Commit fe4be011 by Will Daly

Add error notification for XBlocks in Studio

parent 988c814f
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ define [
# Starting to save, so show the "Saving..." notification
if data.state == 'start'
# Finished saving, so hide the "Saving..." notification
......@@ -50,12 +50,23 @@ define [
else if name == 'cancel'
_hide_editor: () ->
else if name == 'error'
if 'msg' of data
_hideEditor: () ->
# This will close all open component editors, which works
# if we assume that <= 1 are open at a time.
el = $('.component.editing')
_showAlert: (msg) ->
new NotificationView.Error({
title: "OpenAssessment Save Error",
message: msg,
closeIcon: false
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