Commit fca207d4 by Feanil Patel

Add requirements files that can be used with package monitorig tool.

parent 56fd445f
# This requirements.txt file is meant to pull in other requirements.txt files so that
# dependency monitoring tools like can easily process them.
# It can not be used to do the full installation because it is not in the correct
# order.
-r ../edx/development.txt
# Requirements for the web application
-r ../edx/pre.txt
-r ../edx/base.txt
-r ../edx/local.txt
-r ../edx/github.txt
-r ../edx/edx-private.txt
-r ../edx/paver.txt
-r ../edx/post.txt
# This requirements.txt file is meant to pull in other requirements.txt files so that
# dependency monitoring tools like can easily process them.
# Requirements for code sandboxes
-r ../edx-sandbox/base.txt
-r ../edx-sandbox/local.txt
-r ../edx-sandbox/post.txt
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