Commit faeee559 by Sarina Canelake

Fix Instructor Dash UX (LMS-2748)

parent a69e42dd
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class StudentAdmin
unique_student_identifier = @$field_student_select_progress.val()
if not unique_student_identifier
return @$request_response_error_progress.text gettext("Please enter a student email address or username.")
error_message = gettext("Error getting student progress url for '<%= student_id %>'. Check that the student identifier is spelled correctly.")
error_message = gettext("Error getting student progress url for '<%= student_id %>'. Make sure that the student identifier is spelled correctly.")
full_error_message = _.template(error_message, {student_id: unique_student_identifier})
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class StudentAdmin
problem_to_reset: problem_to_reset
delete_module: false
success_message = gettext("Success! Problem attempts reset for problem '<%= problem_id %>' and student '<%= student_id %>'.")
error_message = gettext("Error resetting problem attempts for problem '<%= problem_id %>' and student '<%= student_id %>'. Check that the problem and student identifiers are spelled correctly.")
error_message = gettext("Error resetting problem attempts for problem '<%= problem_id %>' and student '<%= student_id %>'. Make sure that the problem and student identifiers are complete and correct.")
full_success_message = _.template(success_message, {problem_id: problem_to_reset, student_id: unique_student_identifier})
full_error_message = _.template(error_message, {problem_id: problem_to_reset, student_id: unique_student_identifier})
......@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ class StudentAdmin
unique_student_identifier: unique_student_identifier
problem_to_reset: problem_to_reset
delete_module: true
error_message = gettext("Error deleting student '<%= student_id %>'s state on problem '<%= problem_id %>'. Check that the problem and student identifiers are spelled correctly.")
error_message = gettext("Error deleting student '<%= student_id %>'s state on problem '<%= problem_id %>'. Make sure that the problem and student identifiers are complete and correct.")
full_error_message = _.template(error_message, {student_id: unique_student_identifier, problem_id: problem_to_reset})
......@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ class StudentAdmin
problem_to_reset: problem_to_reset
success_message = gettext("Started rescore problem task for problem '<%= problem_id %>' and student '<%= student_id %>'. Click the 'Show Background Task History for Student' button to see the status of the task.")
full_success_message = _.template(success_message, {student_id: unique_student_identifier, problem_id: problem_to_reset})
error_message = gettext("Error starting a task to rescore problem '<%= problem_id %>' for student '<%= student_id %>'. Check that the problem and student identifiers are spelled correctly.")
error_message = gettext("Error starting a task to rescore problem '<%= problem_id %>' for student '<%= student_id %>'. Make sure that the the problem and student identifiers are complete and correct.")
full_error_message = _.template(error_message, {student_id: unique_student_identifier, problem_id: problem_to_reset})
......@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ class StudentAdmin
send_data =
unique_student_identifier: unique_student_identifier
problem_location_str: problem_to_reset
error_message = gettext("Error getting task history for problem '<%= problem_id %>' and student '<%= student_id %>'. Check that the problem and student identifiers are spelled correctly.")
error_message = gettext("Error getting task history for problem '<%= problem_id %>' and student '<%= student_id %>'. Make sure that the problem and student identifiers are complete and correct.")
full_error_message = _.template(error_message, {student_id: unique_student_identifier, problem_id: problem_to_reset})
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ class StudentAdmin
problem_to_reset: problem_to_reset
success_message = gettext("Successfully started task to reset attempts for problem '<%= problem_id %>'. Click the 'Show Background Task History for Problem' button to see the status of the task.")
full_success_message = _.template(success_message, {problem_id: problem_to_reset})
error_message = gettext("Error starting a task to reset attempts for all students on problem '<%= problem_id %>'. Check that the problem identifier is spelled correctly.")
error_message = gettext("Error starting a task to reset attempts for all students on problem '<%= problem_id %>'. Make sure that the problem identifier is complete and correct.")
full_error_message = _.template(error_message, {problem_id: problem_to_reset})
......@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ class StudentAdmin
problem_to_reset: problem_to_reset
success_message = gettext("Successfully started task to rescore problem '<%= problem_id %>' for all students. Click the 'Show Background Task History for Problem' button to see the status of the task.")
full_success_message = _.template(success_message, {problem_id: problem_to_reset})
error_message = gettext("Error starting a task to rescore problem '<%= problem_id %>'. Check that the problem identifier is spelled correctly.")
error_message = gettext("Error starting a task to rescore problem '<%= problem_id %>'. Make sure that the problem identifier is complete and correct.")
full_error_message = _.template(error_message, {problem_id: problem_to_reset})
......@@ -270,14 +270,12 @@ function goto( mode)
<H2>${_("Course-specific grade adjustment")}</h2>
${_("Specify a particular problem in the course here by its location:")}
${_("Specify a problem in the course here with its complete location:")}
<input type="text" name="problem_for_all_students" size="60">
${_("You should provide the full location of a problem. A location will look like this: {location}").format(
## Translators: A location (string of text) follows this sentence.
<p>${_("You must provide the complete location of the problem. In the Staff Debug viewer, the location looks like this:")}<br/>
${_("Then select an action:")}
<input type="submit" name="action" value="Reset ALL students' attempts">
......@@ -303,14 +301,12 @@ function goto( mode)
<input type="submit" name="action" value="Get link to student's progress page">
${_("Specify a particular problem in the course here by its location:")}
${_("Specify a problem in the course here with its complete location:")}
<input type="text" name="problem_for_student" size="60">
${_("You should provide the full location of a problem. A location will look like this: {location}").format(
## Translators: A location (string of text) follows this sentence.
<p>${_("You must provide the complete location of the problem. In the Staff Debug viewer, the location looks like this:")}<br/>
${_("Then select an action:")}
......@@ -45,15 +45,13 @@
<p> ${_('Specify a particular problem in the course here by its location:')}
<p> ${_("Specify a problem in the course here with its complete location:")}
<input type="text" name="problem-select-single" placeholder="${_("Problem location")}">
${_("You should provide the full location of a problem. A location will look like this: {location}").format(
## Translators: A location (string of text) follows this sentence.
<p>${_("You must provide the complete location of the problem. In the Staff Debug viewer, the location looks like this:")}<br/>
${_("Next, select an action to perform for the given user and problem:")}
......@@ -93,14 +91,12 @@
<div class="request-response-error"></div>
${_("Specify a particular problem in the course here by its location:")}
${_("Specify a problem in the course here with its complete location:")}
<input type="text" name="problem-select-all" size="60" placeholder="${_("Problem location")}">
${_("You should provide the full location of a problem. A location will look like this: {location}").format(
## Translators: A location (string of text) follows this sentence.
<p>${_("You must provide the complete location of the problem. In the Staff Debug viewer, the location looks like this:")}<br/>
${_("Then select an action")}:
<input type="button" class="molly-guard" name="reset-attempts-all" value="${_("Reset ALL students' attempts")}" data-endpoint="${ section_data['reset_student_attempts_url'] }">
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