Commit fd2b1deb by Jesse Zoldak

Merge pull request #11204 from edx/zoldak/bok-choy-reset-db

Clear out the bok choy DB with reset_db, not flush
parents fe4555bc a6750812
......@@ -28,34 +28,54 @@ DB_CACHE_DIR="common/test/db_cache"
echo "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS edxtest;" | mysql -u root
# Clear out the test database
# We are using the django-extensions's reset_db command which uses "DROP DATABASE" and
# "CREATE DATABASE" in case the tests are being run in an environment (e.g. devstack
# or a jenkins worker environment) that already ran tests on another commit that had
# different migrations that created, dropped, or altered tables.
# Note that as a side effect, this might render the --serversonly / --testsonly
# paver options useless or broken.
echo "Issuing a reset_db command to the bok_choy MySQL database."
./ lms --settings bok_choy reset_db --traceback --noinput
# If there are cached database schemas/data, load them
if [[ -f $DB_CACHE_DIR/bok_choy_schema.sql && -f $DB_CACHE_DIR/bok_choy_migrations_data.sql && -f $DB_CACHE_DIR/bok_choy_data.json ]]; then
echo "Found the bok_choy DB cache files. Loading them into the database..."
# Load the schema, then the data (including the migration history)
echo "Loading the schema from the filesystem into the MySQL DB."
mysql -u root edxtest < $DB_CACHE_DIR/bok_choy_schema.sql
echo "Loading the migration data from the filesystem into the MySQL DB."
mysql -u root edxtest < $DB_CACHE_DIR/bok_choy_migrations_data.sql
echo "Loading the fixture data from the filesystem into the MySQL DB."
./ lms --settings bok_choy loaddata $DB_CACHE_DIR/bok_choy_data.json
# Re-run migrations to ensure we are up-to-date
echo "Running the lms migrations on the bok_choy DB."
./ lms --settings bok_choy migrate --traceback --noinput
echo "Running the cms migrations on the bok_choy DB."
./ cms --settings bok_choy migrate --traceback --noinput
# Otherwise, update the test database and update the cache
echo "Did not find a bok_choy DB cache. Creating a new one from scratch."
# Clean the cache directory
rm -rf $DB_CACHE_DIR && mkdir -p $DB_CACHE_DIR
# Re-run migrations on the test database
echo "Issuing a migrate command to the bok_choy MySQL database for the lms django apps."
./ lms --settings bok_choy migrate --traceback --noinput
echo "Issuing a migrate command to the bok_choy MySQL database for the cms django apps."
./ cms --settings bok_choy migrate --traceback --noinput
# Dump the schema and data to the cache
echo "Using the dumpdata command to save the fixture data to the filesystem."
./ lms --settings bok_choy dumpdata > $DB_CACHE_DIR/bok_choy_data.json
# dump_data does not dump the django_migrations table so we do it separately.
echo "Saving the django_migrations table of the bok_choy DB to the filesystem."
mysqldump -u root --no-create-info edxtest django_migrations > $DB_CACHE_DIR/bok_choy_migrations_data.sql
echo "Saving the schema of the bok_choy DB to the filesystem."
mysqldump -u root --no-data --skip-comments --skip-dump-date edxtest > $DB_CACHE_DIR/bok_choy_schema.sql
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