Commit fd6214ab by Kyle Fiedler

Merged heads

parents 92afb78c c4b05e28
......@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
<%block name="headextra">
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<%include file="profile_graphs.js"/>
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ $(function () {
/* -------------------------------- Grade detail graph -------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------- Grade detail bars -------------------------------- */
var colors = [$.color.parse("#E8B800"), $.color.parse("#A0CEFA"), $.color.parse("#BD3738"), $.color.parse("#429A2E")];
//var colors = [$.color.parse("#1B2045"), $.color.parse("#557a00"), $.color.parse("#F5600"), $.color.parse("#FEBA2C")];
//var colors = [$.color.parse("#E7C856"), $.color.parse("#CD462E"), $.color.parse("#B01732"), $.color.parse("#41192A")];
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ $(function () {
data: ${ json.dumps( [[i + tickIndex, score['percentage']] for i,score in enumerate(section['subscores'])] ) },
color: colors[${sectionIndex}].toString(),
ticks = ticks.concat( ${ json.dumps( [[i + tickIndex, str(i + 1)] for i,score in enumerate(section['subscores'])] ) } );
ticks = ticks.concat( ${ json.dumps( [[i + tickIndex, score['label'] ] for i,score in enumerate(section['subscores'])] ) } );
bottomTicks.push( [ ${tickIndex + len(section['subscores'])/2}, "${section['category']}" ] );
detail_tooltips["${section['category']}"] = ${ json.dumps([score['summary'] for score in section['subscores']] ) };
......@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ $(function () {
data: [[${tickIndex}, ${section['totalscore']['score']}]],
color: colors[${sectionIndex}].toString(),
ticks = ticks.concat( [ [${tickIndex}, "Total"] ] );
detail_tooltips["${section['category']} Total"] = [ "${section['totalscore']['summary']}" ];
ticks = ticks.concat( [ [${tickIndex}, "${section['totallabel']}"] ] );
detail_tooltips["${section['category']} Average"] = [ "${section['totalscore']['summary']}" ];
<% tickIndex += 1 + sectionSpacer %>
%else: ##This is for sections like midterm or final, which have no smaller components
......@@ -66,12 +66,8 @@ $(function () {
data: [[${tickIndex}, ${section['totalscore']['score']}]],
color: colors[${sectionIndex}].toString(),
%if section['category'] == "Midterm":
bottomTicks = bottomTicks.concat( [ [${tickIndex}, "${section['category']}"] ] );
ticks = ticks.concat( [ [${tickIndex}, "${section['category']}"] ] );
ticks = ticks.concat( [ [${tickIndex}," ${section['totallabel']}"] ] );
detail_tooltips["${section['category']}"] = [ "${section['totalscore']['summary']}" ];
<% tickIndex += 1 + sectionSpacer %>
......@@ -80,13 +76,45 @@ $(function () {
//Alwasy be sure that one series has the xaxis set to 2, or the second xaxis labels won't show up
series.push( {label: 'Dropped Scores', data: droppedScores, points: {symbol: "cross", show: true, radius: 3}, bars: {show: false}, color: "red", xaxis: 2} );
series.push( {label: 'Dropped Scores', data: droppedScores, points: {symbol: "cross", show: true, radius: 3}, bars: {show: false}, color: "red"} );
/* ----------------------------- Grade overviewew bar -------------------------*/
totalWeight = 0.0
sectionIndex = 0
totalScore = 0.0
overviewBarX = tickIndex
%for section in grade_summary:
weighted_score = section['totalscore']['score'] * section['weight']
summary_text = "{0} - {1:.1%} of a possible {2:.0%}".format(section['category'], weighted_score, section['weight'])
%if section['totalscore']['score'] > 0:
series.push({label: "${section['category']} - Weighted",
data: [[${overviewBarX}, ${weighted_score}]],
color: colors[${sectionIndex}].toString(),
detail_tooltips["${section['category']} - Weighted"] = [ "${summary_text}" ];
sectionIndex += 1
totalWeight += section['weight']
totalScore += section['totalscore']['score'] * section['weight']
ticks = ticks.concat( [ [${overviewBarX}, "Total"] ] );
<% tickIndex += 1 + sectionSpacer %>
var options = {
series: {lines: {show: false, steps: false },
bars: {show: true, barWidth: 0.6, align: 'center', lineWidth: 1},},
xaxis: {tickLength: 0, min: 0.0, max: ${tickIndex - sectionSpacer}},
xaxes: [{ticks: ticks}, {ticks: bottomTicks}],
series: {stack: true,
lines: {show: false, steps: false },
bars: {show: true, barWidth: 0.6, align: 'center', lineWidth: 1},},
xaxis: {tickLength: 0, min: 0.0, max: ${tickIndex - sectionSpacer}, ticks: ticks, labelAngle: 90},
yaxis: {ticks: [[1, "100%"], [0.87, "A 87%"], [0.7, "B 70%"], [0.6, "C 60%"], [0, "0%"]], min: 0.0, max: 1.0, labelWidth: 50},
grid: { hoverable: true, clickable: true, borderWidth: 1,
markings: [ {yaxis: {from: 0.87, to: 1 }, color: "#EBFFD5"}, {yaxis: {from: 0.7, to: 0.87 }, color: "#E6FFFF"},
......@@ -94,17 +122,42 @@ $(function () {
legend: {show: false},
if ($("#grade-detail-graph").length > 0) {
$.plot($("#grade-detail-graph"), series, options);
var $grade_detail_graph = $("#grade-detail-graph");
if ($grade_detail_graph.length > 0) {
var plot = $.plot($grade_detail_graph, series, options);
var o = plot.pointOffset({x: ${overviewBarX} , y: ${totalScore}});
$grade_detail_graph.append('<div style="position:absolute;left:' + (o.left - 12) + 'px;top:' + ( - 20) + 'px">${"{:.0%}".format(totalScore)}</div>');
// //Rotate the x-axis labels
// var rotateValue = "rotate(-60deg)";
// var rotateOrigin = "bottom left";
// $("#grade-detail-graph .x1Axis .tickLabel").css( {
// '-webkit-transform': rotateValue,
// '-moz-transform': rotateValue,
// '-ms-transform': rotateValue,
// '-o-transform': rotateValue,
// 'transform': rotateValue,
// '-webkit-transform-origin': rotateOrigin,
// '-moz-transform-origin': rotateOrigin,
// '-ms-transform-origin': rotateOrigin,
// '-o-transform-origin': rotateOrigin,
// 'text-align' : 'left',
// });
var previousPoint = null;
$("#grade-detail-graph").bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) {
if (item) {
if (previousPoint != item.dataIndex) {
previousPoint = item.dataIndex;
if (previousPoint != (item.dataIndex, item.seriesIndex)) {
previousPoint = (item.dataIndex, item.seriesIndex);
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......@@ -8,6 +8,22 @@
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