Commit fe74f9bc by Rocky Duan

reconstruct after editing

parent cc5fbdd5
......@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ def extend_content(content):
def safe_content(content):
fields = [
'id', 'body', 'course_id', 'anonymous', 'endorsed',
'id', 'title', 'body', 'course_id', 'anonymous', 'endorsed',
'parent_id', 'thread_id', 'votes', 'closed',
'created_at', 'updated_at', 'depth', 'type',
'commentable_id', 'comments_count', 'at_position_list',
......@@ -316,8 +316,12 @@ if Backbone?
success: (response, textStatus) =>
DiscussionUtil.clearFormErrors @$(".discussion-update-errors")
@model.set response.content
@model.updateInfo response.annotated_content_info
if @model.get('type') == 'thread'
@model = new Thread response.content
@model = new Comment $.extend {}, response.content, { thread: @model.get('thread') }
@model.updateInfo response.annotated_content_info, { forceUpdate: true }
cancelEdit: (event) ->
......@@ -388,6 +392,14 @@ if Backbone?
reconstruct: ->
class @Thread extends @Content
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