Commit fc8acb61 by Felix Sun

Changed voting dialog to only display one tab per answer.

No tests for this, yet.

parent 87500a47
......@@ -188,8 +188,8 @@ class CrowdsourceHinterModule(CrowdsourceHinterFields, XModule):
`data` -- not actually used. (It is assumed that the answer is correct.)
Output keys:
- 'index_to_hints' maps previous answer indices to hints that the user saw earlier.
- 'index_to_answer' maps previous answer indices to the actual answer submitted.
- 'answer_to_hints': a nested dictionary.
answer_to_hints[answer][hint_pk] returns the text of the hint.
# The student got it right.
# Did he submit at least one wrong answer?
......@@ -199,27 +199,24 @@ class CrowdsourceHinterModule(CrowdsourceHinterFields, XModule):
# Make a hint-voting interface for each wrong answer. The student will only
# be allowed to make one vote / submission, but he can choose which wrong answer
# he wants to look at.
# index_to_hints[previous answer #] = [(hint text, hint pk), + ]
index_to_hints = {}
# index_to_answer[previous answer #] = answer text
index_to_answer = {}
answer_to_hints = {} #answer_to_hints[answer text][hint pk] -> hint text
# Go through each previous answer, and populate index_to_hints and index_to_answer.
for i in xrange(len(self.previous_answers)):
answer, hints_offered = self.previous_answers[i]
index_to_hints[i] = []
index_to_answer[i] = answer
if answer not in answer_to_hints:
answer_to_hints[answer] = {}
if answer in self.hints:
# Go through each hint, and add to index_to_hints
for hint_id in hints_offered:
if hint_id is not None:
if (hint_id is not None) and (hint_id not in answer_to_hints[answer]):
index_to_hints[i].append((self.hints[answer][str(hint_id)][0], hint_id))
answer_to_hints[answer][hint_id] = self.hints[answer][str(hint_id)][0]
except KeyError:
# Sometimes, the hint that a user saw will have been deleted by the instructor.
return {'index_to_hints': index_to_hints, 'index_to_answer': index_to_answer}
return {'answer_to_hints': answer_to_hints}
def tally_vote(self, data):
......@@ -229,27 +226,29 @@ class CrowdsourceHinterModule(CrowdsourceHinterFields, XModule):
`data` -- expected to have the following keys:
'answer': ans_no (index in previous_answers)
'hint': hint_pk
'pk_list': We will return a list of how many votes each hint has so far.
It's up to the browser to specify which hints to return vote counts for.
Every pk listed here will have a hint count returned.
Returns key 'hint_and_votes', a list of (hint_text, #votes) pairs.
if self.user_voted:
return {}
ans_no = int(data['answer'])
hint_no = str(data['hint'])
answer = self.previous_answers[ans_no][0]
return json.dumps({'contents': 'Sorry, but you have already voted!'})
ans = data['answer']
hint_pk = str(data['hint'])
pk_list = json.loads(data['pk_list'])
# We use temp_dict because we need to do a direct write for the database to update.
temp_dict = self.hints
temp_dict[answer][hint_no][1] += 1
temp_dict[ans][hint_pk][1] += 1
self.hints = temp_dict
# Don't let the user vote again!
self.user_voted = True
# Return a list of how many votes each hint got.
hint_and_votes = []
for hint_no in self.previous_answers[ans_no][1]:
if hint_no is None:
for vote_pk in pk_list:
hint_and_votes.sort(key=lambda pair: pair[1], reverse=True)
# Reset self.previous_answers.
self.previous_answers = []
return {'hint_and_votes': hint_and_votes}
......@@ -266,7 +265,7 @@ class CrowdsourceHinterModule(CrowdsourceHinterFields, XModule):
# Do html escaping. Perhaps in the future do profanity filtering, etc. as well.
hint = escape(data['hint'])
answer = self.previous_answers[int(data['answer'])][0]
answer = data['answer']
# Only allow a student to vote or submit a hint once.
if self.user_voted:
return {'message': 'Sorry, but you have already voted!'}
......@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ class @Hinter
$: (selector) ->
$(selector, @el)
jq_escape: (string) =>
# Escape a string for jquery selector use.
return string.replace(/[!"#$%&'()*+,.\/:;<=>?@\[\\\]^`{|}~]/g, '\\$&')
bind: =>
@$('').click @vote
......@@ -44,14 +48,17 @@ class @Hinter
vote: (eventObj) =>
target = @$(eventObj.currentTarget)
post_json = {'answer':'answer'), 'hint':'hintno')}
parent_div_selector = '#previous-answer-' + @jq_escape(target.attr('data-answer'))
all_pks = @$(parent_div_selector).attr('data-all-pks')
post_json = {'answer': target.attr('data-answer'), 'hint':'hintno'), 'pk_list': all_pks}
$.postWithPrefix "#{@url}/vote", post_json, (response) =>
submit_hint: (eventObj) =>
target = @$(eventObj.currentTarget)
textarea_id = '#custom-hint-' +'answer')
post_json = {'answer':'answer'), 'hint': @$(textarea_id).val()}
textarea_id = '#custom-hint-' + @jq_escape(target.attr('data-answer'))
post_json = {'answer': target.attr('data-answer'), 'hint': @$(textarea_id).val()}
$.postWithPrefix "#{@url}/submit_hint",post_json, (response) =>
......@@ -25,21 +25,25 @@
<div id="answer-tabs">
% for index, answer in index_to_answer.items():
<li><a href="#previous-answer-${index}"> ${answer} </a></li>
% for answer in answer_to_hints:
<li><a href="#previous-answer-${answer}"> ${answer} </a></li>
% endfor
% for index, answer in index_to_answer.items():
<div class = "previous-answer" id="previous-answer-${index}">
% for answer, pk_dict in answer_to_hints.items():
import json
all_pks = json.dumps(pk_dict.keys())
<div class = "previous-answer" id="previous-answer-${answer}" data-all-pks='${all_pks}'>
<div class = "hint-inner-container">
% if index in index_to_hints and len(index_to_hints[index]) > 0:
% if len(pk_dict) > 0:
Which hint would be most effective to show a student who also got ${answer}?
% for hint_text, hint_pk in index_to_hints[index]:
% for hint_pk, hint_text in pk_dict.items():
<input class="vote" data-answer="${index}" data-hintno="${hint_pk}" type="button" value="Vote"/>
<input class="vote" data-answer="${answer}" data-hintno="${hint_pk}" type="button" value="Vote">
% endfor
......@@ -50,12 +54,12 @@
What hint would you give a student who made the same mistake you did? Please don't give away the answer.
<textarea cols="50" class="custom-hint" id="custom-hint-${index}">
<textarea cols="50" class="custom-hint" id="custom-hint-${answer}">
What would you say to help someone who got this wrong answer?
(Don't give away the answer, please.)
<input class="submit-hint" data-answer="${index}" type="button" value="submit">
<input class="submit-hint" data-answer="${answer}" type="button" value="submit">
% endfor
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