Commit f8c72784 by Don Mitchell

Follow patterns

Move init to top of class
Change asserts to more meaningful exception types
Refactor hard-to-read fn
parent 759a8534
......@@ -114,6 +114,30 @@ class CourseLocator(Locator):
course_id = None
branch = None
def __init__(self, url=None, version_guid=None, course_id=None, branch=None):
Construct a CourseLocator
Caller may provide url (but no other parameters).
Caller may provide version_guid (but no other parameters).
Caller may provide course_id (optionally provide branch).
Resulting CourseLocator will have either a version_guid property
or a course_id (with optional branch) property, or both.
version_guid must be an instance of bson.objectid.ObjectId or None
url, course_id, and branch must be strings or None
self._validate_args(url, version_guid, course_id)
if url:
if version_guid:
if course_id or branch:
self.init_from_course_id(course_id, branch)
assert self.version_guid or self.course_id, \
"Either version_guid or course_id should be set."
def __unicode__(self):
Return a string representing this location.
......@@ -135,18 +159,13 @@ class CourseLocator(Locator):
return 'edx://' + unicode(self)
# -- unused args which are used via inspect
# pylint: disable= W0613
def validate_args(self, url, version_guid, course_id, branch):
def _validate_args(self, url, version_guid, course_id):
Validate provided arguments.
Validate provided arguments. Internal use only which is why it checks for each
arg and doesn't use keyword
need_oneof = set(('url', 'version_guid', 'course_id'))
args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(inspect.currentframe())
provided_args = [a for a in args if a != 'self' and values[a] is not None]
if len(need_oneof.intersection(provided_args)) == 0:
raise InsufficientSpecificationError("Must provide one of these args: %s " %
if not any((url, version_guid, course_id)):
raise InsufficientSpecificationError("Must provide one of url, version_guid, course_id")
def is_fully_specified(self):
......@@ -154,8 +173,8 @@ class CourseLocator(Locator):
are specified.
This should always return True, since this should be validated in the constructor.
return self.version_guid is not None \
or (self.course_id is not None and self.branch is not None)
return (self.version_guid is not None or
(self.course_id is not None and self.branch is not None))
def set_course_id(self, new):
......@@ -189,30 +208,6 @@ class CourseLocator(Locator):
def __init__(self, url=None, version_guid=None, course_id=None, branch=None):
Construct a CourseLocator
Caller may provide url (but no other parameters).
Caller may provide version_guid (but no other parameters).
Caller may provide course_id (optionally provide branch).
Resulting CourseLocator will have either a version_guid property
or a course_id (with optional branch) property, or both.
version_guid must be an instance of bson.objectid.ObjectId or None
url, course_id, and branch must be strings or None
self.validate_args(url, version_guid, course_id, branch)
if url:
if version_guid:
if course_id or branch:
self.init_from_course_id(course_id, branch)
assert self.version_guid or self.course_id, \
"Either version_guid or course_id should be set."
def as_object_id(cls, value):
......@@ -233,9 +228,11 @@ class CourseLocator(Locator):
if isinstance(url, Locator):
url = url.url()
assert isinstance(url, basestring), '%s is not an instance of basestring' % url
if not isinstance(url, basestring):
raise TypeError('%s is not an instance of basestring' % url)
parse = parse_url(url)
assert parse, 'Could not parse "%s" as a url' % url
if not parse:
raise ValueError('Could not parse "%s" as a url' % url)
parse, 'version_guid', lambda (new_guid): self.set_version_guid(self.as_object_id(new_guid))
......@@ -250,13 +247,13 @@ class CourseLocator(Locator):
version_guid = self.as_object_id(version_guid)
assert isinstance(version_guid, ObjectId), \
'%s is not an instance of ObjectId' % version_guid
if not isinstance(version_guid, ObjectId):
raise TypeError('%s is not an instance of ObjectId' % version_guid)
def init_from_course_id(self, course_id, explicit_branch=None):
Course_id is a string like 'mit.eecs.6002x' or 'mit.eecs.6002x/branch/published'.
Course_id is a CourseLocator or a string like 'mit.eecs.6002x' or 'mit.eecs.6002x/branch/published'.
Revision (optional) is a string like 'published'.
It may be provided explicitly (explicit_branch) or embedded into course_id.
......@@ -270,10 +267,12 @@ class CourseLocator(Locator):
if course_id:
if isinstance(course_id, CourseLocator):
course_id = course_id.course_id
assert course_id, "%s does not have a valid course_id"
if not course_id:
raise ValueError("%s does not have a valid course_id" % course_id)
parse = parse_course_id(course_id)
assert parse, 'Could not parse "%s" as a course_id' % course_id
if not parse:
raise ValueError('Could not parse "%s" as a course_id' % course_id)
rev = parse['branch']
if rev:
......@@ -348,7 +347,7 @@ class BlockUsageLocator(CourseLocator):
url, course_id, branch, and usage_id must be strings or None
self.validate_args(url, version_guid, course_id, branch)
self._validate_args(url, version_guid, course_id)
if url:
if course_id:
......@@ -398,7 +397,8 @@ class BlockUsageLocator(CourseLocator):
parse = parse_block_ref(block_ref)
assert parse, 'Could not parse "%s" as a block_ref' % block_ref
if not parse:
raise ValueError('Could not parse "%s" as a block_ref' % block_ref)
def init_block_ref_from_url(self, url):
......@@ -461,10 +461,10 @@ class VersionTree(object):
:param locator: must be version specific (Course has version_guid or definition had id)
assert isinstance(locator, Locator) and not inspect.isabstract(locator), \
"locator must be a concrete subclass of Locator"
assert locator.version(), \
"locator must be version specific (Course has version_guid or definition had id)"
if not isinstance(locator, Locator) and not inspect.isabstract(locator):
raise TypeError("locator {} must be a concrete subclass of Locator".format(locator))
if not locator.version():
raise ValueError("locator must be version specific (Course has version_guid or definition had id)")
self.locator = locator
if tree_dict is None:
self.children = []
......@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ class LocatorTest(TestCase):
'mit.eecs' + BRANCH_PREFIX + 'this ',
'mit.eecs' + BRANCH_PREFIX + 'th%is ',
self.assertRaises(AssertionError, CourseLocator, course_id=bad_id)
self.assertRaises(AssertionError, CourseLocator, url='edx://' + bad_id)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, CourseLocator, course_id=bad_id)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, CourseLocator, url='edx://' + bad_id)
def test_course_constructor_bad_url(self):
for bad_url in ('edx://',
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class LocatorTest(TestCase):
self.assertRaises(AssertionError, CourseLocator, url=bad_url)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, CourseLocator, url=bad_url)
def test_course_constructor_redundant_001(self):
testurn = 'mit.eecs.6002x'
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