Commit faf1f548 by jmclaus

Merge pull request #854 from edx/jmclaus/bugfix_tabbing_video_speed_control

Speed button know behaves like the volume button when tabbing forward or...
parents 9aa024b5 e1f75666
......@@ -82,6 +82,38 @@
// Tabbing depends on the following order:
// 1. Play anchor
// 2. Speed anchor
// 3. A number of speed entry anchors
// 4. Volume anchor
// If an other focusable element is inserted or if the order is changed, things will
// malfunction as a flag, state.previousFocus, is set in the 1,3,4 elements and is
// used to determine the behavior of foucus() and blur() for the speed anchor.
it('checks for a certain order in focusable elements in video controls', function() {
var playIndex, speedIndex, firstSpeedEntry, lastSpeedEntry, volumeIndex, foundFirst = false;
$('.video-controls').find('a, :focusable').each(function(index) {
if ($(this).hasClass('video_control')) {
playIndex = index;
else if ($(this).parent().hasClass('speeds')) {
speedIndex = index;
else if ($(this).hasClass('speed_link')) {
if (!foundFirst) {
firstSpeedEntry = index;
foundFirst = true;
lastSpeedEntry = index;
else if ($(this).parent().hasClass('volume')) {
volumeIndex = index;
......@@ -77,6 +77,11 @@ function () {
state.el.on('mousemove', state.videoControl.showControls);
state.el.on('keydown', state.videoControl.showControls);
// The state.previousFocus is used in video_speed_control to track
// the element that had the focus before it.
state.videoControl.playPauseEl.on('blur', function () {
state.previousFocus = 'playPause';
// ***************************************************************
......@@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ function () {
// We store the fact that previous element that lost focus was
// the volume clontrol.
state.volumeBlur = true;
// The following field is used in video_speed_control to track
// the element that had the focus before it.
state.previousFocus = 'volume';
......@@ -154,68 +154,92 @@ function () {
// ******************************
// Attach 'focus', and 'blur' events to the speed button which
// The tabbing will cycle through the elements in the following
// order:
// 1. Play control
// 2. Speed control
// 3. Fastest speed called firstSpeed
// 4. Intermediary speed called otherSpeed
// 5. Slowest speed called lastSpeed
// 6. Volume control
// This field will keep track of where the focus is coming from.
state.previousFocus = '';
// ******************************
// Attach 'focus', and 'blur' events to the speed control which
// either brings up the speed dialog with individual speed entries,
// or closes it.
.on('focus', function () {
// If the focus is comming from the first speed entry, this
// means we are tabbing backwards. In this case we have to
// hide the speed entries which will allow us to change the
// focus further backwards.
if (state.firstSpeedBlur === true) {
state.firstSpeedBlur = false;
// If the focus is comming from some other element, show
// the drop down with the speed entries.
else {
// If the focus is coming from the first speed entry
// (tabbing backwards) or last speed entry (tabbing forward)
// hide the speed entries dialog.
if (state.previousFocus === 'firstSpeed' ||
state.previousFocus === 'lastSpeed') {
.on('blur', function () {
// When the focus leaves this element, if the speed entries
// dialog is shown (tabbing forwards), then we will set
// focus to the first speed entry.
// If the selector does not select anything, then this
// means that the speed entries dialog is closed, and we
// are tabbing backwads. The browser will select the
// previous element to tab to by itself.
// When the focus leaves this element, the speed entries
// dialog will be shown.
// If we are tabbing forward (previous focus is play
// control), we open the dialog and set focus on the first
// speed entry.
if (state.previousFocus === 'playPause') {
// If we are tabbing backwards (previous focus is volume
// control), we open the dialog and set focus on the
// last speed entry.
if (state.previousFocus === 'volume') {
// ******************************
// Attach 'focus', and 'blur' events to elements which represent
// individual speed entries.
// Attach 'blur' event to elements which represent individual speed
// entries and use it to track the origin of the focus.
speedLinks = state.videoSpeedControl.videoSpeedsEl
speedLinks.last().on('blur', function () {
// If we have reached the last speed entry, and the focus
// changes to the next element, we need to hide the speeds
// control drop-down.
speedLinks.first().on('blur', function () {
// This flag will indicate that the focus to the next
// element that will receive it is comming from the first
// speed entry.
// This flag will be used to correctly handle scenario of
// tabbing backwards.
state.firstSpeedBlur = true;
// The previous focus is a speed entry (we are tabbing
// backwards), the dialog will close, set focus on the speed
// control and track the focus on first speed.
if (state.previousFocus === 'otherSpeed') {
state.previousFocus = 'firstSpeed';
speedLinks.on('focus', function () {
// Clear the flag which is only set when we are un-focusing
// (the blur event) from the first speed entry.
state.firstSpeedBlur = false;
// Track the focus on intermediary speeds.
.filter(function (index) {
return index === 1 || index === 2
.on('blur', function () {
state.previousFocus = 'otherSpeed';
speedLinks.last().on('blur', function () {
// The previous focus is a speed entry (we are tabbing forward),
// the dialog will close, set focus on the speed control and
// track the focus on last speed.
if (state.previousFocus === 'otherSpeed') {
state.previousFocus = 'lastSpeed';
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