Commit fb4cab43 by Frances Botsford

fix for Studio 404 and 500 page layouts

parent 2d7d3bf2
......@@ -280,7 +280,8 @@
// ====================
// CASE: user not signed in
.not-signedin {
.view-util {
.wrapper-header {
// studio - views - sign up/in
// ====================
.view-signup, .view-signin {
.view-util {
.wrapper-content {
margin: ($baseline*1.5) 0 0 0;
<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %>
<%inherit file="base.html" />
<%block name="title">${_("Page Not Found")}</%block>
<%block name="bodyclass">view-util util-404</%block>
<%block name="content">
<%block name="content">
<div class="wrapper-content wrapper">
<section class="content">
<h1>${_("Page not found")}</h1>
<p>${_('The page that you were looking for was not found.')}
<h1 class="title title-1">${_("Page not found")}</h1>
<article class="content-primary" role="main">
<p>${_('The page that you were looking for was not found.')}
${_('Go back to the {homepage} or let us know about any pages that may have been moved at {email}.').format(
homepage='<a href="/">homepage</a>',
email=u'<a href="mailto:{address}">{address}</a>'.format(
<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %>
<%inherit file="base.html" />
<%block name="title">${_("Studio Server Error")}</%block>
<%block name="bodyclass">view-util util-500</%block>
<%block name="content">
<div class="wrapper-content wrapper">
<section class="content">
<h1>${_("The <em>Studio</em> servers encountered an error")}</h1>
${_("An error occurred in Studio and the page could not be loaded. Please try again in a few moments.")}
${_("We've logged the error and our staff is currently working to resolve this error as soon as possible.")}
${_('If the problem persists, please email us at {email_link}.').format(
email_link=u'<a href="mailto:{email_address}">{email_address}</a>'.format(
<h1 class="title title-1">${_("The <em>Studio</em> servers encountered an error")}</h1>
<article class="content-primary" role="main">
${_("An error occurred in Studio and the page could not be loaded. Please try again in a few moments.")}
${_("We've logged the error and our staff is currently working to resolve this error as soon as possible.")}
${_('If the problem persists, please email us at {email_link}.').format(
email_link=u'<a href="mailto:{email_address}">{email_address}</a>'.format(
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