Commit fae5a5ff by Carlos Andrés Rocha

Merge pull request #1289 from rocha/dump-course-command

Export course command
parents 7ed8a3b8 f7ff8f8b
Script for dumping course dumping the course structure
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from xmodule.course_module import CourseDescriptor
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from json import dumps
from xmodule.modulestore.inheritance import own_metadata
from django.conf import settings
filter_list = ['xml_attributes', 'checklists']
class Command(BaseCommand):
The Django command for dumping course structure
help = '''Write out to stdout a structural and metadata information about a course in a flat dictionary serialized
in a JSON format. This can be used for analytics.'''
def handle(self, *args, **options):
"Execute the command"
if len(args) < 2 or len(args) > 3:
raise CommandError("dump_course_structure requires two or more arguments: <location> <outfile> |<db>|")
course_id = args[0]
outfile = args[1]
# use a user-specified database name, if present
# this is useful for doing dumps from databases restored from prod backups
if len(args) == 3:
settings.MODULESTORE['direct']['OPTIONS']['db'] = args[2]
loc = CourseDescriptor.id_to_location(course_id)
store = modulestore()
course = None
course = store.get_item(loc, depth=4)
print('Could not find course at {0}'.format(course_id))
info = {}
def dump_into_dict(module, info):
filtered_metadata = dict((key, value) for key, value in own_metadata(module).iteritems()
if key not in filter_list)
info[module.location.url()] = {
'category': module.location.category,
'children': module.children if hasattr(module, 'children') else [],
'metadata': filtered_metadata
for child in module.get_children():
dump_into_dict(child, info)
dump_into_dict(course, info)
with open(outfile, 'w') as f:
......@@ -1273,6 +1273,47 @@ class ContentStoreToyCourseTest(ModuleStoreTestCase):
# export out to a tempdir
export_to_xml(module_store, content_store, location, root_dir, 'test_export')
def test_export_course_without_content_store(self):
module_store = modulestore('direct')
content_store = contentstore()
# Create toy course
import_from_xml(module_store, 'common/test/data/', ['toy'])
location = CourseDescriptor.id_to_location('edX/toy/2012_Fall')
# Add a sequence
stub_location = Location(['i4x', 'edX', 'toy', 'sequential', 'vertical_sequential'])
sequential = module_store.get_item(stub_location)
module_store.update_children(sequential.location, sequential.children)
# Get course and export it without a content_store
course = module_store.get_item(location)
root_dir = path(mkdtemp_clean())
print 'Exporting to tempdir = {0}'.format(root_dir)
export_to_xml(module_store, None, location, root_dir, 'test_export_no_content_store')
# Delete the course from module store and reimport it
delete_course(module_store, content_store, location, commit=True)
module_store, root_dir, ['test_export_no_content_store'],
# Verify reimported course
items = module_store.get_items(stub_location)
self.assertEqual(len(items), 1)
class ContentStoreTest(ModuleStoreTestCase):
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ def export_to_xml(modulestore, contentstore, course_location, root_dir, course_d
Export all modules from `modulestore` and content from `contentstore` as xml to `root_dir`.
`modulestore`: A `ModuleStore` object that is the source of the modules to export
`contentstore`: A `ContentStore` object that is the source of the content to export
`contentstore`: A `ContentStore` object that is the source of the content to export, can be None
`course_location`: The `Location` of the `CourseModuleDescriptor` to export
`root_dir`: The directory to write the exported xml to
`course_dir`: The name of the directory inside `root_dir` to write the course content to
......@@ -46,7 +46,12 @@ def export_to_xml(modulestore, contentstore, course_location, root_dir, course_d
alongside the public content in the course.
course = modulestore.get_item(course_location)
# we use get_instance instead of get_item to support modulestores
# that can't guarantee that definitions are unique
course = modulestore.get_instance(
fs = OSFS(root_dir)
export_fs = fs.makeopendir(course_dir)
......@@ -55,13 +60,14 @@ def export_to_xml(modulestore, contentstore, course_location, root_dir, course_d
with'course.xml', 'w') as course_xml:
policies_dir = export_fs.makeopendir('policies')
# export the static assets
root_dir + '/' + course_dir + '/static/',
root_dir + '/' + course_dir + '/policies/assets.json',
policies_dir = export_fs.makeopendir('policies')
if contentstore:
root_dir + '/' + course_dir + '/static/',
root_dir + '/' + course_dir + '/policies/assets.json',
# export the static tabs
export_extra_content(export_fs, modulestore, course_location, 'static_tab', 'tabs', '.html')
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
from optparse import make_option
from textwrap import dedent
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
class Command(BaseCommand):
Simple command to dump the course_ids available to the lms.
help = dedent(__doc__).strip()
option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
help='Name of the modulestore to use'),
def handle(self, *args, **options):
output = []
name = options['modulestore']
store = modulestore(name)
except KeyError:
raise CommandError("Unknown modulestore {}".format(name))
for course in store.get_courses():
course_id = course.location.course_id
return '\n'.join(output) + '\n'
A Django command that dumps the structure of a course as a JSON object.
The resulting JSON object has one entry for each module in the course:
"$module_url": {
"category": "$module_category",
"children": [$module_children_urls... ],
"metadata": {$module_metadata}
"$module_url": ....
import json
from optparse import make_option
from textwrap import dedent
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from xmodule.modulestore.inheritance import own_metadata
FILTER_LIST = ['xml_attributes', 'checklists']
class Command(BaseCommand):
Write out to stdout a structural and metadata information for a
course as a JSON object
args = "<course_id>"
help = dedent(__doc__).strip()
option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
help='Name of the modulestore'),
def handle(self, *args, **options):
if len(args) != 1:
raise CommandError("course_id not specified")
# Get the modulestore
name = options['modulestore']
store = modulestore(name)
except KeyError:
raise CommandError("Unknown modulestore {}".format(name))
# Get the course data
course_id = args[0]
course = store.get_course(course_id)
if course is None:
raise CommandError("Invalid course_id")
# Convert course data to dictionary and dump it as JSON to stdout
info = dump_module(course)
return json.dumps(info, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
def dump_module(module, destination=None):
Add the module and all its children to the destination dictionary in
as a flat structure.
destination = destination if destination else {}
items = own_metadata(module).iteritems()
filtered_metadata = {k: v for k, v in items if k not in FILTER_LIST}
destination[module.location.url()] = {
'category': module.location.category,
'children': module.children if hasattr(module, 'children') else [],
'metadata': filtered_metadata
for child in module.get_children():
dump_module(child, destination)
return destination
A Django command that exports a course to a tar.gz file.
import shutil
import tarfile
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from textwrap import dedent
from path import path
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from xmodule.contentstore.django import contentstore
from xmodule.modulestore.xml_exporter import export_to_xml
class Command(BaseCommand):
Export a course to XML. The output is compressed as a tar.gz file
args = "<course_id> <output_filename>"
help = dedent(__doc__).strip()
def handle(self, *args, **options):
course_id = args[0]
filename = args[1]
except IndexError:
raise CommandError("Insufficient arguments")
export_course_to_tarfile(course_id, filename)
def export_course_to_tarfile(course_id, filename):
"""Exports a course into a tar.gz file"""
tmp_dir = mkdtemp()
course_dir = export_course_to_directory(course_id, tmp_dir)
compress_directory(course_dir, filename)
def export_course_to_directory(course_id, root_dir):
"""Export course into a directory"""
store = modulestore()
course = store.get_course(course_id)
if course is None:
raise CommandError("Invalid course_id")
course_name = course.location.course_id.replace('/', '-')
export_to_xml(store, None, course.location, root_dir, course_name)
course_dir = path(root_dir) / course_name
return course_dir
def compress_directory(directory, filename):
"""Compress a directrory into a tar.gz file"""
mode = 'w:gz'
name = path(directory).name
with, mode) as tar_file:
tar_file.add(directory, arcname=name)
"""Tests for Django management commands"""
import json
import shutil
from StringIO import StringIO
import tarfile
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from path import path
from import call_command
from django.test.utils import override_settings
from courseware.tests.tests import TEST_DATA_MONGO_MODULESTORE
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import ModuleStoreTestCase
from xmodule.modulestore.xml_importer import import_from_xml
DATA_DIR = 'common/test/data/'
class CommandTestCase(ModuleStoreTestCase):
"""Parent class with helpers for testing management commands"""
def load_courses(self):
"""Load test courses and return list of ids"""
store = modulestore()
import_from_xml(store, DATA_DIR, ['toy', 'simple'])
return [ for course in store.get_courses()]
def call_command(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
"""Call management command and return output"""
out = StringIO() # To Capture the output of the command
call_command(name, *args, stdout=out, **kwargs)
class CommandsTestCase(CommandTestCase):
"""Test case for management commands"""
def setUp(self):
self.loaded_courses = self.load_courses()
def test_dump_course_ids(self):
kwargs = {'modulestore': 'default'}
output = self.call_command('dump_course_ids', **kwargs)
dumped_courses = output.strip().split('\n')
self.assertEqual(self.loaded_courses, dumped_courses)
def test_dump_course_structure(self):
dumped_courses = self.call_command('dump_course_ids').split('\n')
self.assertEqual(self.loaded_courses, dumped_courses)
def test_dump_course_structure(self):
args = ['edX/simple/2012_Fall']
kwargs = {'modulestore': 'default'}
output = self.call_command('dump_course_structure', *args, **kwargs)
dump = json.loads(output)
# Check a few elements in the course dump
parent_id = 'i4x://edX/simple/chapter/Overview'
self.assertEqual(dump[parent_id]['category'], 'chapter')
self.assertEqual(len(dump[parent_id]['children']), 3)
child_id = dump[parent_id]['children'][1]
self.assertEqual(dump[child_id]['category'], 'videosequence')
self.assertEqual(len(dump[child_id]['children']), 2)
video_id = 'i4x://edX/simple/video/Welcome'
self.assertEqual(dump[video_id]['category'], 'video')
self.assertEqual(len(dump[video_id]['metadata']), 4)
self.assertIn('youtube_id_1_0', dump[video_id]['metadata'])
# Check if there is the right number of elements
self.assertEqual(len(dump), 16)
def test_export_course(self):
tmp_dir = path(mkdtemp())
filename = tmp_dir / 'test.tar.gz'
with as tar_file:
def run_export_course(self, filename): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
args = ['edX/simple/2012_Fall', filename]
kwargs = {'modulestore': 'default'}
self.call_command('export_course', *args, **kwargs)
def check_export_file(self, tar_file): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
names = tar_file.getnames()
# Check if some of the files are present.
# The rest is of the code should be covered by the tests for
# xmodule.modulestore.xml_exporter, used by the dump_course command
assert_in = self.assertIn
assert_in('edX-simple-2012_Fall', names)
assert_in('edX-simple-2012_Fall/policies/2012_Fall/policy.json', names)
assert_in('edX-simple-2012_Fall/html/toylab.html', names)
assert_in('edX-simple-2012_Fall/videosequence/A_simple_sequence.xml', names)
assert_in('edX-simple-2012_Fall/sequential/Lecture_2.xml', names)
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