<buttondata-endpoint="${reverse('generate_user_cert', args=[unicode(course.id)])}"id="btn_generate_cert">${_('Create Your Certificate')}</button>
%if show_generate_cert_btn:
<divclass="wrapper-msg wrapper-auto-cert">
%if passed:
% if is_downloadable and download_url:
<h2class="title">${_("Your certificate is available")}</h2>
<pclass="copy">${_("You can now download your certificate as a PDF. If you keep working and receive a higher grade, you can request an updated certificate.")}</p>
<aclass="btn"href="${download_url}"target="_blank"title="${_('PDF will open in a new browser window or tab.')}">
${_("Download Your Certificate")}
%elif is_generating:
<h2class="title">${_("We're working on it...")}</h2>
<pclass="copy">${_("We're creating your certificate. You can keep working in your courses and a link to it will appear here and on your Dashboard when it is ready.")}</p>
<h2class="title">${_("Congratulations, you qualified for a certificate!")}</h2>
<pclass="copy">${_("You can keep working for a higher grade, or request your certificate now.")}</p>