Commit ff1a9a15 by Isaac Slavitt

Add cryptography package to sandbox environment

The cryptography package is designed to be the "cryptographic
standard library" for Python developers. (Documents are online

The use case for adding this is to bring encrypted claims from
outside edX into a course for assigning a grade using CAPA.
As an example, imagine that users enrolled in a computer security
and penetration testing class on edX are challenged to advance
as many levels as possible in a certain capture-the-flag (CTF)
puzzle hosted on an external app.

The external platform may provide the users an encrypted, tamper-
resistant token allowing them to enter that into an edX CAPA
auto-graded exercise in order for the edX user to claim credit
within the edX course.

For example, the external platform might take some plaintext JSON
like this:

    {'user': '', 'score': 30}

And then use the Fernet symmetric encryption to give the user a
token like this:


Because the external platform and the `loncapa/python` script share
a secret, this token (1) means nothing to the user, (2) can be
decrypted on the edX side and used accordingly, and (3) won't
work if tampered with in between.

There are probably other use cases for using tokens, HMAC, or
encryption with autograded exercises. In any case, the crytography
library is well tested and reliable, so adding it presents little
risk and will probably benefit others.
parent 09e22f37
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ numpy==1.6.2
# We forked NLTK just to make it work with setuptools instead of distribute
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