Commit fccee7a1 by David Baumgold

Node does virtual environments using npm

parent 1bda218e
......@@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ different virtual environments, and your problem is solved.
Once again, each language has a different implementation. Python has
[`virtualenv`](, Ruby has
[`bundler`](, and Node has
[`nave`]( For each language, decide
if you want to use a virtual environment, or if you want to install all the
language dependencies globally (and risk conflicts). I suggest you start with
installing things globally until and unless things break; you can always
switch over to a virtual environment later on.
[`bundler`](, and Node's virtual environment support
is built into [`npm`](, it's library management tool.
For each language, decide if you want to use a virtual environment, or if you
want to install all the language dependencies globally (and risk conflicts).
I suggest you start with installing things globally until and unless things
break; you can always switch over to a virtual environment later on.
Language Packages
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