adnan/chrome bok choy fixes
Adnan Ghaffar committed -
Adnan Ghaffar committed
- 13 Nov, 2015 17 commits
Show a message when logging in with no internet connection.
Peter Fogg committed -
Christine Lytwynec committed
Peter Fogg committed -
Use upstream nose instead of a fork.
Ben Patterson committed -
Added pagination on grade book.
Peter Pinch committed -
saleem-latif/SOL-1384: Refactor certificates bok-choy pages to use PageObject
Ben Patterson committed -
Added validations for start and due date in Schedule tab inside CCX coach dashboard
Peter Pinch committed -
Start running the PDF Textbook test again.
Diana Huang committed -
Added error message incase user specified start or due date without time and also added start date and due date comparison validation in ccx coach dashboard validation.
Amir Qayyum Khan committed -
Remove redundant and skipped video test.
Diana Huang committed -
saleem-latif/SOL-1333: Invalidate Generated Certificates before regeneration
Matt Drayer committed -
asadiqbal/SOL-1385 Disable "Generate Certs" button until cert is activated
Matt Drayer committed -
Video player (1 of 2): refreshing the UI
clrux committed -
Saleem Latif committed
asadiqbal committed
Saleem Latif committed
The multiprocessing issues we had seen previously do not appear when we use our combination of plugin settings for multiprocessing. This makes it unnecessary to use a fork.
Ben Patterson committed
- 12 Nov, 2015 4 commits
Chris Rodriguez committed
Remove stray quotation mark from courseware-error text.
David Baumgold committed -
saleem-latif/SOL-1387: Custom 500 error message should only be seen for Preview
Matt Drayer committed -
Saleem Latif committed
- 11 Nov, 2015 3 commits
Search performance (SOL-1030, SOL-1031)
Davorin Šego committed -
Remove filtering by partition, course and user Rewrite the LMS result processor to use the course blocks api
Davorin Sego committed -
Matjaz Gregoric committed
- 10 Nov, 2015 9 commits
Verify patched fix merge back into master.
Cliff Dyer committed -
Disable posting to LinkedIn feature for microsites until we can suppo…
chrisndodge committed -
SOL-1333: Add Cert Regenerate UI on Instructor Dash
Matt Drayer committed -
ziafazal/SOL-1358: enabled web certs by default for all new courses
Matt Drayer committed -
Chris Dodge committed
changing default value instead of setting it via fields fixed broken test fixed quality violation following another approach
Zia Fazal committed -
Amir Qayyum Khan committed
Saleem Latif committed
ECOM-2602 Initial Verification status should convey all possible states
Afeef Janjua committed