The following information reflects what is new in the edX Platform as of
October 7, 2014. See previous pages in this document for a history of changes.
edX Release Announcements Mailing List
These edX Course Staff Release Notes are always available and are updated with
each release of the edX Platform on ``_ and `edX Edge`_.
You can also sign up for the `edX Release Announcements mailing list`_ to get
an email message when we update the edX Course Staff Release Notes.
edX Learning Management System
* The private discussion cohorts feature has been released! When this optional
feature is enabled for a course, the course team defines smaller communities
of students within the larger, course-wide community. This feature allows
course teams to divide students into cohort groups using either distinctive
group characteristics or automated, random assignments. When the cohorts
feature is enabled for a course, most discussion topics are divided so that
students can only read and contribute to posts made by other members of the
same cohort. However, course teams can create some open, or unified,
discussion topics so that all students can read and contribute to that topic.
Additionally, if the cohorts feature is enabled for the course, the CSV file
that contains student profile data now includes a **Cohort** column.
If you want to use the cohorts feature in your course, we strongly recommend
that you implement the feature before your course is released. We do not
recommend enabling cohorts in a running course.
For more information, see `Cohorts`_.
* In the Instructor Dashboard, downloading student profile data is now a
background task. You can leave the **Data Download** page after you
begin downloading students' profile information and return when the download
is complete. Additionally, the **Download profile information as a CSV**
button and the **List enrolled students' profile information** button have
been moved to the **Reports** section of the **Data Download** page. (TNL-453)
* Course discussions have several new features:
* Students can now change the topic of a post after they post it. Discussion administrators, moderators, and community TAs can edit the topic for any post.
* Users no longer have the option to add comments to closed threads. (TNL-150)
* When a user selects a topic for a post, a link to the unit that contains
that discussion topic in the body of the course now appears immediately when the
post is created. (TNL-404)
* Users who have the discussion admin role can now remove their
own or other users' discussion admin status. (TNL-315)
* For some users, a list of posts did not appear in the left sidebar when
the user clicked **Posts I'm Following**. This bug has been fixed. (TNL-469)
* Pinned posts now always appear at the top of the list of posts, regardless
of the way that the posts are sorted. (TNL-90)
* In some browsers, if a student clicked a word in a transcript to move to that
point in the video, the video began playing from the correct point, but the
transcript stopped following along with the video. This bug has been fixed.
edX Studio
* In HTML text components, the default font now appears as an option in the
**Font** menu. (TNL-147)
.. image:: /images/HTMLDefaultFont.png
:width: 300
:alt: HTML component editor with Font menu open to show Default option
* When a Problem component contained a custom JavaScript display and grading (JS
Input) problem and at least one other problem, the JS Input problem was scored
incorrectly. The additional problem in the component could be any type of
problem. These problems are now scored correctly. (TNL-269)
* When you exported a course, the setting for **Video Download Allowed** in a
Video component changed from **False** to **True** in the exported course.
This bug has been fixed. (TNL-324)
edX Documentation
All guides now include a section that lists browsers supported for use with the
edX platform.
The following documentation is available:
* `Building and Running an edX Course`_
Click **Help** in the upper-right corner of any page in the edX Studio
user interface to access relevant sections in this guide. You can also
download the entire guide as a PDF.
Recent changes include:
* Full documentation for the new cohorts feature is available in `Cohorts`_.
* Documentation for a new `molecule viewer tool` has been added to `Creating
Exercises and Tools`_.
.. image:: /images/MoleculeViewer.png
:width: 500
:alt: Image of molecule viewer tool showing a ciprofloxacin molecule
* `Using edX Insights`_
* `EdX Guide for Students`_
This new guide is written specifically to help students get started with edX.
This initial release of the guide includes information about certificates,
entering formulas into the response field for math and science problems, and
open response assessments. We encourage course teams to share this guide with
students and to let us know what else you'd like the guide to cover.
* `Creating Peer Assessments`_
* `edX Research Guide`_
* `edX Developer's Guide`_
* `edX XBlock Documentation`_
* `Installing, Configuring, and Running the edX Platform`_
* `edX Open Learning XML Guide`_
The edX Open Learning XML (OLX) Guide is a new manual for course teams who are working with XML courses. We'll release updates to this preliminary version of the guide over the next several months. For more information, see `Open Learning XML (OLX) Format`_.
Other edX Resources
You can access the `edX Status`_ page to get an up-to-date status for all
services on and edX Edge. The page also includes the Twitter feed for
@edXstatus, which the edX Operations team uses to post updates.
You can access the public `edX roadmap`_ for details about the currently