Commit fd48e49a by Victor Shnayder Committed by Matthew Mongeau

Add Progress class and tests

parent e6250f81
Progress class for modules. Represents where a student is in a module.
from collections import namedtuple
import numbers
class Progress(object):
'''Represents a progress of a/b (a out of b done)
a and b must be numeric, but not necessarily integer, with
0 <= a <= b and b > 0.
Progress can only represent Progress for modules where that makes sense. Other
modules (e.g. html) should return None from get_progress().
def __init__(self, a, b):
'''Construct a Progress object. a and b must be numbers, and must have
0 <= a <= b and b > 0
# Want to do all checking at construction time, so explicitly check types
if not (isinstance(a, numbers.Number) and
isinstance(b, numbers.Number)):
raise TypeError('a and b must be numbers. Passed {0}/{1}'.format(a, b))
if not (0 <= a <= b and b > 0):
raise ValueError(
'fraction a/b = {0}/{1} must have 0 <= a <= b and b > 0'.format(a, b))
self._a = a
self._b = b
def frac(self):
''' Return tuple (a,b) representing progress of a/b'''
return (self._a, self._b)
def percent(self):
''' Returns a percentage progress as a float between 0 and 100.
subclassing note: implemented in terms of frac(), assumes sanity
checking is done at construction time.
(a, b) = self.frac()
return 100.0 * a / b
def started(self):
''' Returns True if fractional progress is greater than 0.
subclassing note: implemented in terms of frac(), assumes sanity
checking is done at construction time.
return self.frac()[0] > 0
def inprogress(self):
''' Returns True if fractional progress is strictly between 0 and 1.
subclassing note: implemented in terms of frac(), assumes sanity
checking is done at construction time.
(a, b) = self.frac()
return a > 0 and a < b
def done(self):
''' Return True if this represents done.
subclassing note: implemented in terms of frac(), assumes sanity
checking is done at construction time.
(a, b) = self.frac()
return a==b
def ternary_str(self):
''' Return a string version of this progress: either
"none", "in_progress", or "done".
subclassing note: implemented in terms of frac()
(a, b) = self.frac()
if a == 0:
return "none"
if a < b:
return "in_progress"
return "done"
def __eq__(self, other):
''' Two Progress objects are equal if they have identical values.
Implemented in terms of frac()'''
if not isinstance(other, Progress):
return False
(a, b) = self.frac()
(a2, b2) = other.frac()
return a == a2 and b == b2
def __ne__(self, other):
''' The opposite of equal'''
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __str__(self):
''' Return a string representation of this string.
subclassing note: implemented in terms of frac().
(a, b) = self.frac()
return "{0}/{1}".format(a, b)
def add_counts(a, b):
'''Add two progress indicators, assuming that each represents items done:
(a / b) + (c / d) = (a + c) / (b + d).
If either is None, returns the other.
if a is None:
return b
if b is None:
return a
# get numerators + denominators
(n, d) = a.frac()
(n2, d2) = b.frac()
return Progress(n + n2, d + d2)
......@@ -13,8 +13,9 @@ import numpy
import xmodule
import capa.calc as calc
import capa.capa_problem as lcp
from xmodule import graders
from xmodule import graders, x_module
from xmodule.graders import Score, aggregate_scores
from xmodule.progress import Progress
from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest
class I4xSystem(object):
......@@ -26,7 +27,9 @@ class I4xSystem(object):
def __init__(self):
self.ajax_url = '/'
self.track_function = lambda x: None
self.filestore = None
self.render_function = lambda x: {} # Probably incorrect
self.module_from_xml = lambda x: None # May need a real impl...
self.exception404 = Exception
self.DEBUG = True
def __repr__(self):
......@@ -488,3 +491,118 @@ class GraderTest(unittest.TestCase):
#TODO: How do we test failure cases? The parser only logs an error when it can't parse something. Maybe it should throw exceptions?
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Module progress tests
class ProgressTest(unittest.TestCase):
''' Test that basic Progress objects work. A Progress represents a
fraction between 0 and 1.
not_started = Progress(0, 17)
part_done = Progress(2, 6)
half_done = Progress(3, 6)
also_half_done = Progress(1, 2)
done = Progress(7, 7)
def test_create_object(self):
# These should work:
p = Progress(0, 2)
p = Progress(1, 2)
p = Progress(2, 2)
p = Progress(2.5, 5.0)
p = Progress(3.7, 12.3333)
# These shouldn't
self.assertRaises(ValueError, Progress, 0, 0)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, Progress, 2, 0)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, Progress, 1, -2)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, Progress, 3, 2)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, Progress, -2, 5)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, Progress, 0, "all")
# check complex numbers just for the heck of it :)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, Progress, 2j, 3)
def test_frac(self):
p = Progress(1, 2)
(a, b) = p.frac()
self.assertEqual(a, 1)
self.assertEqual(b, 2)
def test_percent(self):
self.assertEqual(self.not_started.percent(), 0)
self.assertAlmostEqual(self.part_done.percent(), 33.33333333333333)
self.assertEqual(self.half_done.percent(), 50)
self.assertEqual(self.done.percent(), 100)
self.assertEqual(self.half_done.percent(), self.also_half_done.percent())
def test_started(self):
def test_inprogress(self):
# only true if working on it
def test_done(self):
def test_str(self):
self.assertEqual(str(self.not_started), "0/17")
self.assertEqual(str(self.part_done), "2/6")
self.assertEqual(str(self.done), "7/7")
def test_ternary_str(self):
self.assertEqual(self.not_started.ternary_str(), "none")
self.assertEqual(self.half_done.ternary_str(), "in_progress")
self.assertEqual(self.done.ternary_str(), "done")
def test_add(self):
'''Test the Progress.add_counts() method'''
p = Progress(0, 2)
p2 = Progress(1, 3)
p3 = Progress(2, 5)
pNone = None
add = lambda a, b: Progress.add_counts(a, b).frac()
self.assertEqual(add(p, p), (0, 4))
self.assertEqual(add(p, p2), (1, 5))
self.assertEqual(add(p2, p3), (3, 8))
self.assertEqual(add(p2, pNone), p2.frac())
self.assertEqual(add(pNone, p2), p2.frac())
def test_equality(self):
'''Test that comparing Progress objects for equality
works correctly.'''
p = Progress(1, 2)
p2 = Progress(2, 4)
p3 = Progress(1, 2)
self.assertTrue(p == p3)
self.assertFalse(p == p2)
# Check != while we're at it
self.assertTrue(p != p2)
self.assertFalse(p != p3)
class ModuleProgressTest(unittest.TestCase):
''' Test that get_progress() does the right thing for the different modules
def test_xmodule_default(self):
'''Make sure default get_progress exists, returns None'''
xm = x_module.XModule(i4xs, "<dummy />", "dummy")
p = xm.get_progress()
self.assertEqual(p, None)
from lxml import etree
import pkg_resources
import logging
from keystore import Location
from progress import Progress
log = logging.getLogger('mitx.' + __name__)
......@@ -118,6 +120,15 @@ class XModule(object):
return "Unimplemented"
def get_progress(self):
''' Return a progress.Progress object that represents how far the student has gone
in this module. Must be implemented to get correct progress tracking behavior in
nesting modules like sequence and vertical.
If this module has no notion of progress, return None.
return None
def handle_ajax(self, dispatch, get):
''' dispatch is last part of the URL.
get is a dictionary-like object '''
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