Commit f8da90e5 by Peter Fogg

Merge pull request #9667 from edx/peter-fogg/join-team-redirect

Fix redirecting to topics page after joining a team.
parents 04714d0d 146078e2
......@@ -23,6 +23,10 @@ CREATE_TEAM_LINK_CSS = '.create-team'
class TeamCardsMixin(object):
"""Provides common operations on the team card component."""
def view_first_team(self):
"""Click the 'view' button of the first team card on the page."""
def team_cards(self):
"""Get all the team cards on the page."""
......@@ -1550,7 +1550,9 @@ class TeamPageTest(TeamsTabBase):
And if I switch to "My Team", the team I have joined is displayed
teams_page = BrowseTeamsPage(self.browser, self.course_id, self.topic)
expected_events = [
......@@ -1567,7 +1569,7 @@ class TeamPageTest(TeamsTabBase):
self.assert_team_details(num_members=1, is_member=True)
# Verify that if one switches to "My Team" without reloading the page, the newly created team is shown.
# Verify that if one switches to "My Team" without reloading the page, the newly joined team is shown.
......@@ -107,6 +107,17 @@ define([
AjaxHelpers.respondWithError(requests, 500);
expectError(teamsTabView, "Your request could not be completed due to a server problem. Reload the page and try again. If the issue persists, click the Help tab to report the problem.");
it('does not navigate to the topics page when syncing its collection if not on the search page', function () {
var teamsTabView = createTeamsTabView(),
collection = TeamSpecHelpers.createMockTeams();
collection: collection,
topic: TeamSpecHelpers.createMockTopic()
spyOn(Backbone.history, 'navigate');
......@@ -248,6 +259,12 @@ define([
// Perform a search
// Note: this is a bit of a hack -- without it the URL
// fragment won't be what it would be in the real
// app. This line sets the fragment without triggering
// callbacks, allowing teams_tab.js to detect the
// fragment correctly.
Backbone.history.navigate('topics/' + TeamSpecHelpers.testTopicID + '/search', {trigger: false});
AjaxHelpers.respondWithJson(requests, {});
// Clear the search and submit it again
......@@ -322,15 +322,18 @@
title: options.title,
description: options.description,
breadcrumbs: options.breadcrumbs
searchUrl = 'topics/' + topic.get('id') + '/search';
// Listen to requests to sync the collection and redirect it as follows:
// 1. If the collection includes a search, show the search results page
// 2. If not, then show the regular topic teams page
// 2. If we're already on the search page, show the regular
// topic teams page.
// 3. Otherwise, do nothing and remain on the current page.
// Note: Backbone makes this a no-op if redirecting to the current page.
this.listenTo(collection, 'sync', function() {
if (collection.searchString) {
Backbone.history.navigate('topics/' + topic.get('id') + '/search', {trigger: true});
} else {
Backbone.history.navigate(searchUrl, {trigger: true});
} else if (Backbone.history.getFragment() === searchUrl) {
Backbone.history.navigate('topics/' + topic.get('id'), {trigger: true});
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