Commit ffa28ea4 by Ibrahim Awwal

Expanding and collapsing threads on inline forums works, but it could use a…

Expanding and collapsing threads on inline forums works, but it could use a little styling. Also fixed responding to threads which I may have broken in the commit prior to this one.
parent 2d4645af
......@@ -153,11 +153,13 @@ class @DiscussionUtil
@getWmdEditor: ($content, $local, cls_identifier) ->
id = $content.attr("_id")
elem = $local(".#{cls_identifier}")
id ="id")
@getWmdInput: ($content, $local, cls_identifier) ->
id = $content.attr("_id")
elem = $local(".#{cls_identifier}")
id ="id")
@getWmdContent: ($content, $local, cls_identifier) ->
......@@ -265,3 +267,13 @@ class @DiscussionUtil
@markdownWithHighlight: (text) ->
converter = Markdown.getMathCompatibleConverter()
@unescapeHighlightTag @stripLatexHighlight converter.makeHtml text
@abbreviateString: (text, minLength) ->
# Abbreviates a string to at least minLength characters, stopping at word boundaries
if text.length<100
return text
while minLength < text.length && text[minLength] != ' '
return text.substr(0, minLength) + '...'
class @DiscussionContentView extends Backbone.View
endorsed: (endorsed) ->
if endorsed
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class @DiscussionContentView extends Backbone.View
votes_point: (votes_point) ->
comments_count: (comments_count) ->
subscribed: (subscribed) ->
if subscribed
......@@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ class @DiscussionContentView extends Backbone.View
@$delegateElement = @$local
makeWmdEditor: (cls_identifier) =>
DiscussionUtil.makeWmdEditor @$el, $.proxy(@$, @), cls_identifier
if not @$el.find(".wmd-panel").length
DiscussionUtil.makeWmdEditor @$el, $.proxy(@$, @), cls_identifier
getWmdEditor: (cls_identifier) =>
DiscussionUtil.getWmdEditor @$el, $.proxy(@$, @), cls_identifier
class @DiscussionThreadInlineView extends DiscussionContentView
expanded = false
"click .discussion-vote": "toggleVote"
"click .action-follow": "toggleFollowing"
......@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ class @DiscussionThreadInlineView extends DiscussionContentView
"click .action-edit": "edit"
"click .action-delete": "delete"
"click .action-openclose": "toggleClosed"
"click .show-reply": "toggleReply"
"click .expand-post": "expandPost"
"click .collapse-post": "collapsePost"
template: -> DiscussionUtil.getTemplate("_inline_thread")
......@@ -24,16 +25,19 @@ class @DiscussionThreadInlineView extends DiscussionContentView
if not window.$disc
window.$disc = []
@$el.html(Mustache.render(@template(), @model.toJSON()))
if not @model.has('abbreviatedBody')
@$el.html(Mustache.render(@template(), $.extend(@model.toJSON(),{expanded: @expanded}) ))
@makeWmdEditor "reply-body"
# @renderResponses()
if @expanded
@makeWmdEditor "reply-body"
# @highlight @$(".post-body")
# @highlight @$("h1")
......@@ -190,9 +194,24 @@ class @DiscussionThreadInlineView extends DiscussionContentView
highlight: (el) ->
el.html(el.html().replace(/&lt;mark&gt;/g, "<mark>").replace(/&lt;\/mark&gt;/g, "</mark>"))
toggleReply: ->
$('.discussion-reply-new').each (index, elem)->
Markdown.makeWmdEditor @$el.find(".reply-body"), "", DiscussionUtil.urlFor("upload"), (text) -> DiscussionUtil.postMathJaxProcessor(text)
abbreviateBody: ->
abbreviated = DiscussionUtil.abbreviateString @model.get('body'), 140 # Because twitter
@model.set('abbreviatedBody', abbreviated)
expandPost: (event) ->
@expanded = true
@makeWmdEditor "reply-body"
if @$el.find('.loading').length
collapsePost: (event) ->
@expanded = false
......@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ class @DiscussionThreadView extends DiscussionContentView
url: url
type: "POST"
success: (response, textStatus) =>
toggleClosed: (event) ->
$elem = $(
url = @model.urlFor('close')
......@@ -1480,7 +1480,8 @@ body.discussion {
border: 1px solid;
border-radius: 3px;
box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
min-height: 0;
padding: 1em;
.discussion-post {
header {
padding-bottom: 0.1em;
......@@ -1508,12 +1509,21 @@ body.discussion {
.discussion-reply-new {
.wmd-input {
height: 120px;
// Content that is hidden by default in the inline view
display: none;
//.discussion-reply-new {
// display:none;
......@@ -8,15 +8,19 @@
<span class="timeago" title="{{created_at}}">sometime</span> by
<a href="{{user_url}}">{{username}}</a>
<div class="local post-tools">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="expand-post">Expand...</a>
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="collapse-post">Collapse...</a>
<div class="post-body">
<ol class="responses">
<ol class="responses post-extended-content">
<li class="loading"><div class="loading-animation"></div></li>
<form class="local discussion-reply-new" data-id="{{id}}">
<form class="local discussion-reply-new post-extended-content" data-id="{{id}}">
<h4>Post a response:</h4>
<ul class="discussion-errors"></ul>
<div class="reply-body" data-id="{{id}}"></div>
......@@ -24,4 +28,5 @@
<a class="discussion-submit-post control-button" href="#">Submit</a>
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