Commit fd7223bd by Calen Pennington

Make editing work, building towards drag/drop saving

parent b91c2b66
......@@ -10,7 +10,3 @@ class CMS.Models.Module extends Backbone.Model
delete attributes.module
save: (args...) ->
@set(data: if @module
......@@ -3,58 +3,65 @@ class CMS.Views.ModuleEdit extends Backbone.View
className: 'xmodule_edit'
initialize: ->
@module = @options.module
@$component_editor = @$el.find('.component-editor')
@$metadata = @$component_editor.find('.metadata_edit')
delegate: ->
$component_editor: -> @$el.find('.component-editor')
setEvents: ->
id = @$'id')
events = {}
events["click .component-editor[data-id=#{ id }] .cancel-button"] = 'cancel'
events["click .component-editor[data-id=#{ id }] .save-button"] = 'save'
events["click .component-actions[data-id=#{ id }] .edit-button"] = 'edit'
@events = {}
@events["click .component-editor[data-id=#{ id }] .cancel-button"] = 'clickCancelButton'
@events["click .component-editor[data-id=#{ id }] .save-button"] = 'clickSaveButton'
@events["click .component-actions[data-id=#{ id }] .edit-button"] = 'clickEditButton'
metadata: ->
# cdodge: package up metadata which is separated into a number of input fields
# there's probably a better way to do this, but at least this lets me continue to move onwards
_metadata = {}
if @$metadata
$metadata = @$component_editor().find('.metadata_edit')
if $metadata
# walk through the set of elments which have the 'xmetadata_name' attribute and
# build up a object to pass back to the server on the subsequent POST
_metadata[$(el).data("metadata-name")] = el.value for el in $('[data-metadata-name]', @$metadata)
_metadata[$(el).data("metadata-name")] = el.value for el in $('[data-metadata-name]', $metadata)
save: (event) =>
metadata: @metadata()
).done((preview) =>
save: (data) =>
@model.set(data) =>
alert("Your changes have been saved.")
new_el = $(preview)
@$el = new_el
@model.module = XModule.loadModule(@$el)
$preview = $(preview)
).fail( ->
alert("There was an error saving your changes. Please try again.")
cancel: (event) ->
clickSaveButton: (event) =>
data =
data.metadata = @metadata()
clickCancelButton: (event) ->
edit: (event) ->
clickEditButton: (event) ->
......@@ -14,16 +14,13 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
$newComponentStep2 = $('.new-component-step-2');
$newComponentButton = $('.new-component-button');
$(document).bind('XModule.loaded', function(e, element) {
if ($(element).hasClass('.xmodule_display')) {
$(document).bind('XModule.loaded.edit', function(e, element, module) {
var previewType = $(element).data('preview-type');
var moduleType = $(element).data('type');
new CMS.Views.ModuleEdit({
el: element,
module: module,
model: new CMS.Models.Module({
module: $(element).data('module'),
id: $(element).data('id'),
type: moduleType == 'None' ? null : moduleType,
previewType: previewType == 'None' ? null : previewType,
class @InlineDiscussion
class @InlineDiscussion extends XModule.Descriptor
constructor: (element) ->
@el = $(element).find('.discussion-module')
@view = new DiscussionModuleView(el: @el)
class @JSONEditingDescriptor
class @JSONEditingDescriptor extends XModule.Descriptor
constructor: (@element) ->
@edit_box = CodeMirror.fromTextArea($(".edit-box", @element)[0], {
mode: { name: "javascript", json: true }
save: -> JSON.parse @edit_box.getValue()
save: ->
data: JSON.parse @edit_box.getValue()
class @XMLEditingDescriptor
class @XMLEditingDescriptor extends XModule.Descriptor
constructor: (@element) ->
@edit_box = CodeMirror.fromTextArea($(".edit-box", @element)[0], {
mode: "xml"
save: -> @edit_box.getValue()
save: ->
data: @edit_box.getValue()
class @SequenceDescriptor
class @SequenceDescriptor extends XModule.Descriptor
constructor: (@element) ->
@$tabs = $(@element).find("#sequence-list")
class @VerticalDescriptor
class @VerticalDescriptor extends XModule.Descriptor
constructor: (@element) ->
@$items = $(@element).find(".vert-mod")
......@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ class SequenceModule(XModule):
'progress_status': Progress.to_js_status_str(progress),
'progress_detail': Progress.to_js_detail_str(progress),
'type': child.get_icon_class(),
if childinfo['title']=='':
childinfo['title'] = child.metadata.get('display_name','')
......@@ -10,8 +10,13 @@
$(element).data('module', new window[moduleType](element))
$(document).trigger('XModule.loaded', [element])
module = new window[moduleType](element)
if $(element).hasClass('xmodule_edit')
$(document).trigger('XModule.loaded.edit', [element, module])
if $(element).hasClass('xmodule_display')
$(document).trigger('XModule.loaded.display', [element, module])
catch error
console.error "Unable to load #{moduleType}: #{error.message}" if console
......@@ -29,3 +34,40 @@
modules = $(selector)
modules.each (idx, element) -> XModule.loadModule element
class @XModule.Descriptor
callbacks: []
Register a callback method to be called when the state of this
descriptor is updated. The callback will be passed the results
of calling the save method on this descriptor.
onUpdate: (callback) ->
Notify registered callbacks that the state of this descriptor has changed
update: =>
data = @save()
callback(data) for callback in @callbacks
Bind the module to an element. This may be called multiple times,
if the element content has changed and so the module needs to be rebound
@method: constructor
@param {html element} the .xmodule_edit section containing all of the descriptor content
constructor: (@element) -> return
Return the current state of the descriptor (to be written to the module store)
@method: save
@returns {object} An object containing children and data attributes (both optional).
The contents of the attributes will be saved to the server
save: -> return {}
......@@ -8,7 +8,9 @@
## implementation note: will need to figure out how to handle combining detail
## statuses of multiple modules in js.
<a class="seq_${item['type']} inactive progress-${item['progress_status']}" data-element="${idx+1}">
<a class="seq_${item['type']} inactive progress-${item['progress_status']}"
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