Commit fe47dcb1 by Peter Baratta Committed by Sarina Canelake

Acceptance tests for visual correctness reset feature

parent 48cb05c0
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
% for choice_id, choice_description in choices:
<label for="input_${id}_${choice_id}"
## If the student has selected this choice...
## If the student has selected this choice...
% if input_type == 'radio' and ( (isinstance(value, basestring) and (choice_id == value)) or (not isinstance(value, basestring) and choice_id in value) ):
if status == 'correct':
......@@ -352,10 +352,10 @@ class TextlineTemplateTest(TemplateTestCase):
super(TextlineTemplateTest, self).setUp()
def test_section_class(self):
cases = [({}, ' capa_inputtype '),
({'do_math': True}, 'text-input-dynamath capa_inputtype '),
({'inline': True}, ' capa_inputtype inline'),
({'do_math': True, 'inline': True}, 'text-input-dynamath capa_inputtype inline'), ]
cases = [({}, ' capa_inputtype textline'),
({'do_math': True}, 'text-input-dynamath capa_inputtype textline'),
({'inline': True}, ' capa_inputtype inline textline'),
({'do_math': True, 'inline': True}, 'text-input-dynamath capa_inputtype inline textline'), ]
for (context, css_class) in cases:
base_context = self.context.copy()
......@@ -380,8 +380,6 @@ class @Problem
classes = $(inputtype).attr('class').split(' ')
for cls in classes
bindMethod = @bindResetCorrectnessByInputtype[cls]
# For debugging! Remove later
console.log $(inputtype).attr('id'), cls, typeof bindMethod
if bindMethod?
......@@ -393,7 +391,7 @@ class @Problem
formulaequationinput: (element) ->
$(element).find('input').on 'input', ->
$p = $(element).find('p.status')
$p.text "unanswered"
$p.text gettext("unanswered")
$p.parent().removeClass().addClass "unanswered"
choicegroup: (element) ->
......@@ -406,10 +404,9 @@ class @Problem
$status.empty().css 'display', 'inline-block'
# Recreate the unanswered dot on left.
$element.find('div.indicator_container').append "<span class='unanswered' style='display:inline-block;' id='status_#{id}'></span>"
$("<span>", {"class": "unanswered", "style": "display: inline-block;", "id": "status_#{id}"})
'option-input': (element) ->
$select = $(element).find('select')
......@@ -417,7 +414,7 @@ class @Problem
$select.on 'change', ->
$status = $("#status_#{id}")
.find('span').text('Status: unsubmitted')
.find('span').text(gettext('Status: unsubmitted'))
textline: (element) ->
$(element).find('input').on 'input', ->
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Feature: Answer problems
Given External graders respond "correct"
And I am viewing a "<ProblemType>" problem
When I answer a "<ProblemType>" problem "correctly"
Then My "<ProblemType>" answer is marked "correct"
Then my "<ProblemType>" answer is marked "correct"
And The "<ProblemType>" problem displays a "correct" answer
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Feature: Answer problems
Given External graders respond "incorrect"
And I am viewing a "<ProblemType>" problem
When I answer a "<ProblemType>" problem "incorrectly"
Then My "<ProblemType>" answer is marked "incorrect"
Then my "<ProblemType>" answer is marked "incorrect"
And The "<ProblemType>" problem displays a "incorrect" answer
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Feature: Answer problems
Scenario: I can submit a blank answer
Given I am viewing a "<ProblemType>" problem
When I check a problem
Then My "<ProblemType>" answer is marked "incorrect"
Then my "<ProblemType>" answer is marked "incorrect"
And The "<ProblemType>" problem displays a "blank" answer
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Feature: Answer problems
Given I am viewing a "<ProblemType>" problem
And I answer a "<ProblemType>" problem "<Correctness>ly"
When I reset the problem
Then My "<ProblemType>" answer is marked "unanswered"
Then my "<ProblemType>" answer is marked "unanswered"
And The "<ProblemType>" problem displays a "blank" answer
......@@ -171,3 +171,68 @@ Feature: Answer problems
| numerical | 1 point possible |
| formula | 1 point possible |
| script | 2 points possible |
Scenario: I can reset the correctness of a problem after changing my answer
Given I am viewing a "<ProblemType>" problem
Then my "<ProblemType>" answer is marked "unanswered"
When I answer a "<ProblemType>" problem "<InitialCorrectness>ly"
And I wait for "1" seconds
And I input an answer on a "<ProblemType>" problem "<OtherCorrectness>ly"
Then my "<ProblemType>" answer is marked "unanswered"
And I reset the problem
| ProblemType | InitialCorrectness | OtherCorrectness |
| drop down | correct | incorrect |
| drop down | incorrect | correct |
| checkbox | correct | incorrect |
| checkbox | incorrect | correct |
| string | correct | incorrect |
| string | incorrect | correct |
| numerical | correct | incorrect |
| numerical | incorrect | correct |
| formula | correct | incorrect |
| formula | incorrect | correct |
| script | correct | incorrect |
| script | incorrect | correct |
# Radio groups behave slightly differently than other types of checkboxes, because they
# don't put their status to the top left of the boxes (like checkboxes do), thus, they'll
# not ever have a status of "unanswered" once you've made an answer. They should simply NOT
# be marked either correct or incorrect. Arguably this behavior should be changed; when it
# is, these cases should move into the above Scenario.
Scenario: I can reset the correctness of a radiogroup problem after changing my answer
Given I am viewing a "<ProblemType>" problem
When I answer a "<ProblemType>" problem "<InitialCorrectness>ly"
And I wait for "1" seconds
Then my "<ProblemType>" answer is marked "<InitialCorrectness>"
And I input an answer on a "<ProblemType>" problem "<OtherCorrectness>ly"
Then my "<ProblemType>" answer is NOT marked "<InitialCorrectness>"
And my "<ProblemType>" answer is NOT marked "<OtherCorrectness>"
And I reset the problem
| ProblemType | InitialCorrectness | OtherCorrectness |
| multiple choice | correct | incorrect |
| multiple choice | incorrect | correct |
| radio | correct | incorrect |
| radio | incorrect | correct |
Scenario: I can reset the correctness of a problem after submitting a blank answer
Given I am viewing a "<ProblemType>" problem
When I check a problem
And I input an answer on a "<ProblemType>" problem "correctly"
Then my "<ProblemType>" answer is marked "unanswered"
| ProblemType |
| drop down |
| multiple choice |
| checkbox |
| radio |
| string |
| numerical |
| formula |
| script |
......@@ -82,14 +82,22 @@ def answer_problem_step(step, problem_type, correctness):
*problem_type* is a string representing the type of problem (e.g. 'drop down')
*correctness* is in ['correct', 'incorrect']
# Change the answer on the page
input_problem_answer(step, problem_type, correctness)
# Submit the problem
@step(u'I input an answer on a "([^"]*)" problem "([^"]*)ly"')
def input_problem_answer(_, problem_type, correctness):
Have the browser input an answer (either correct or incorrect)
assert(correctness in ['correct', 'incorrect'])
assert(problem_type in PROBLEM_DICT)
answer_problem(problem_type, correctness)
# Submit the problem
@step(u'I check a problem')
def check_problem(step):
......@@ -146,8 +154,8 @@ def see_score(_step, score):
assert world.browser.is_text_present(score)
@step(u'My "([^"]*)" answer is marked "([^"]*)"')
def assert_answer_mark(step, problem_type, correctness):
@step(u'[Mm]y "([^"]*)" answer is( NOT)? marked "([^"]*)"')
def assert_answer_mark(_step, problem_type, isnt_marked, correctness):
Assert that the expected answer mark is visible
for a given problem type.
......@@ -162,7 +170,10 @@ def assert_answer_mark(step, problem_type, correctness):
# At least one of the correct selectors should be present
for sel in PROBLEM_DICT[problem_type][correctness]:
has_expected = world.is_css_present(sel)
if isnt_marked:
has_expected = world.is_css_not_present(sel)
has_expected = world.is_css_present(sel)
# As soon as we find the selector, break out of the loop
if has_expected:
......@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ from capa.tests.response_xml_factory import OptionResponseXMLFactory, \
# Factories from capa.tests.response_xml_factory that we will use
# to generate the problem XML, with the keyword args used to configure
# the output.
# 'correct', 'incorrect', and 'unanswered' keys are lists of CSS selectors
# the presence of any in the list is sufficient
'drop down': {
'factory': OptionResponseXMLFactory(),
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