Commit ff1189c5 by Diana Huang

Pylint and Pep8 fixes

parent 06a54a8c
......@@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ class InputTypeBase(object):
## we can swap this around in the future if there's a more logical
## order. = state.get('id', xml.get('id'))
if is None:
self.input_id = state.get('id', xml.get('id'))
if self.input_id is None:
raise ValueError("input id state is None. xml is {0}".format(
......@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ class InputTypeBase(object):
and don't need to override this method.
context = {
'id': self.input_id,
'value': self.value,
'status': self.status,
'msg': self.msg,
......@@ -457,20 +457,20 @@ class TextLine(InputTypeBase):
A text line input. Can do math preview if "math"="1" is specified.
If "trailing_text" is set to a value, then the textline will be shown with
the value after the text input, and before the checkmark or any input-specific
feedback. HTML will not work, but properly escaped HTML characters will. This
feature is useful if you would like to specify a specific type of units for the
If "trailing_text" is set to a value, then the textline will be shown with
the value after the text input, and before the checkmark or any input-specific
feedback. HTML will not work, but properly escaped HTML characters will. This
feature is useful if you would like to specify a specific type of units for the
text input.
If the hidden attribute is specified, the textline is hidden and the input id
is stored in a div with name equal to the value of the hidden attribute. This
If the hidden attribute is specified, the textline is hidden and the input id
is stored in a div with name equal to the value of the hidden attribute. This
is used e.g. for embedding simulations turned into questions.
<texline math="1" trailing_text="m/s" />
This example will render out a text line with a math preview and the text 'm/s'
This example will render out a text line with a math preview and the text 'm/s'
after the end of the text line.
......@@ -623,7 +623,6 @@ class CodeInput(InputTypeBase):
self.queue_len = self.msg
self.msg = self.submitted_msg
def setup(self):
''' setup this input type '''
......@@ -655,7 +654,7 @@ class MatlabInput(CodeInput):
tags = ['matlabinput']
plot_submitted_msg = ("Submitted. As soon as a response is returned, "
"this message will be replaced by that feedback.")
"this message will be replaced by that feedback.")
def setup(self):
......@@ -676,16 +675,16 @@ class MatlabInput(CodeInput):
self.queue_len = 1
self.msg = self.plot_submitted_msg
def handle_ajax(self, dispatch, get):
Handle AJAX calls directed to this input
- dispatch (str) - indicates how we want this ajax call to be handled
- get (dict) - dictionary of key-value pairs that contain useful data
dict - 'success' - whether or not we successfully queued this submission
- 'message' - message to be rendered in case of error
if dispatch == 'plot':
......@@ -693,7 +692,7 @@ class MatlabInput(CodeInput):
return {}
def ungraded_response(self, queue_msg, queuekey):
Handle the response from the XQueue
Stores the response in the input_state so it can be rendered later
......@@ -705,7 +704,7 @@ class MatlabInput(CodeInput):
# check the queuekey against the saved queuekey
if('queuestate' in self.input_state and self.input_state['queuestate'] == 'queued'
if('queuestate' in self.input_state and self.input_state['queuestate'] == 'queued'
and self.input_state['queuekey'] == queuekey):
msg = self._parse_data(queue_msg)
# save the queue message so that it can be rendered later
......@@ -716,9 +715,9 @@ class MatlabInput(CodeInput):
def _extra_context(self):
''' Set up additional context variables'''
extra_context = {
'queue_len': str(self.queue_len),
'queue_msg': self.queue_msg
'queue_len': str(self.queue_len),
'queue_msg': self.queue_msg
return extra_context
def _parse_data(self, queue_msg):
......@@ -733,20 +732,19 @@ class MatlabInput(CodeInput):
result = json.loads(queue_msg)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
log.error("External message should be a JSON serialized dict."
" Received queue_msg = %s" % queue_msg)
" Received queue_msg = %s" % queue_msg)
msg = result['msg']
return msg
def _plot_data(self, get):
AJAX handler for the plot button
get (dict) - should have key 'submission' which contains the student submission
dict - 'success' - whether or not we successfully queued this submission
- 'message' - message to be rendered in case of error
- 'message' - message to be rendered in case of error
# only send data if xqueue exists
if self.system.xqueue is None:
......@@ -762,26 +760,25 @@ class MatlabInput(CodeInput):
anonymous_student_id = self.system.anonymous_student_id
queuekey = xqueue_interface.make_hashkey(str(self.system.seed) + qtime +
anonymous_student_id +
xheader = xqueue_interface.make_xheader(
lms_callback_url = callback_url,
lms_key = queuekey,
queue_name = self.queuename)
# save the input state
self.input_state['queuekey'] = queuekey
self.input_state['queuestate'] = 'queued'
# construct xqueue body
student_info = {'anonymous_student_id': anonymous_student_id,
'submission_time': qtime}
'submission_time': qtime}
contents = {'grader_payload': self.plot_payload,
'student_info': json.dumps(student_info),
'student_response': response}
(error, msg) = qinterface.send_to_queue(header=xheader,
body = json.dumps(contents))
return {'success': error == 0, 'message': msg}
......@@ -1040,7 +1037,7 @@ class DragAndDropInput(InputTypeBase):
if tag_type == 'draggable':
dic['target_fields'] = [parse(target, 'target') for target in
return dic
......@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ class OptionInputTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_option_parsing(self):
f = inputtypes.OptionInput.parse_options
def check(input, options):
"""Take list of options, confirm that output is in the silly doubled format"""
expected = [(o, o) for o in options]
......@@ -120,7 +121,6 @@ class ChoiceGroupTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.check_group('checkboxgroup', 'checkbox', '[]')
class JavascriptInputTest(unittest.TestCase):
The javascript input is a pretty straightforward pass-thru, but test it anyway
......@@ -186,7 +186,6 @@ class TextLineTest(unittest.TestCase):
'preprocessor': None}
self.assertEqual(context, expected)
def test_math_rendering(self):
size = "42"
preprocessorClass = "preParty"
......@@ -226,11 +225,11 @@ class TextLineTest(unittest.TestCase):
trailing_text.append((u'\xc3', u'\xc3'))
# html escaped trailing text
# this is the only one we expect to change
trailing_text.append(('a &lt; b','a < b'))
trailing_text.append(('a &lt; b', 'a < b'))
for xml_text, expected_text in trailing_text:
xml_str = u"""<textline id="prob_1_2"
xml_str = u"""<textline id="prob_1_2"
/>""".format(size=size, tt=xml_text)
......@@ -269,7 +268,6 @@ class FileSubmissionTest(unittest.TestCase):
element = etree.fromstring(xml_str)
state = {'value': '',
......@@ -281,12 +279,12 @@ class FileSubmissionTest(unittest.TestCase):
context = the_input._get_render_context()
expected = {'id': 'prob_1_2',
'status': 'queued',
'msg': input_class.submitted_msg,
'value': '',
'queue_len': '3',
'allowed_files': '["", "nooooo.rb", ""]',
'required_files': '[""]'}
'status': 'queued',
'msg': input_class.submitted_msg,
'value': '',
'queue_len': '3',
'allowed_files': '["", "nooooo.rb", ""]',
'required_files': '[""]'}
self.assertEqual(context, expected)
......@@ -327,19 +325,19 @@ class CodeInputTest(unittest.TestCase):
expected = {'id': 'prob_1_2',
'value': 'print "good evening"',
'status': 'queued',
'msg': input_class.submitted_msg,
'mode': mode,
'linenumbers': linenumbers,
'rows': rows,
'cols': cols,
'hidden': '',
'tabsize': int(tabsize),
'queue_len': '3',
'status': 'queued',
'msg': input_class.submitted_msg,
'mode': mode,
'linenumbers': linenumbers,
'rows': rows,
'cols': cols,
'hidden': '',
'tabsize': int(tabsize),
'queue_len': '3'}
self.assertEqual(context, expected)
class MatlabTest(unittest.TestCase):
Test Matlab input types
......@@ -352,18 +350,18 @@ class MatlabTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.payload = "payload"
self.linenumbers = 'true'
self.xml = """<matlabinput id="prob_1_2"
rows="{r}" cols="{c}"
rows="{r}" cols="{c}"
tabsize="{tabsize}" mode="{m}"
</matlabinput>""".format(r = self.rows,
c = self.cols,
tabsize = self.tabsize,
m = self.mode,
payload = self.payload,
ln = self.linenumbers)
elt = etree.fromstring(self.xml)
state = {'value': 'print "good evening"',
'status': 'incomplete',
......@@ -372,27 +370,24 @@ class MatlabTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.input_class = lookup_tag('matlabinput')
self.the_input = self.input_class(test_system, elt, state)
def test_rendering(self):
context = self.the_input._get_render_context()
expected = {'id': 'prob_1_2',
'value': 'print "good evening"',
'status': 'queued',
'msg': self.input_class.submitted_msg,
'mode': self.mode,
'rows': self.rows,
'cols': self.cols,
'queue_msg': '',
'linenumbers': 'true',
'hidden': '',
'tabsize': int(self.tabsize),
'queue_len': '3',
'status': 'queued',
'msg': self.input_class.submitted_msg,
'mode': self.mode,
'rows': self.rows,
'cols': self.cols,
'queue_msg': '',
'linenumbers': 'true',
'hidden': '',
'tabsize': int(self.tabsize),
'queue_len': '3'}
self.assertEqual(context, expected)
def test_rendering_with_state(self):
state = {'value': 'print "good evening"',
'status': 'incomplete',
......@@ -405,17 +400,16 @@ class MatlabTest(unittest.TestCase):
expected = {'id': 'prob_1_2',
'value': 'print "good evening"',
'status': 'queued',
'msg': self.input_class.submitted_msg,
'mode': self.mode,
'rows': self.rows,
'cols': self.cols,
'queue_msg': 'message',
'linenumbers': 'true',
'hidden': '',
'tabsize': int(self.tabsize),
'queue_len': '3',
'status': 'queued',
'msg': self.input_class.submitted_msg,
'mode': self.mode,
'rows': self.rows,
'cols': self.cols,
'queue_msg': 'message',
'linenumbers': 'true',
'hidden': '',
'tabsize': int(self.tabsize),
'queue_len': '3'}
self.assertEqual(context, expected)
......@@ -430,17 +424,16 @@ class MatlabTest(unittest.TestCase):
context = the_input._get_render_context()
expected = {'id': 'prob_1_2',
'value': 'print "good evening"',
'status': 'queued',
'msg': self.input_class.plot_submitted_msg,
'mode': self.mode,
'rows': self.rows,
'cols': self.cols,
'queue_msg': '',
'linenumbers': 'true',
'hidden': '',
'tabsize': int(self.tabsize),
'queue_len': '1',
'status': 'queued',
'msg': self.input_class.plot_submitted_msg,
'mode': self.mode,
'rows': self.rows,
'cols': self.cols,
'queue_msg': '',
'linenumbers': 'true',
'hidden': '',
'tabsize': int(self.tabsize),
'queue_len': '1'}
self.assertEqual(context, expected)
......@@ -449,7 +442,7 @@ class MatlabTest(unittest.TestCase):
response = self.the_input.handle_ajax("plot", get)
test_system.xqueue['interface'].send_to_queue.assert_called_with(header=ANY, body=ANY)
self.assertTrue(self.the_input.input_state['queuekey'] is not None)
self.assertEqual(self.the_input.input_state['queuestate'], 'queued')
......@@ -491,9 +484,6 @@ class MatlabTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertFalse('queue_msg' in input_state)
class SchematicTest(unittest.TestCase):
Check that schematic inputs work
......@@ -507,7 +497,6 @@ class SchematicTest(unittest.TestCase):
initial_value = 'two large batteries'
submit_analyses = 'maybe'
xml_str = """<schematic id="prob_1_2"
......@@ -537,8 +526,7 @@ class SchematicTest(unittest.TestCase):
'height': height,
'parts': parts,
'analyses': analyses,
'submit_analyses': submit_analyses,
'submit_analyses': submit_analyses}
self.assertEqual(context, expected)
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