Commit fd4963c5 by Matt Drayer Committed by Jonathan Piacenti

mattdrayer/api: Reworked proforma grade algorithm

parent cc8e929d
......@@ -170,23 +170,25 @@ def calculate_proforma_grade(grade_summary, grading_policy):
- Remaining Weight: 0.15 (unscored Lab section), assume 100%, of 15% => 0.150
- Proforma Grade = 0.105 + 0.240 + 0.380 + 0.150 = 0.875 (87.5%)
remaining_weight = 1.00
proforma_grade = 0.00
totaled_scores = grade_summary['totaled_scores']
grade = 0.00
for section in totaled_scores:
points_earned = 0.00
points_possible = 0.00
section_score = 0.00
section_count = 0.00
# totaled_scores is a collection of currently-recored scores for a given section
# we need to iterate through and combine the scores to create an overall score for the section
# This loop does not take into account dropped assignments (eg, homeworks)
for score in totaled_scores[section]:
# Only count grades where points have been scored, or where the due date has passed
if score.earned or (score.due and score.due <
points_earned = points_earned + score.earned
points_possible = points_possible + score.possible
if points_possible:
grade = points_earned / points_possible
score_percentage = score.earned / score.possible
section_score += score_percentage
section_count += 1
if section_score:
grade = section_score / section_count
section_policy = next((policy for policy in grading_policy['GRADER'] if policy['type'] == section), None)
if section_policy is not None:
section_weight = section_policy['weight']
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